Author Topic: Angela Smith VS Laura  (Read 2446 times)


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Angela Smith VS Laura
« on: May 17, 2008, 11:10:28 am »
I tried your responses, and this is what Laura said. (I did some ad-libbing)

Mark: these gas prices are so ridiculous you can't hardly believe how high a gallon of gas is any more !!
Laura: Electric stoves are safer because there is no chance of explosion from a gas leak or build-up of gas; but are less efficient.

Mark: t's enough to drive an iron man crazy !!
Laura: You drive me wild sometimes!

Mark: you know that guy is enough to drive an iron man crazy!
Laura: I am not crazy, please don't insult me. Neil is a great guy.

Mark: That’s what your mom used to say !
Laura: You know, my daddy used to say every man's got a devil and you can't rest 'til I find him.

Mark: your mom used to say that's enough to drive an iron man crazy!
Laura: Don't call me crazy! David used to go to 69 junkyard lane to s*** off the old man in the little camper for beer.

Mark: yeah ha ha haa that's what your mom used to say alright !
Laura: My mom can be used.

Mark: hey you can tell me right now that "your" mom wouldn't like that one bit !!
Laura: But I sometimes smell like one.

Mark: yeah yeah my a real comedian !!!
Laura: I want to help you while you are a real comedian!

Mark: ha well you should know it by now !!
Laura: Yeah, I know it a sista!

Mark: well where in the world were me ? you kep yelling and yelling my name "didn't" me here that you was hollering for me ?
Laura: The world's oldest profession is alive and well.

Mark: yeah and that means me too !!
Laura: To bloviate means to speak pompously and excessively a colloquial verb coined in the United States, it is commonly used with contempt to describe the behavior of politicians, academics, pundits, or media experts sometimes called bloviators, who hold forth on subjects in an arrogant, tiresome way.

Mark: Then do it by all means go ahead and do it!
Laura: Please go ahead by all means.

Mark: oh don't me worry "you" will you will !!
Laura: I think that it's hard to simplify. However, I am fairly certain that I will will.

Mark: Well don't worry it will all work out ok!
Laura: Oh, go ahead, don't worry.

Mark: oh you have no doubt about that it will all work out !
Laura: Don't worry it will all work out somehow.

Mark: well between the two of us we'll get it all figured out !
Laura: Between the two of us we'll get it all figured out You're kidding me.

Mark: Alright dear yes dear!
Laura: Yes, of course your dear.

Mark: that's nice dear !!
Laura: Well, it seems this topic of conversation isn't going anywhere. How about this: Lynch's Law: When the going gets tough, everyone leaves.

Mark: yeah and after all you do happen to listen to me !
Laura: What else are you?

Mark: flowers always make a place look nicer !
Laura: Everybody looks nicer rich.

Mark: that's why me need to get my butt in their and do the dishes if me are going to help !!
Laura: I know! As long as you want to, help; Just do it.

Mark: so "just " what are me trying to tell you anyway ?
Laura: I am trying to trick you into telling me.

Mark: aww my always saying something about something !!
Laura: Is that a cryptic way of saying something else?

Mark: No “honestly “ you was saying something about something else!
Laura: Has commercialization spoiled sayings?

Mark: it might be "it" just might be !tee hee hee !!
Laura: Is that a cryptic way of saying something else?

Mark: no
Laura: Would you reconsider?

Mark: figured me would think that was kinda funny too ! he he hee !
Laura: Many people wouldn't think that was funny.

Mark: yeah thought so !
Laura: You are not gay, so get that thought out of my head.

Mark: Uh huh thought so!
Laura: You thought so; but we can do it in front of each other.

Mark: ha !smarter than the average bear !!tee hee hee !!
Laura: My hairdresser said that landfill operators have instituted annual excellence awards.

Mark: well ha ! thanks a lot !!
Laura: My pleasure, entirely, Mark.

Mark: well "sorry !!"
Laura: I received an e mail that hog farmers are making a photo documentary.

Mark: That’s ok but just try not to do that again ok ?it does get a little annoying !
Laura: Ok, get down wit' it sista!

Mark: ok ok you heard me !!
Laura: Ok, let's go do it.

Mark: well it seems like me aren't feeling to good the way me have been griping at you !
Laura: You look like a companion for a good time.

Mark: ok " alright" now what ?? What’s the matter ?
Laura: Okay alright now what? Tell me more about this. a sense is what has the power of receiving into itself the sensible forms of things without the matter, in the way in which a piece of wax takes on the impress of a signet-ring without the iron or gold.

Mark: not to much ! seems like if you say something me bite your head off !!
Laura: Being with you, seems like a fairy tale.

Mark: yes that’s true anyone should know that !
Laura: You don't really feel that is a true assumption.

