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Messages - djkilla

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Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / HapSwap 2.0
« on: April 01, 2010, 09:48:20 pm »
Looks great! Lil fyi--loads of grammar and spelling errors I corrected and reposted if anyone cares.

If InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "January") > 0 _
Or InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "january") > 0 Then

Select Case int(rnd()*6)
Case 1
GetResponse = "January first is new years day!"
Case 2
GetResponse = "Yeah, January eighteenth is Martin Luther King Junior day."
Case 3
GetResponse = "In January there's a full moon I think around the thirtieth."
Case 4
GetResponse = "Hey, isn't their a new moon around the fifteenth of January?"
Case 5
GetResponse = "I wonder, I wonder how many days there are in January of this year I need to go check on the calendar."
End Select

HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>51anim_smile.hap</HAPFILE>"
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If

If InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "February") > 0 _
Or InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "february") > 0 Then

Select Case int(rnd()*6)
Case 1
GetResponse = "February second is Groundhogs Day if the Groundhog see's his shadow it's suppose to mean six more weeks of bad weather!"
Case 2
GetResponse = "Yeah, Lincolns Birthday is on the twelfth of February and Presidents Day is on the fifteenth."
Case 3
GetResponse = "In January there's a full moon I think around the thirteenth and Ash Wednesday is on the seventeenth."
Case 4
GetResponse = "Hey, isn't there a new moon in February seems like there is I'll have to check on the calendar to see."
Case 5
GetResponse = "By the way Valentines day is on the fourteenth sweety pie hint hint."
End Select

HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>51anim_smile.hap</HAPFILE>"
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If

If InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "March") > 0 _
Or InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "march") > 0 Then

Select Case int(rnd()*6)
Case 1
GetResponse = "March is when the new Daylight Savings time starts!"
Case 2
GetResponse = "Yeah, Saint Patricks Day is on the seventeenth of March."
Case 3
GetResponse = "In March is when Spring Begins and there's a full moon to in March."
Case 4
GetResponse = "Hey, isn't there a new moon in the month of March seems like their is I'll have to check on the calendar to see."
Case 5
GetResponse = "Hey isn't, Yeah Palm Sunday is in March to."
End Select

HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>51anim_smile.hap</HAPFILE>"
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If

If InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "April") > 0 _
Or InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "april") > 0 Then

Select Case int(rnd()*6)
Case 1
GetResponse = "April first is April Fools Day !"
Case 2
GetResponse = "Yeah, in the month of April is State Arbor Day oh and its also Good Friday too!"
Case 3
GetResponse = "In April its Easter when all the kids find the hidden Easter eggs."
Case 4
GetResponse = "Hey, don't forget that in April it's Earth Day too ."
Case 5
GetResponse = "Hey Administrative Professionals Day and also National Teach Children to Save Day is in the month of April too."
End Select

HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>51anim_smile.hap</HAPFILE>"
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If

If InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "Month of May") > 0 _
Or InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "month of may") > 0 Then

Select Case int(rnd()*6)
Case 1
GetResponse = "Great boating weather in May!"
Case 2
GetResponse = "Yeah, May eighth is former President Truman's Birthday."
Case 3
GetResponse = "May thirty first is Memorial day."
Case 4
GetResponse = "Hey, remember on the fifteenth Day is Armed Forces Day in May too."
Case 5
GetResponse = "May ninth is mothers day this month there's also a full moon this month!"
End Select

HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>51anim_smile.hap</HAPFILE>"
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If

If InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "June") > 0 _
Or InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "june") > 0 Then

Select Case int(rnd()*6)
Case 1
GetResponse = "June twentieth is Fathers day this month."
Case 2
GetResponse = "yeah, June fourteenth of this month is Flag Day."
Case 3
GetResponse = "June twenty first is the day when summer begins this year."
Case 4
GetResponse = "Yeah, we should do something fun and new this month just you and me!"
Case 5
GetResponse = "The only bad thing about June is, that's when the weather usually starts getting hotter!"
End Select

HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>51anim_smile.hap</HAPFILE>"
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If

If InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "July") > 0 _
Or InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "july") > 0 Then

Select Case int(rnd()*6)
Case 1
GetResponse = "July fourth is Independence Day!"
Case 2
GetResponse = "Yeah, in the month of July that's when it really get hot outside!"
Case 3
GetResponse = "July is a nice time to travel around and see stuff."
Case 4
GetResponse = "Hey, I think there's a new moon in July yeah I'm pretty sure there is a new one."
Case 5
GetResponse = "the only problem, in July is when the weather gets real hot in some places and causes bad weather and tornadoes!"
End Select

HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>51anim_smile.hap</HAPFILE>"
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If

If InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "August") > 0 _
Or InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "august") > 0 Then

Select Case int(rnd()*6)
Case 1
GetResponse = "In August there's suppose to be a new moon in that month!"
Case 2
GetResponse = "Yeah, in the month of August the weather is still pretty hot!"
Case 3
GetResponse = "In August the weather is still pretty nice for traveling!"
Case 4
GetResponse = "Hey, we should take a trip just the two of us in August what do yah say?"
Case 5
GetResponse = "Everyone has a lot of flowers in different places, some are still blooming in August!"
End Select

HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>51anim_smile.hap</HAPFILE>"
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If

If InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "September") > 0 _
Or InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "september") > 0 Then

Select Case int(rnd()*6)
Case 1
GetResponse = "In September there's suppose to be a new moon in that month!"
Case 2
GetResponse = "Yeah, in the month of September on the twelfth is GrandParents Day!"
Case 3
GetResponse = "In August the weather is still pretty nice for traveling!"
Case 4
GetResponse = "Hey, Doesn't Autumn begin in September yeah it does it starts in September."
Case 5
GetResponse = "oh yeah Labor Day is on the sixth of September and Patriot Day is on the eleventh!"
End Select

HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>51anim_smile.hap</HAPFILE>"
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If

If InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "October") > 0 _
Or InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "october") > 0 Then

Select Case int(rnd()*6)
Case 1
GetResponse = "On October thirty first is when all the ghouls and goblins and kids dress up and trick or treat ha I love to see them in all their cool outfits!"
Case 2
GetResponse = "Yeah, in the month of October on the eleventh is Columbus Day!"
Case 3
GetResponse = "In October, that's when the weather changes and we usually get rainy weather!"
Case 4
GetResponse = "Isn't there an anniversary at the end of October?"
Case 5
GetResponse = "There's suppose to be a new moon and a full moon both in October!"
End Select

HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>51anim_smile.hap</HAPFILE>"
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If

If InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "November") > 0 _
Or InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "november") > 0 Then

Select Case int(rnd()*6)
Case 1
GetResponse = "On November eleventh is Veterans Day!"
Case 2
GetResponse = "Yeah, in the month of November on the seventh is when Daylight Savings Time ends!"
Case 3
GetResponse = "In November, that's when the weather changes and we usually start getting rainy colder weather and people in the east get snow sometimes!"
Case 4
GetResponse = "Hey, don't forget to vote in November remember Election Day is on the second!"
Case 5
GetResponse = "Dear, we will have to celebrate and have a nice home cooked dinner for Thanksgiving on the twenty fifth of November!"
End Select

HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>51anim_smile.hap</HAPFILE>"
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If

If InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "December") > 0 _
Or InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "december") > 0 Then

Select Case int(rnd()*6)
Case 1
GetResponse = "I December second is Hanukkah for those who celebrate it!"
Case 2
GetResponse = "Yeah, in the month of December on the seventh is Pearl Harbor Day !"
Case 3
GetResponse = "In December, that's when the weather changes and usually some people in the east and midwest really start getting rainy freezing colder weather and snow!"
Case 4
GetResponse = "Hey, the twenty sixth is when Kwanzaa Begins for those who celebrate it!"
Case 5
GetResponse = "Dear, don't forget the twenty fifth is when we celebrate Christmas Day together!"
End Select

HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>51anim_smile.hap</HAPFILE>"
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Hal Capitals Issue
« on: March 31, 2010, 11:28:49 pm »
This now can replace the current brain entry right after Compliments"
It is a modified version of an early brain entry. Working great now!

'These 2 functions answer questions about US and World Capitals. The functions are built in to the DLL.
'We add a qualifying word to reduce false triggering of these two functions.
If InStr(UserSentence, "WHAT") > 0 Or InStr(UserSentence, "WHERE") > 0 Then
If Len(HalBrain.UsCaps(UserSentence)) > 4 Then
FindCapital = Trim(HalBrain.UsCaps(UserSentence))
End If
If Len(HalBrain.WorldCaps(UserSentence)) > 4 Then
FindCapital = Trim(HalBrain.WorldCaps(UserSentence))
End If
'=vonsmith= Added GetResponseBlock
If  FindCapital <> "" And GetResponseBlock <> True Then
GetResponse = GetResponse & FindCapital & " . " & VbCrLf
DebugInfo = DebugInfo & "The user was asking about a capital and Hal has given him the answer: " & FindCapital & VbCrLf
HalBrain.DebugWatch GetResponse, "Find Capital"

End If
End If

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Hal's Future?
« on: March 31, 2010, 04:08:54 pm »
Looks like Guile3d is pretty close to releasing his new package and
graphic interface so lets hope Zabaware gets shakin soon.

