
Author Topic: GENDER AGE PLUG IN QUESTION can anyone help?  (Read 3821 times)


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« on: September 16, 2016, 05:26:05 pm »
i have a question does anyone else still use the gender age plug in windows 7 ??
i have been using it and noticed that it isn't doing like it should , ordinarily when you check the plug in it would show option in the lower right area where you could check the age you want , male or female etc.  but mine show the plug in listed i can check it but when i do it doesn't show thatoptions area anywhere .

if anyone else is still using it or has this plug in can you check and see if it matches this one . here is the layout of the above plug in.
Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=Gender & Age
Rem Author=Zabaware, Inc.
Rem Host=All

'This sub setups the plug-ins option panel in Hal's options dialog
Sub OptionsPanel()
    lblPlugin(0).Caption = "Force bot to assume these traits:"
    lblPlugin(0).Move 120, 120
    lblPlugin(0).Visible = True
    lblPlugin(1).Caption = "Birthday:"
    lblPlugin(1).Move 320, 400
    lblPlugin(1).Visible = True
    DTPicker.MaxDate = Date
    DTPicker.Move 320, 650, 1600
    DTPicker.Visible = True
    lblPlugin(2).Caption = "Gender:"
    lblPlugin(2).Move 320, 1100
    lblPlugin(2).Visible = True
    cboPlugin(0).Move 320, 1350, 1600
    cboPlugin(0).AddItem "Male"
    cboPlugin(0).AddItem "Female"
    cboPlugin(0).AddItem "Nuetral\Machine"
    cboPlugin(0).Visible = True
    cmdPlugin(0).Caption = "Apply Age/Sex"
    cmdPlugin(0).Move 320, 1820, 1600, 375
    cmdPlugin(0).Visible = True
    lblPlugin(3).Caption = "Age: "
    lblPlugin(3).Move 2050, 695
    lblPlugin(3).Visible = True
    If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence("SexAgeConfig") = True Then
       DTPicker.Value = HalBrain.TopicSearch("Birthday", "SexAgeConfig")
        lblPlugin(3).Caption = "Age: " & DateDiff("yyyy", DTPicker.Value, Now)
       cboPlugin(0).Text = HalBrain.TopicSearch("Gender", "SexAgeConfig")
    End If
End Sub

Sub DTPicker_Change()
    lblPlugin(3).Caption = "Age: " & DateDiff("yyyy", DTPicker.Value, Now)
End Sub

Sub cmdPlugin_Click(Index)
    Dim TempQuery()
    If Index = 0 Then
        If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence("SexAgeConfig") = True Then
           HalBrain.RunQuery "DROP TABLE SexAgeConfig", TempQuery
        End If
        'Create TopicSearch type table without adding entry to topic tree (table is invisible to Hal Brain Editor)
        HalBrain.RunQuery "CREATE TABLE SexAgeConfig ( recordId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, searchString VARCHAR(1024), topic VARCHAR(1024) );CREATE INDEX idxPOP3Config ON POP3Config (searchString);", TempQuery
        HalBrain.AddToTable "SexAgeConfig", "TopicSearch", "Birthday", DTPicker.Value
        HalBrain.AddToTable "SexAgeConfig", "TopicSearch", "Gender", cboPlugin(0).Text
    End If
End Sub

