Author Topic: Does Ultrahal Speech Recognition Work With Dragon NS, Yes, but Sudden Errors!  (Read 9115 times)


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I just wanted to post what I found so far in case anyone else has any of the same problems. I have spent hours trying to solve some of these problems and don’t want anyone else to have to do the same, at least for the couple of things I have learned. The other problems/and or solutions I will post separately.

In this case I found one answer thanks to this Forum, but then began to encounter an error and crashes I had not seen before, so I am also looking to find some help with that.

I am actually re-posting a question I had, but thank you so much  to Lightspeed's answer, I was ecstatic to find out, YES, Ultrahal does work with Dragon Naturally Speaking. For anyone who wanted to know how to do this if you do have DNS installed, Lightspeed said to  go into Ultrahal's options/Speech, and then use the SR Engine settings to select the Dragon for the Speech engine for Recognition.  So easy!

Yes Ultrahal works with Dragon naturally speaking, and I have v11. But note, you may start to have some errors and crashes. Maybe someone else here might have some insight or some help for this issue. If so, please let me know. I am getting this error when I am using speech recognition with dragon Naturally Speaking v11, “Runtime error '430' class does not support Automation or does not support expected.” And then Hal crashes or the Microphone turns off and then crashes.


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Forgot to mention, I am still working on Windows XP SP2, I don't know if that could be part of the issue I am having.


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 ;D I also use DNS to speak to my Hal Because my typing errors are worse than DNS does on occasion. As for your problem I'm unsure how to help you because I have v12. Also I am still new to ultra Hal and not so technically inclined.

 I have not been using DNS through Hal like you mentioned, instead I use Dragon like other documents with Dragon by just having Hal's window selected then speaking and pressing enter when I'm done. This method works best for me, Maybe this'll help you I hope.

I haven't come across Hal crashing using this method and it makes it a breeze to edit without the time constraint. What I have noticed that like Hal Dragon uses a lot of resources (Processing), maybe the issue is around that.

 I understand I'm not answering your question directly, but I thought giving some ideas might help you out.

 :) Good luck!!



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Hi Arkright,

Thank you for taking the time for your input. I appreciate it. newbie or not, it is nice for anyone to give their input and experience to try to help. Maybe because we are new, we newbies are seeking answers, maybe we might find some.  I will try your method. I am also really wondering because of your input if an upgrade to v12 might help. 


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Hi Arkright,

Thank you for taking the time for your input. I appreciate it. newbie or not, it is nice for anyone to give their input and experience to try to help. Maybe because we are new, we newbies are seeking answers, maybe we might find some.  I will try your method. I am also really wondering because of your input if an upgrade to v12 might help. 

Let me know if the method I suggested earlier working better for you.

Before I got DragonV12-premium, I had V11-home at that time I was using ultra Hal version 5 and haven't had the problem that you had, only because I didn't use Dragon through Hal like you were trying probably because I had the same problem.

I always just dictated and pressed enter when I was done like a regular document.

Thank you for your appreciation and hopefully we can get these forums more active and productive.


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This is just my two-cents. One of the Hero members may be best to hear from on this type issue.

Not sure if the issue is with Dragon or with HAL or with XP SP2 and/or a combination. Also not sure if everything was running fine for a long while and then "this problem" just appeared one day. Like maybe after a Microsoft update was applied??"

Also how much memory does your system have and what CPU do you have? 4GB is good for XP SP2 32 bit, (more is wasted) but, any less and intensive apps like DNS can hog the system down and cause all kinds of errors, freeze ups and crashes all the way up to the dreaded Blue-screen-of-death!

Simple Logic is, IF Dragon works with everything (MS Word, Outlook, Notepad, Internet Explorer), and you only get this error / failure with HAL then it points to that connection as the issue.  However if Dragon fails under other applications then the problem points more to Dragon (and/or your system resources) being the issue.

A search of "“Runtime error '430' class does not support Automation or does not support expected" comes back with a load of Visual Basic error reports. Most along the lines of a missing, corrupted or errant registered DLLs. There are ways to find/fix and re-register a DLL but they are not for a novice.

Easier fixes are full re-installs to get those bad-DLLs properly installed and registered.
-Note- After any re-install, be sure to update the re-installed software before you move to the next re-install.

You could go look for and download the latest VB patch(s) for XP SP2 from Microsoft and give that a go. If the corruption is in a VB DLL  update that just got miss-applied then that could fix you up.

Another is to try reinstalling Dragon (frankly I would give that a go first as it is the easiest of all options) and if that don't work select Move/Deactivate Licence while in HAL from the [File] menu, then uninstall HAL and reinstall it, and then reactivate HAL.

If that don't fix the issue then things get dicey because XP is now officially on Microsoft's dead-OS list.

FYI: We have a DNS line of discussion on this thread: and a few of the "Heros" are participating.

Hope this helps.


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Best suggestion I can give you is get off XP. My opinion that is now time and you will be forced to Update to 7 (8.1) and use the latest release of UltraHal. Doesn't sound like just a UltraHal problem. All of todays changes and updates have a profound effect on your system and your computer especially with older drivers. This may not yet be the sole problem but its worth looking into if your system is older that just aren't supported.

The great thing with UltaHal has been the programs adaptability to newer OS updates and hardware, pretty amazing. Just a thought especially keeping track of the updates lately even for my older systems. Still upgraded the OS for better updating of drivers and have upgraded certain hardware to allow the updates to configure properly. Not everything may make everything faster because of the older Mother Boards but it does squeeze extra juice out of them. The stability of my older systems have still remained unusually good.

Best of luck,


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it seems to be ages ago i had the 430 etc. error but don't remember about what i did to fix it . and it probably was when i had xp os .
 if nothing else type in exactly what error etc. you have with dragon speak and xp in the search box on your internet , i have found out answers many times that way on the internet!
or check out dragon speak forums for answers .
check yahoo answers ( i think that's the name, where you can ask a question and people will answer it. )
p.s. you said you did a search for the answer , was it on here ? two places to check back would be in the general area and in shared conversations and files . if their was previous problems it may be in these area's !
« Last Edit: November 29, 2013, 10:35:37 am by lightspeed »


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Well I have just received my Dragon version 12 and installed it into the computer. I am very surprised that the accuracy of Dragon right out of the box. I did notice that the signal-to-noise ratio which had been given in the past is no longer there. I am still getting used to some of the changes which have been made but so far it seems to be behaving very well. I should mention that during the installation process Dragon automatically updated to version 12.5. Not a correction yet, I did move the speed versus accuracy all the way to the right hand side so accuracy is at its highest level and I would say Dragon still responds very quickly.
Carl 2


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Just curious but did you have no luck with Windows Voice Recognition? This is assuming that you actually tried it.

My Windows 7 VR seems to work quite nicely although I do not normally speak to Hal with it. I prefer to type instead as it tends to be more accurate and I can check what I've typed before pressing the Enter key. (garbage in...garbage out principle).

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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  In my win 7  days I tried the windows VR just to try it, I go back to ver 3 for Dragon.  I'm more familiar with the  commands ect.  I've found it is much easier to use Dragon with Hal, more natural as they say, not sure of my spelling.  I have a collection of Text files I made, about 40 or so  about different topics and I have Dragon read them so it has a good idea of my style of speaking.  I disable the auto input and press enter using dragon also to proof read it before entering.  Dragon is kind of like Hal to me, a good product and I like to support them both.