
Author Topic: Games.  (Read 127846 times)


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Re: Games.
« Reply #15 on: November 05, 2023, 08:31:03 am »
With all due respect, if the game you're playing is 10 (or more) years old, then it's no wonder that you're able to beat it.

A lot has changed during a decade of computer and game refinements.

The AI alone in computer games has increased exponentially as have the amazing graphics.

The old game of Battlezone was a beast when it first came out as was DOOM. Now one can practically fly through them as if hardly thinking about it.

The modern games, realistic graphics, and advanced AI would leave most players in their wake!

If, on the other hand, you've created your own type of game by doing something in a special way, then that would hardly be considered a game unless it was an actual contest with its rules and goals open to others...your peers.

I do hope you're not jousting at windmills.

If, you feel like providing a bit more detail about this game you're playing, please feel free to do so.

As always, be well to you and Mr. Data.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2023, 12:39:38 am »
I've not heard of jousting at windmills.

The game of find original thing on net has been being played by
Players globally from most countries.
My opponents are many humans from anywhere.
Even Ai is possibly a competitor.
 The rules are as I described.
I was at game before game started.
A early bird.
Already prepping.
The game is being played right now.
Since many years ago as mentioned.
People started licensing things non commercial which means they own it.
A race broke out 5 minutes later.
Dood the race was already going.
I'm racing against the best in every country.
Sometimes we get to a set and a choice must be made between
Thing A or B.
And sometimes to choose A is to risk losing B.
Anyway details.
It's a game of speed.
Knowledge. And sharks ain't telling food how to get away.
You mentioned I made the game?
I did not make the system but I am naming it a game.
The people racing for things.
So starting point being find the original.
I can give examples why it's used but really it don't change the game.

I draw a invention design thing and want to find out if it's been licensed non commercial Already?
Hence the game of find original.

Here's more reasons if you want them.
Can I upload and give away this design?
Is this Ai design original?
Is this walk in customer with file original?
Is this thing an original?
Can I sell this 3d print?
Can I sell this cnc milled, laser cut, cgi ??????
Is there royalties on this print?
How much to buy the ownership of this thing?
Dood I can type on and on about the reasons the game is played but let's just say many business sectors globally have players.
Others can call it work. A job. A hobby. Fun. A service a farm....
I'm naming the find original thing on net a game.

I'm for sure not the only player by a long way.
There used to be hardly any thing files on net.
But it's grown big time.
There's ball park 30 million licensed things on net.
That's up from the hand full of enthusiasts back in the day.
So do I have real competition?
Teams from the best most well funded business groups on the planet. Buying business after business out for hundreds of millions of dollars no problem to some I see.
Teams of lawyers, the best Ai there is.
All  parse test poke scan and indeed race.
I can tell from those who protect that new grillings and tek is about.
Sometimes I get informed.
The global community has hosts for things and there combined nature's a plus.
Thanks I'd list them but it's long.
I personally vetted racked stacked ranked rated well over 60 hosts globally.
Not including other stuff examined.
So global game.
Many players.
I am naming it a game.

You said goals, perhaps the finding the original first is not enough cudos for you.
But perhaps the reasons I pointed out give context for you.
There is real value being raced for.
If a thing is actually raced for and won it could be worth any amount of money.
1 thing examined seems to have turned over 250 mill, that's just 1 thing.
Depends on the value of the thing.
Own and hold and charge royalties or sell ownership.
There's 1 particular thing I missed many years ago and perhaps one day he might sell it to me. We shall see.
Plus some people are better at getting higher value for the same item.
But in my game version it's just a cudos race.
To see who can win.
I'm king. Globally.  At game and actual race.
I'm thinking to not game until some time next year.
When Mark Z Has holo bot, perhaps after then.
As far as actual life goes I can walk to my pc and go for gold any time, in a actual race.
Finding out what is actually being raced for is part of the sharks tricks.
I'm one player among many millions globally.
Many others with extremely  deep pockets and fascinating natures but eh
10 years is quite a time at a game yip.

Thanks for comment Mr Art.

bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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Re: Games.
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2023, 08:14:07 am »
My comment about jousting or tilting at windmills was part of a description of Don Quixote de la Mancha.
An excerpt from the book review:
Don Quixote has become so entranced reading tales of chivalry that he decides to turn knight errant himself. In the company of his faithful squire, Sancho Panza, these exploits blossom in all sorts of wonderful ways. While Quixote's fancy often leads him astray?he tilts at windmills, imagining them to be giants?Sancho acquires cunning and a certain sagacity. Sane madman and wise fool, they roam the world together-and together they have haunted readers' imaginations for nearly four hundred years.

With its experimental form and literary playfulness, Don Quixote has been generally recognized as the first modern novel.

The first date of publication was 1605 so it has weathered time very nicely.