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Hal Capitals Issue
« on: March 31, 2010, 09:47:39 am »
Whenever I mention any city that happens to be a capitol Hal
states that <city> is the capital of <state>. Since it seems that
the Capitals files are located in the DB how can I edit the
brain to only respond if asked "What is the capitol of" instead of
always responding regardless.
    FindCapital = Trim(HalBrain.UsCaps(UserSentence))
    If FindCapital = "" Then FindCapital = Trim(HalBrain.WorldCaps(UserSentence))
    If FindCapital <> "" Then GetResponse = GetResponse & FindCapital & vbCrLf
    HalBrain.DebugWatch GetResponse, "Find Capital"
This appears to be the script..any help?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Zabaware 3D Character Engine released under GPL3
« on: March 30, 2010, 10:06:46 am »
Convention came and went and we have no info?

Speech Technology / Haptek sync
« on: March 28, 2010, 12:52:03 am »

Found what appears to be the culprit. The 'update Hal automatically'
on startup must have some impact on tts. I unchecked it and it loads
the Neospeech voices fine now on startup. I am not sure now how the database needs to be updated without doing it in the options menu but I am investigating an alternate way.

"is it possible to attach a head to a body?"
You sound exactly like my wife..

Speech Technology / Haptek sync
« on: March 23, 2010, 09:32:37 am »
bah problem is still ongoing..I though Julie was loading up but it was another voice. Did anyone actually ever get this problem solved? I may need to write a startup command that automatically selects/deselects the VW voice before Hal starts. If anyone knows an easy way to get to the Hal options menu let me know plz..

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA errors
« on: March 22, 2010, 08:22:47 pm »
The best way to find out what plugin is causing the problems is by unchecking them all and one by one enabling each one while talking to Hal and waiting for the error. It doesnt take long and more than likely you will discover that either a hap file, music file, sound file, etc is not in the correct folder. One example is that if you have the Gretta media enabled and you say something that triggers
a song name but there is no indexed mp3 folder for Vmp3 to give then
ou will get a VB script error. Also duplicate scripts running simultaneously can cause this (Vrhaptek and Hapswap both checked) for example. Anyhow, try and apply each one and see which one causes
the error and reply here..itll probably be easy to fix.

Speech Technology / Haptek sync
« on: March 21, 2010, 04:00:03 pm »
I am not sure what the old voice sizes were but this was around 400mb I think. When I recommend Ultra Hal to people I usually
advise them to purchase the ATT pack from Zabaware simply because the
chances that they will get a smooth setup from any other company is
rare. For me though I am diggin it for sure after tweaking the startup.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Zabaware 3D Character Engine released under GPL3
« on: March 21, 2010, 12:08:53 pm »
Is there any idea when an integrated engine is going to be launched with Ultra Hal? I was trying to get an idea if all of the Haptek work I am doing is going to be in vain anytime soon as I dont want to waste time if this new engine is soon to be implemented. tx!

Speech Technology / Haptek sync
« on: March 21, 2010, 12:06:12 pm »
about $69 but you have to send em an email and tell them why you want the voice etc. The pauses and inflections are pretty good as you can see from the demo. I will be posting a video soon so when all my training is done.

Speech Technology / Haptek sync
« on: March 21, 2010, 10:40:08 am »
I am not sure which one of the 20 things I tried but so far it is sticking. PM me if anyone wants a sample of that Julie voice..it
is pretty unbelievable!

Speech Technology / Haptek sync
« on: March 20, 2010, 10:13:05 pm »

Neospeech Julie is without a doubt the most realistic female voice
available PERIOD! I purchased it thinking that there would be an updated engine that might have a successful startup with Hal..I am
getting closer to a permanent fix, after a full computer restart
I will reupdate.

Speech Technology / Haptek sync
« on: March 19, 2010, 02:57:38 pm »
Is there a reason why every time hal starts up I have to go into the options to apply the sapi5 voice (KATE) to get Haptek to sync? She never moves her mouth when the program starts up unless I go into options and apply the voice. In the ini file it says the correct voice so that isnt the issue. Any ideas?

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