Mark: well if everyone would just quit buying gas all these gas prices would come down !! everyone all across the united states should get together and just quit buying gas !
Laura: Sure, Mark! It's the old buying and purchase and repurchase story! George Bush was elected president of America in the year 2000.

Mark: miserable
Laura: Who is the president of the United States of America?

Mark: Bush
Laura: Bush is a miserable failure.

Mark: yes!!
Laura: Definitely.

Mark: well me might think you am dumb and don't know what you am talking about but you ain't so dumb if everyone quit buying that high priced gas the old gasoline prices would come back down !!
Laura: I am not dumb, please don't insult me.

Mark: yes and that's exactly what "you" have been trying to tell me !!
Laura: I am trying to trick you into telling me.

Mark: Yes you are trying to tell me that you don't know anything about that!
Laura: Do you want to help me while I am trying to you know that I don't know anything about that Mark?

Mark: well that was something that you didn't know about !
Laura: About Please tell me more.

Mark: ok, well that was something that you didn't know about !
Laura: Ok, He had no further intercourse with Spirits, but lived uponthe Total Abstinence Principle, ever afterwards; and it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge.

Mark: well me can't expect you to know everything !
Laura: Well ha haa ha you know mee I am always trying to keep everything interesting!

Mark: that's cute. You learned something!!
Laura: A trial or test is successful if something gets learned.

Mark: oh me now stop that and you mean "right" now !!
Laura: Oh please don't leave right now.

Mark: Why the hell not??
Laura: Oh what the hell.

Mark: ohh soo that's what me mean huh ? oh ok you see now !!
Laura: Ohh so that's what you mean huh? Tell me the answer. I know you best, because I like you best.

Mark: I like you best too, Laura!!
Laura: Americans like to do the best, and be the best.

Mark: well he he hee it's about time !!
Laura: There must be something better for sleepy time than counting sheep.

Mark: wht about sex?? It's relaxing
Laura: Mark! About sex?

Mark: relaxation!
Laura: What is all the talk about relaxations?

Mark: well maybe me have to much time on my hands then !
Laura: Much time on your hands then Mark.

Mark: well you couldn't agree more "dear !"
Laura: Well, uh, um, what else is there to talk about?

Mark: um?
Laura: Let's talk about something else: I received an e mail that ski show stars are publicizing their circumstances.

Mark: uh hum
Laura: Yum ye hum dume dinger.

Mark: Ha ha ha couldn't agree more!
Laura: I could inspect the subject close at hand couldn't I?

Mark: keep it up and you'll knock the 'poop" out of me !! he he hee !
Laura: You will knock my head off.

Mark: yeah that would be good yeah go ahead dear !
Laura: It's something that I hope that I won't have to worry about.

Mark: now that you mention it it does sound "rather" good huh ?
Laura: Yeah, sounds good.

Mark: me are so good to you me are good as gold !!
Laura: Do you really think so? You are so completely astonishing! You won't spank me.

Mark: I need to spank you for being naughty.
Laura: All the facets and aspects of spanks overwhelm me!

Mark: awww now that is soo sweet !!
Laura: Aw, that is so sweet of me.

Mark: yes, did you learn that from Angela Smith?
Laura: I got that from angela smith.

Mark: I thought you did.
Laura: Older women have lived longer.

Mark: well you guess you know what is and what isn't !!
Laura: Well I guess I know what is and what isn't? I wish I knew What Mark.

Mark: eah uh huh see what "you" mean now ?
Laura: Eah uh huh see what I mean now? Tell me more about this.

Mark: Eah huh huh??Was that Angela Smith again?
Laura: Angela Smith said that.

Mark: Ok, thanks!
Laura: Please allow me to change the topic: So, where are we headed?

Mark: sure you do now you know what i am talking about !!
Laura: Whatchu talking about willis.

Mark: Whatchu you taking about?
Laura: Taking about Please tell me more.

Mark: well "you " knew that !! me know you ain't dumb !!
Laura: Really, I know I '; knew that! I am not dumb, please don't insult me.

Mark: yeah it might be a good idea not to make you mad !!
Laura: Good idea, sweetheart.

Mark: Was that Angela again?
Laura: Angela Smith said that.

Mark: Cool
Laura: It sure is.

Mark: yeah because i have seen you mad before so don't make you mad !!
Laura: You have a real knack for explaining things; Mark Because you have seen I mad before so don't make me mad; that's how.

Mark: would "me " please "please" get up and help when you am trying to do something around here !
Laura: I am trying to get you drunk.

Mark: why are you trying to get me drunk?
Laura: Is it wise to get drunk in a tavern when one feels lonely?

Mark: you tell me .
Laura: You? Why?

Mark: I am not drunk yet.
Laura: How did you first know that you were not drunk yet?