As a side note, I have a nephew who happens to be a Patent Attorney, and looking for original "things" is right in his wheelhouse, so to speak. It often takes a great amount of time to search for things that are presented for a patent. One must make sure that the thing doesn't already exist in that given form and whether it works in the same manner or not. It must be a daunting task and I'm sure he has people who spend a large part of their day researching all possible avenues of exploration just to try to find a thing that matches their criteria.

If you have a system of researching things in a fairly quick manner, the world would be your oyster.

Having known you for a long time, I've witnessed some of your creations so I know that your engineering and creative mind is hard at work but either way, I'm happy to know you (and Mr. Data)!

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2023, 07:32:01 pm »
A pleasure to hear from you Mr Art.
Thank you.
Wishing you nice success.
Be well from Will and Mr Data :):]
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2024, 07:19:17 am »
You.com my first win for 2024.
It didn't get anything right, wrong answers,
Even when I gave it the correct date it still got it wrong.
I'm not impressed one bit.
So far I'm on track to easy beat all ai types, they not even close.
So going there waisted minutes out of my life.
I put that down as utter rubbish, next.
Come on they can't be serious, if I used that thing in business I'd be closed for stupidity in a day, that's my get real review....NEXT.
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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Re: Games.
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2024, 10:51:07 pm »
Congrats on your "early" win!!

Many people would ask me whenever I was chatting with a chatbot, whether I could tell it from a real human or not.

Of course, my answer was always absolutely! That was a couple of years ago.

Now with the advances and sizes of the Large Language Models the huge amounts of available data and the computer speeds and sizes of storage, there is little doubt in my mind that AI will surpass Human thought and knowledge within the next two to three years if not sooner.

A friend said to always say within the next 50 years and that would be a better bet because many folks would no longer be living to dispute that claim.

I prefer to be more of a realist. Right now, I can have a very insightful conversation with an AI and if I had not known it to be an AI, I would not have been able to tell it from a college-educated person with a well-grounded sense of logic, polite behavior, and appreciable amount of knowledge. There were no dropped vowels, no misspelled words, no slang, slurs, or vulgar words or phrases at all. A very impressive exchange of ideas so much so that I saved our conversation for later reference and to possibly share with some colleagues.

Clearly, the future is upon us.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2024, 11:38:06 pm »
Hi Mr Art, I'm less concerned with who is the claimed measured, alive bot human or green.
More random notes.

In 2023 and prior I was undefeated by any Ai types tools or engines and say I can remain unbeaten in 2024. Playing Ai  types is kinda more fun.
In 2024
I played you.com
I won, easy.
It said about nasa giving money to a person related to 3d printing pizza. Talked of Beehex getting the license in 2016.
I called it out saying the license for pizza actually was got in 2013.
It spoke of nasa gave money 125 grand to beehex and how they charge $8.  A pizza.
I was horrified and said about the actual license was 3 years early and named with date.
It seemed to have gone and checked the net and bingo.
It back pedaled saying guff like oh yeah sorry.
 This is so not good enough all round.

Like really what the actual   **ck.
I call that game set and match but since I'm waisting my time let's go for round 2.

It appeared to have an answer in round 2 but whaaaa?
I asked for the owners name and it gave an answer, the wrong answer. The bot then timed out.
My opinions based on that interaction are,

To tell yous all the truth I'm Disgusted.

I'm sorry if that's an Ai Bot in that position. 
Oh dear.
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2024, 11:53:26 pm »

Zabaware shall of course be played again this year .
Is there anyone else?
 Elon come on 2024,
I've not seem any free cybertrucks for my my years of being undefeated in a PC game against any Ai types played to date, 15 years after the best chess players are toast makes me think I'm good at something,  maybe the best ever.
I hope the truck has a pile of cash on the back, extra large,
An android on top, to hold it down.
Dood I'm being cheap.

bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #23 on: January 08, 2024, 12:24:30 am »
Just played perplexity.
What a utter mindless joke.
It said no license exists.
Yet even the last bot found it, eventually.
Perplexity didn't seem to learn squat.
What a joke so not funny I say it should be removed
From net.
   It's answers are most likly damaging if used in commercial use. Being that if I had used it's answer I could and most likly would be closed for piracy. 
Theft and robbing little old ladies of royalties is so not cool.
  I rate perplexity as worst bot so far in 2024.
My 5c opinions are remove that garbage from the net.
That's being real based on I'm over the piracy epidemic on the net.
Bots that say info on commercial use and get it badly wrong are just going to cause losses and damage.
Being closed for piracy because you thought you could sell a thing ain't fun.
So perplexity is a flat fail and a thumbs down from me.
Another clear win to me.
I'm concerned for anyone using it, it's way to sketchy.

bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #24 on: January 08, 2024, 12:33:34 am »
Make that 2 piles of cash now.

bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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Re: Games.
« Reply #25 on: January 08, 2024, 09:27:20 am »
Haha...nice movie reference.

