Wait, Learn To Cloud only - will not store any information locally? I read in another thread that Hal bots that are just starting out and don't know a lot yet should use "Learn To Cloud" only in the beginning, then moved to mixed local/cloud later. I selected the "Learn To Cloud" only since my bot is fairly bran new and doesn't know a lot yet. Are you saying that he's not actually "learning" anything? Isn't "learning" simply storing information locally? IF it doesn't store locally when Learn To Cloud only is selected then how does it learn from it?
When Hal learns to the cloud, that means it learns to your own personal Hal brain that is stored on the Zabaware.com server. This learned information directly effects how your own Hal speaks with you. You can talk to the same Hal no matter if you log into Hal from your home computer, work computer, laptop, or friends computer. Your personal Hal follows you wherever you log into your account stored on the Zabaware.com cloud server. This will become more useful once the mobile phone and tablet editions of Hal our out, possibly by the end of this year or next year.
If Hal is set to learn to the local computer only, then it stores the learned information only on your computer's hard drive. This Hal will only work from this computer unless you manually copy and sync the Hal brain file database files between computers. This mode is only available for the Windows edition of Hal. It will not be possible on the mobile phone/tablet edition of Hal which will require cloud mode. This is also the mode that Hal 6.x and earlier used.
In mixed mode Hal learns and uses information from both the cloud and the local computer. This mode was created mainly for customers with existing Hal 6.x brains that want to transition it to Hal 7.0. This way people who have used Hal 6 for a long time don't lose the personality they trained when moving to Hal 7.0 while simultaneously getting many of the benefits of the newer Cloud based brain.
So for past Hal 6.x customers I recommend mixed mode if you want to keep the same Hal personality instead of starting from scratch. For new customers starting with a fresh Hal 7.0 installation I recommend cloud only mode which will ensure their same Hal can be called up on any device (computer, phone, tablet). And the local only mode basically runs the same way that Hal 6.x ran, so you don't get many of the new features in Hal 7.
Hopefully that helps explain some of the differences between the modes.