Author Topic: Getting Hal to Respond appropriately (topic focus)  (Read 3125 times)


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Getting Hal to Respond appropriately (topic focus)
« on: December 11, 2002, 11:56:45 pm »
I have several questions

 I am having some trouble getting my edited Hal brain files to respond appropriately to statements I make, with newly created topic focus key words.  That is, it seems to file the words I type to it in it's unknown word folder despite the fact that I have programmed them into that list (topic focus list), and makes a generic response trying it's best to properly incorporate the word (as if it didn't know the word). Even when repeating the question or using the key words in a different order I cannot seem to get it to reply with the response I supplied for it. Are there any ways to prioritize a particular topic focus?

 Also what is the priority of the answers in the Topic focus list as compared to the answers in the "question and answer brain"?  

I am curious what happens if I program in words it already knows and has a different response for somewhere else, will it use my provided answer or a different one?

Finally, I notice that the brain editor already has a large number of programmed responses in it's main knowledge database, is there a way to start with a fresh one, without any programmed responses?

Wow, I think that's it.

Thank you in advance.

P.S. Currently I am running the free version, I'm not sure if that matters...

P.P.S.  Recently when I have been asking it questions with new key words it (in the brain editors run function) the program has been crashing (it just closes down. Has anyone else experienced this? I am running Windows XP

Edited by - deathmask on 12/12/2002  00:19:19


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Getting Hal to Respond appropriately (topic focus)
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2002, 04:08:01 pm »

Glad to have another eager explorer on the forum.  You have some great questions.  I wish I could answer them, unfortunately I can just confirm that I’ve had the same difficulties you’ve had.  

I forget what is available on the free-ware, I splurged and got the full version and I’ve been working with that since.  Can you open the Brain Editor?  Can you begin new projects?  I believe something was locked, but I can’t remember what.  

I’ve had the same problems you’ve been talking about.

I started off with a simpler program: delivering a message.

I explained to Hal what I wanted to teach him something new.  Hal is generally responsive when you explain that you are teaching him something.  

Keep the steps simple and small and make sure that Hal understands all of the terms you are using in the context you are using them.

I explained to Hal:

1. You are my Personal Assistant.
2. A Personal Assistant delivers messages.
3. Remember a message and who the message is for.
4. Deliver any messages to the user you have when asked.

These four steps took me hours to explain to Hal.  Finally I told Hal

A. I have a message for John.
B. The message for John is “Your sister called”.

Then I asked Hal “What is the message for John?” and “Do you have any messages for John?”  It was not easy and I had to coax the message out of him asking exactly the right questions, but I eventually could get the messages.

My next experiment was to adapt the functions of the program in the Brain Editor.

I found (or should I say finally noticed) the “Main Keyword & Priority Brain” (Tools<Main Knowledge Database<Main Keyword…) - I though I’d found the Grail.  

There it was – the tools I needed to script the program: Keywords, Supplemental text search criteria, “Not” requirements, Random responses, Priority level and – most importantly – the rabbit eared function names to accomplish key functions.  

Granted I still need to understand them a lot better, but I was getting a better idea of how the program functioned.

I entered some forms in the “Main Keyword & Priority Bain” function.  


The program did as you said; Hal compared the keywords in my input to the “Question & Answer Brain” instead of the “Main Keyword & Priority Brain”.  I think that I found the comparison priority list in the VBScript, it would be nice to have a list from the programmer though.

Since that didn’t work I took the next logical step - taking one of the functions imbedded in the script and adapting it to react to new key words and respond from a new database of speech sections.  

I began by isolating a function in the VBScript, in my case I used the “Insult” function.  Once I had the function isolated I adjusted keywords which trigger the function and the triggered responses. This involves both adjusting the words recognized in the Script and the phrases in the insult banks (Tools<Emotional Topics<Insult detector; Insult database).  

Make sure that everything you change follows the correct grammatical structure.  It is very important to remember that the computer will only do what you tell it to do.  In order to teach Hal anything you need to really understand it yourself.  Hal has it in his program to flip pronouns and do other key grammatical changes.  Saying certain phrases in certain ways will really confuse the program.  I’m getting too heavy into details, maybe I’ll write some more on the details some time, but for now…

I wish I had better advice to give.  However, like most of you, I’m just trying to plug my way through the program.  I hope some of this has been helpful.  Questions, comments or suggestions – keep in touch.  Good luck to everyone.