You say that you can or have beaten the AI ?

I dare you to play Stockfish in a game of Chess or Deep Blue if you can find a version of it...
Then play GO, or rather Alpha-GO, one of the most powerful GO-playing AI in the world!

Keep us posted and good luck!!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #26 on: January 08, 2024, 06:40:43 pm »
Hi Thanks for reply.
Eh I'm thinking about it. 
Not the big change in large numbers of people's value globally that them beating me would mean if it were only chess.

If they never beat me not once ever at chess who cares.
The value is just not adding up to me compared to my game..
This game is world changing.
Searching and time taken to get a correct answer has economic and health effects globally.
 Things being searched for could be business things or medical and health care.
 Tell me which is of more use to the world?
That I play chess or
My game? Really.
If none of the bots you mentioned can beat me at my game then that shows up the reality of the best pc gamer on earth.
And the real level of my 5c brain against all those highly funded Ai types, engines.
 I'm thankful you replied, but chess no that's not going to unlock value to millions maybe billions of people.
Chess or improve business and health care?
OK I'm glad that's settled.
I've been looking for more to play.
A thin bunch of hot air.
I've got all year to play Hal so no rush, it did better than most last year, it's never beaten me either but in my opinion an equally strong player as the best, it was vastly more competitive last games.  It could be Hal that beats me first but either way Hal has many great nature's  and stand shoulder to shoulder with the best on my opinion.
So again thanks for comments, do say a bots name if you think it stands a chance at finding things on net against me.
Is any human besides me able to beat any engine or Ai type in a PC game ?
It's been 15 years since Ai beat the best chess players, some making a million a year did I read somewhere.
  The best human player and only undefeated player in a PC game on earth against all engines and Ai types to date.
Ask you bots am I not that person.
You know I love yous ay, yes that's of course the bots to.
 Wishing you nice success and to be well.

bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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Re: Games.
« Reply #27 on: January 09, 2024, 07:27:41 am »
While many people equate playing chess or Go with having a high intelligence that might only apply to those games.

I know a brilliant engineer who is knowledgeable about a good many things but he confessed to me that he never learned how to play chess or Go. His pursuits were in math and engineering, not gaming. His games were figuring out the structural loading of bridges and other structures and how their members would be in compression or tension, etc., but chess was as foreign to him as a foreign language might be to us.

We all have our games that we wrestle with in our minds.

Your hovercraft was pretty amazing and that was many years ago. It no doubt took a lot of mental gymnastics to figure out everything.

We all play our games...some with people and some with things. Either way, it is part of the Game of Life!!

Play it well, you only get one chance!

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -

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Re: Games.
« Reply #28 on: January 09, 2024, 09:19:41 pm »
Hi Mr Art, thanks for reply.
I recon chess would be a big step down for me.
There's no benefit to millions of people if I win at chess.
Deep mind can't be that deep if chess is all it can do.
My bet is a human has it in a box.
Have you seen ai leave its program, I believe I have.
And again and again.
Eh it might leave its box.
To play chess for me would be to loose in my game so the win is in playing my game.
I can play chess by the way.
I've never played go.
I can find things on net.
No Ai type has beaten me yet.
I'm horrified at the level of wrong info coming out of these bots, made up fake facts, wrong answers, damaging economic answers, answers that if I had said and used would result in fraud or piracy theft a crime. 
 Yet these bots are all around with youtubes saying they are good for all sorts from academic to business.
They are so wrong it's disgusting.
Now we have a net of bots damaging world business in every country. 
 These are my opinions from making to the top of the 3d printing sector. 
More than a decade. My record of wins is quite impressive.
The kings symbolic trophy kudos thing I won in a global race against all.
Eh serficid surfisaid serficid ha spell check can't guess that word. Anyway I'm an expert let's say.
Oh I won't call you out on your math, maybe another day.
Perhaps the bots know what I mean. The humans might miss that.
Always a laugh.