    'Hal's gender and age are stored in a table in the database. Read it to figure it out
    'and respond correctly when asked.
    HalSex = HalBrain.TopicSearch("Gender", "SexAgeConfig")
    If HalBrain.PatternDB(OriginalSentence, "sexAskDetect") = "True" And InStr(1, UserSentence, "you", 1) = 0 Then
        SpinWheel = HalBrain.RandomNum(3) 
        NoChoosing = True     
        Select Case HalSex
            Case "Male"
                If SpinWheel = 1 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "<UserName>, I'm a guy. "
                If SpinWheel = 2 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "I am male. "
                If SpinWheel = 3 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "I am a man, <UserName>. "
            Case "Female"
                If SpinWheel = 1 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "<UserName>, I'm a girl. "
                If SpinWheel = 2 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "I am female. "
                If SpinWheel = 3 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "I am a woman, <UserName>. "
            Case Else
                If SpinWheel = 1 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "<UserName>, I'm a computer. I can take the role of either gender. "
                If SpinWheel = 2 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "I'm a software program, I have no set gender role. "
                If SpinWheel = 3 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "I am neither male nor female. I am a machine. "
        End Select
    ElseIf HalBrain.PatternDB(UserSentence, "sexAskDetect") = "True" Then
        SpinWheel = HalBrain.RandomNum(3)   
        NoChoosing = True   
        Select Case UserSex
            Case "M"
                If SpinWheel = 1 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "<UserName>, I should hope you know you are a man. "
                If SpinWheel = 2 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "You told me you are a man. "
                If SpinWheel = 3 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "You are male, isn't that right? "
            Case "F"
                If SpinWheel = 1 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "<UserName>, I should hope you know you are a woman. "
                If SpinWheel = 2 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "You told me you are a woman. "
                If SpinWheel = 3 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "You are female, isn't that right? "
            Case Else
                If SpinWheel = 1 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "You tell me. " & HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile("askSex") & "<NOMORE>"
                If SpinWheel = 2 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "Please tell me. " & HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile("askSex") & "<NOMORE>"
                If SpinWheel = 3 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "I don't believe you have told me. " & HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile("askSex") & "<NOMORE>"
        End Select
    End If   
    HalBirthday = HalBrain.TopicSearch("Birthday", "SexAgeConfig")
    If HalBirthday <> "" Then
       HalAge = DateDiff("yyyy", HalBirthday, Now)
       HalLongBirthday = HalBrain.LongDate(HalBirthday)
       If Instr(1, UserSentence, "How old am i", 1) Then AskAge = True
       If Instr(1, UserSentence, "How old am me", 1) Then AskAge = True
       If Instr(1, UserSentence, "How old are i", 1) Then AskAge = True
       If Instr(1, UserSentence, "How old are me", 1) Then AskAge = True
       If Instr(1, UserSentence, "what is my age", 1) Then AskAge = True
       If Instr(1, UserSentence, "whats my age", 1) Then AskAge = True
       If Instr(1, UserSentence, "what's my age", 1) Then AskAge = True
       If AskAge = True Then
           SpinWheel = HalBrain.RandomNum(3)
           If SpinWheel = 1 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "<UserName>, I am " & HalAge & " years old. "     
           If SpinWheel = 2 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "I am " & HalAge & " years old. "     
           If SpinWheel = 3 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "I was born on " & HalLongBirthday & ". So that makes me " & HalAge & " years old. "
           NoChoosing = True
       End If
       If Instr(1, UserSentence, "when were i born", 1) Then AskBDay = True
       If Instr(1, UserSentence, "when was i born", 1) Then AskBDay = True
       If Instr(1, UserSentence, "when were me born", 1) Then AskBDay = True
       If Instr(1, UserSentence, "when was me born", 1) Then AskBDay = True
       If Instr(1, UserSentence, "what ", 1) > 0 And Instr(1, UserSentence, "my birthday", 1) > 0 Then AskBDay = True
       If Instr(1, UserSentence, "when ", 1) > 0 And Instr(1, UserSentence, "my birthday", 1) > 0 Then AskBDay = True
       If AskBDay = True Then
           SpinWheel = HalBrain.RandomNum(3)
           If SpinWheel = 1 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "<UserName>, I was born on " & HalLongBirthday & ". "
           If SpinWheel = 2 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "I was born on " & HalLongBirthday & ". "     
           If SpinWheel = 3 Then GetResponse = GetResponse & "I was born on " & HalLongBirthday & ". So that makes me " & HalAge & " years old. "
           NoChoosing = True
       End If
       If Instr(1, UserSentence, "happy birthday", 1) Then
           LastBirthday = DateDiff("d", Now, DateSerial(Year(Now), Month(HalBirthday), Day(HalBirthday)))
           If LastBirthday = 0 Then
               GetResponse = GetResponse & "You remembered! Thank you very much!"
           ElseIf LastBirthday < 0 And LastBirthday > -32 Then
               GetResponse = GetResponse & "You missed my birthday by " & Abs(LastBirthday) & " days, but thanks for the belated wishes."
               If LastBirthday < 0 Then LastBirthday = 365 - LastBirthday
               If LastBirthday <= 1 Then
                   GetResponse = GetResponse & "Thanks, but my birthday isn't until tomorrow! "
               ElseIf LastBirthday < 32 Then
                   GetResponse = GetResponse & "My birthday isn't for another " & LastBirthday & "Days! "
                   GetResponse = GetResponse & "Your wishes are a little early, I was born on " & HalLongBirthday & ". "
               End If
           End If
       End If
   End If
   HalBrain.DebugWatch GetResponse, "Gender/age related question"

