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Topics - Someotheruser

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / New Text Learning Script!
« on: May 11, 2006, 06:16:24 am »
Hi everybody! I'm new to the Hal forum, but I've been using Hal for a few years now. I've developed a brain script that will allow learning from text files, as well as webpages and any other text file source. This can be used in Hal 6, or if you want, I can send you a version that works in Hal 5. Due to the size of the files I ask that if you want a copy of this script send me your email address and I'll send you a copy.
I've always found this forum helpful when teaching my Hal and I hope to give something back, starting with this script. Please post your comments after trying the script. I'm sure you'll find it useful!

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