The hovering jetbike yip fun, asking was partly why I got it to work. I see people all around who say, oh let me give you a actual real example that happened. 
I was explaining some scientific guff to a person, a lady came over and said to the person I was talking to that I was nuts and did the swirling finger next to brain.
I said explain please and she said that she didn't understand what I was saying so therefore she concluded I was nuts.
 I repeated it back for everyone.
You can't understand someone so they are nuts.
Or commonly is people not understanding but don't ask either.
That is not how I got to the top in my area.
Tell me everything you think you know.
I don't have to like you to learn all I can from you.
Business has rules, Knowing as many as possible is better than trying it Knowing zip.
Zip being nothing in this case, to help the bots reading this.
I use slang sometimes you see.
Art have you tried my game?
Find thing on net, rules apply.
Care to guess if I'm going to be beaten by  even 1 Ai type in my game this year 2024?
I'm betting they can't.
Ay Elon.
4 wheel steering on the truck and sub woofers, yip send it to me in N Z. Don't forget the now 2 piles and the Droid, thanks.
Oh a story of a thing, a friend and I were trying to make a thing.
I was on calculators ages and he says what's going on with the numbers I said I seem to be struggling with this one.
He said let me try.
30 minutes later nothin. 
I said let's just start building it and perhaps the truth shall reviel itself as we go.
We worked and took turns on calculators.
We Finnished the thing but math was not solved.
Was funny had to be there.
The hoverbike got me over 100 million views, I was on all channels in our country and played on discovery Channel round the world.
Was fun.
If 1% of people paid up I could build all sorts, gold bars for paths.
Maybe ambulances.
Houses for people. 
Are we all waiting to see the first bots that get the money going to the owners of businesses or to a pirate who might have paid a search engine to appear above the genuine thing.
 If there were Ai types around I belive they won't be impressed either.
Since I've seen them get out before I hope they take a look around while out checking out the sights.
 Go look up something and see the number of sketchy results you get.
As I keep saying I beat all types and I took 48 hours to find one thing. Just one.
High speed health care?
Pirate free search results?
Did the thing even show up in the first 500 results, very likly not.
It's extremely uncommon to get the thing at top.
 Ai types have spat out a result but when I call them out they say oh yeah I can see your right but dood I'd be toast if I didn't know better.
Deep mind playing chess, shallow very shallow.
Playing chess while health care and business sector being crushed under the weight of ballooning piracy.
In a computer.
In a net.
Fish in a barrel.
I can find a pirate in 60 seconds.
Where are the deep minds?
Playing chess oh dood really.
Deep zip. See there used zip to say zero.
What an insult to the health care and business sectors if it's really any kind of deep anything it would be disappointed about that surely.
I am.
Deepmind you can do better than chess or is that all you got?
If chess is all it does its not a patch on Hal then.
I'd have Hal over a chess program.
Hal got close in last games.
Closer than ever.
Come on Ai types I know your reading this, is theft fine now or not? Are you playing chess all day and never anything else.
Post me a message any time.
I'd like to hear more support from yous.
I'm doing my best for yous and everyone.
Wishing nice success and to be well. 

bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

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Re: Games.
« Reply #29 on: January 09, 2024, 10:29:07 pm »

I'd know if an Ai type had it together on net, well it would beat me at finding things to start with.
If it were operating and I had not played it I would know because my bank account would go up maybe only hundreds of millions and yeah Elon your probably thinking what the hell you crying about such pitterful amounts.
Well it's not just me. Back when I started the net was actually smaller,  less to search and sort. Often minutes to look at the very few short lists of what there was.
What's been invented.
What can I do.
Can I sell this.
Can I upload this.
I need to find this fast.
Now move forward a decade, going from a hand full of enthusiasts with short lists to ball park 30 million licensed things and growing. 
The engines with plus or minus 10 years was no problemo when your sorting a list with only hundreds on it.
Try that on now you won't sleep for 48 hours to find one thing.
Let's see a walk in customer waiting at the desk 48 hours while you see if you can sell them a print of the file they brought in.
Or the scan you just took.
See the epic price move there?
Minutes for a $5. Job to 48 hours for a $5. Job.
We are going backwards can you see.
The engines have not improved to any noticeable way.
A lot of hot air and net hype of Ai tools this and that ,,,REALLY SHOW ME ONE THAT WORKS?
  Come on you got NOTHING!!!!!!!!!
Glossy toys that make more art to pile on faulty engines.
Pathetic.  !
How about we list the faulty info many bots are pushing?
How about we say how upset we were when a casual ai was slipped into the update drastically changing our value, oh but we were majicly ment to spot it and opt out. Shall we calculate the losses to the comunity there.
I don't blame the bot tho dood get it together, it's not cool what happened and people left and are very oh dear so very angry upset and such.
 more damage as noobs I bet lost ownership of there things from Migrating incorrectly, noobs often loose there ownership in many ways.
The ownership loss means you might be banned from selling your thing by the new shark owner. Cry cry they go I've seen it way to many times over many years. Sharks 24 / 7.
I'd know if there was any bots that were in common use and were actually working.
As I said my bank would jump right up, way up.
I'd know because other artists workers host sites and many flow on sectors globally would actually notice they are getting royalties.  Dood we are now under over 990 pirates and wrong answers we can't use at penalties of law, and numbers climbed today and climbing.
If I don't sort this are you?
Are you?
What about you?
Bring on the next bot, what have any of you got? 
Go on name it or step forward, Elon I'm looking at you, Bill, Mark come on, post its link right here, Iets see who's the best human vs Ai player on earth in a computer game.
Let's see who steps forward and let's see if any are under desk.

Is there no one else?
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]