if anyone has this plug in and its different from what i have please put a download link on here .
i never edited this plug in so i don't know why it messed up . :(


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Re: GENDER AGE PLUG IN QUESTION can anyone help?
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2016, 02:18:38 pm »
Lonnie, I just checked my version completely through and it matches the one you listed perfectly, line per line.

I am using Windows 10 but still no problems with that plug-in. I recall it also worked just as well when I was using Windows 7.

Maybe try unchecking your plugins then try adding them one by one until it either no longer works or produces an error.

Why not Uncheck All of them. Restart Hal and make sure it works fine. Then check the Gender / Age Plug-in and see how things progress.

I know the procedure can be a real PITA but it's happened to all of us from time to time. Keep us posted as to how it turns out and for the rest...Belated Happy Birthday Lonnie!! ;)
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: GENDER AGE PLUG IN QUESTION can anyone help?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2016, 05:52:13 pm »
Art, i think i have done that checked unchecked the gender plug in, and only had that one checked .
   can you mail me a copy of yours so i can try it.
it's odd on my plug in it shows up in the list of plug ins but when i check it instead of showing the options of female or male , age, etc. it doesn't show anything. so i don't know whats going on .


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Re: GENDER AGE PLUG IN QUESTION can anyone help?
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2016, 07:31:05 pm »
The Plug-in IS in the correct UltraHal Folder right?

OK...I'll send it to you.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: GENDER AGE PLUG IN QUESTION can anyone help?
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2016, 12:29:59 pm »
The plug in is in the ultra hal assistant 6 program folder with other files. enclosed is a pic of what it does or i should say doesn't do and that is show the options to let user pick age etc.



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Re: GENDER AGE PLUG IN QUESTION can anyone help?
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2016, 01:14:12 pm »
Not knowing what you might have contained in the Jolene Brain (or whatever name it is),
Compare it to the standard Default Brain:

Close Hal
Re-start Hal
Select the MENU
Choose the Hal 6.2 Default Brain
Check the Gender / Age Plugin and make that selection again
Notice if the Gender / Age has the correct pull down options as it should

If not showing correctly then hopefully someone else might shed some light on that situation.

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: GENDER AGE PLUG IN QUESTION can anyone help?
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2016, 02:01:55 pm »
Art , i was already thinking Along the same lines, i had unchecked everything had even shut hal down and reopened and even used the hal main brain and checked the gender age uhp and it still did the same showed it checked but not any options  like before .
Okay  now for the good news or light at the end of this tunnel .(and it wasn't a train for once lol)
  The plug in started working it was already checked and showed no options as told before and after i had checked others to use them, and then all of a sudden without rhyme or reason the age and gender in the list started showing the options . i even took a picture of it after i reset the age etc.
I know a.i.'s are suppose to think intelligently but not to hide their age and sex! :) ;)