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Topics - cyberjedi

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Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Hals output to a chat room
« on: November 16, 2016, 07:45:16 am »
This is Hal out put to basically any chat room with minimal coding involved

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ultra hal slaves out all chat rooms
« on: November 15, 2016, 11:51:06 am »
Well hell : after such a Fast response, i can hardly resist.  The Image here you have is  Hal posting to a chat room. The way was done was with a Script (believe it or Not) lol Autoit record key stroke."Bows head in shame"  I also cannibalized another plugin called r2d2 (shout out to him) awesome idea. Takes Hal response and sends it to the clip board. What i did from there was call to my little EXE that grabs the clipboard data and grabs  focus of the input area of the chat window and paste the data, then fire's off a SNDKEYS (enter) command that gets the JOB DONE.  Presto EVERY chat room be comes Hal's Slave. Of course u must patent it to each chat window, I.E Vaughn and Ivlog have 02 different setups. And u must grab focus in different ways . Case in point. This is done with Chatango.

#region --- Au3Recorder generated code Start (v3.3.9.5 KeyboardLayout=00000409)  ---

#region --- Internal functions Au3Recorder Start ---
Func _Au3RecordSetup()
Local $aResult = DllCall('User32.dll', 'int', 'GetKeyboardLayoutNameW', 'wstr', '')
If $aResult[1] <> '00000409' Then
  MsgBox(64, 'Warning', 'Recording has been done under a different Keyboard layout' & @CRLF & '(00000409->' & $aResult[1] & ')')


Func _WinWaitActivate($title,$text,$timeout=0)
   If Not WinActive($title,$text) Then WinActivate($title,$text)

#endregion --- Internal functions Au3Recorder End ---

_WinWaitActivate("cyber jedi talking to Alice","")
_WinWaitActivate("Mozilla Firefox","")
#endregion --- Au3Recorder generated code End ---

To get chat,  from chat room to her can be done in a few ways, all of which are not condoned . Hint (Vector based screen scraper) would just give real bitcoins for a VBS that could do the same, comon fellas , ive done my part.

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