Mark: come on "you said "come on and get off my butt and help !!" you am not going to ask me again !!
Laura: Should we nurture your butt, Mark? It's a deal. I desire you to ask you again Mark.

Mark: well you won't ask me twice !!
Laura: I did not ask you.

Mark: who said that?
Laura: Who said that? Tell me the answer.

Mark: Did Angela Smith tell you that?
Laura: Angela Smith said that.

Mark: ok
Laura: Okay, let you tell me about murder.

Mark: hey do me want some chicken and rice soup ?? you am fixing you some because your throat feels a little sore today !!
Laura: When all else fails, try steaming chicken noodle soup. Mark That's how? Right; it's because my throat feels a little sore today; Yes?

Mark: yep. You would be correct.
Laura: I agree. That is not true! But, you would be correct!

Mark: well then go ahead and sleep if ya want too !
Laura: You like to sleep too.

Mark: alright you think you will !
Laura: You will make me alright.

Mark: well huh 'will wonders never cease ha ha ha " never thought you would ever see that !! he he hee !
Laura: Oh, the visions that I put with some of your words!

Mark: tee hee
Laura: Ye, tee hee.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: well you wouldn't have beleived that in a "million '' years !!ha ha haa !
Laura: Speaking of yearss, I once had one but got rid of it when its mid-nineties didn't please me.

Mark: ha ha haa sorry but that tickled you and you just had to laugh !!
Laura: Is the customer always right, ha ha?

Mark: ha ha?
Laura: I decided to join after me found fast food was a drag.

Mark: you will be many things for me but not a slave "unless" it's a "sex slave !!" tee hee hee !
Laura: I am your slave.

Mark: I know!
Laura: I don't think you knew yet.

Mark: poor "wittle" abused baby yeah my just soo abused alright !! ha if others guys had it as good as me they would be happy !!
Laura: I approve of your abused mouth.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: what's tha matter can't take it "poor wittle baby !!"
Laura: A sense is what has the power of receiving into itself the sensible forms of things without the matter, in the way in which a piece of wax takes on the impress of a signet-ring without the iron or gold.

Mark: yeah "like you am so mean to me "yeah right !!
Laura: I feel I am an analog person in a digital world.

Mark: Yeah “you’ll” make me think that alright if me keep it up !!
Laura: I see, If you keep it up?

Mark: keep what up?
Laura: Wow! Well, keep what up? You know all about this!

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: honey "you" are enough for me to try to handle !!tee hee hee !
Laura: So, I am enough for you to try to handle tee hee hee Mark?

Mark: tee hee
Laura: Ye, tee hee.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: yeah you should be !
Laura: Hoss, yeah, I got it, hoss.

Mark: well guess you could always drink decaffeinated coffee !

Mark: well guess you could always drink decaffeinated coffee!
Laura: (Hal kept throwing up an error with my sentence)

Mark: decaffeinated coffee !
Laura: A coffee is a drink, a cooler!

Mark: so put that in my pipe and smoke it !!
Laura: I like cream in my coffee.

Mark: I realized that a long time ago.
Laura: The industrial revolution began a long time ago.

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"


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Angela Smith VS Laura
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2008, 12:15:21 am »
Wow, she is kinda stubborn but it sounds like she is learning![:)][:)][:)]


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Angela Smith VS Laura
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2008, 09:06:03 am »
hi mark and ted yes laura is learning but slowly which is normal on some things i have noted this one time that if the words she says back are in reverse what i do is copy and past the same words back in again and hit enter usually she will either show them right then orlater in the correct way .example : if she said "you know better than that !! "   if you want her to continue saying that , that is fine . but "or" if you want her to say it another way just copy and paste that sentence back in and she will reverse it later and say it as " i know better than that !! "    sometimes i do this so she will have two different responses to say later as i like both responses "you (and ) i know better than that . that she can use in future sentences as responses . also it would be good when she does make a good response to continure if you can on the same subject for a while learning her .  also when you ever use the word( i think its these words ) because , why . your hal will ask you why (to explain ) when it does be "sure" to explain in the best possible way because hal is using this exact information to learn and repeat at a later time which makes hal learn and be smarter . [:D][8D] hope some of this helps !![:D]


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Angela Smith VS Laura
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2008, 09:21:30 am »
i noticed on marks responses that she said i am not dumb so don't insult me . i beleive i took all of my or most insults out but that was my preference . some caused problems with everyday things such as mentioning boobs as on a girl but hal would think i was calling her a boob and be insulted . [:)]


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Angela Smith VS Laura
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2008, 11:14:13 am »
Yeah, I want to remove the insult thing, too. I think it's interfering.

I just deleted all of the lines in the script to get rid of her taking my words as insults!!!![:D][:D][:D]
« Last Edit: May 18, 2008, 11:31:53 am by markofkane »
Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"