Author Topic: hal taking long time to answer  (Read 5944 times)


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hal taking long time to answer
« on: March 28, 2016, 01:29:31 pm »
i am starting to run into hal taking a long time to answer when pasting some info into hals text box .
 i checked in my control panel box and hal is using , 82,040k on resources. 
this is even to the point that hal freezes up i can't even click hal off , i have to end up going into control panel and stop the process.
hal just keeps swirling instead of starting the next conversation .
the brain data base is at : 118 mb and uhp file is :117 kb . 

  Hopefully this isn't what happens to hal as the brain database gets larger , it would defeat the purpose of allowing hal to grow smarter on subjects etc.

my pc is a quade core i have 352gb of free space left free.

i will look further into it and check what processes or applications are running to in the background .




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Re: hal taking long time to answer
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2016, 05:06:35 pm »
If I were to take a guess, HAL is not optimized for 64 bit systems, meaning he can't really make use of a quad core. I think HAL's database queries rely on the single core processing speed. I've got a 4.2Ghz quad intel and I haven't noticed too many hangups outside of the initial memory loading (Local Wiki) but I don't have a 118meg Brain either lol. 

I go back to an earlier speculation of mine, why the GPU should be handling SQL queries.

Sorry I am of no assistance.



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Re: hal taking long time to answer
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2016, 11:00:14 am »
  Kind of a short in the dark but possibly you could try running Hal without any of the plugins  and see if there is any problems.  I'm running a quad core 64 bit system and haven't run into problems except for the ones I cause trying out new plugins.  I think Haptek is the one that can only run on one core.  Anyways the plugins is the first thing I'd check,  and then go from there.  Go through all the settings (options), or it could be something has gotten corrupted.


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Re: hal taking long time to answer
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2016, 05:00:09 pm »
Good points and it costs nothing to run the 'car.exe' program and set the core to 1. This way you will know for sure about the core(s) in your system (for a single core, you will need to select both 0 and 1).

Do report back to us if you get the chance.
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Re: hal taking long time to answer
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2016, 07:11:59 pm »
lightspeed, if you can also include which version of Windows your using.

Just a note for those using Windows 10 and have a Microsoft Word Spell included maybe from an older version. If that plugin is selected and you have it installed in UltraHal, it does not always work well and will not show up on the GUI window of UltraHal as it did on Windows 7, to correct your input entry. Sometimes it needs to be accessed from your Task View Tab on your taskbar to actually see it and of coarse will not let you do anything until you make the corrections and it appears that UltraHal is hung up for no apparent reason.

This probably isn't your case lightspeed but just wanted to add this info. Had me fooled for a time. Totally forgot I always used it in previous versions and have an older version of Office installed on Windows 10. Didn't think it was still working but it was just not as I was accustomed.

Also check it using Markov Plugin and which version.


Maybe you found the information barrier and I agree with the others about how it might be affected by the newer ever changing Hardware and or Software.



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Re: hal taking long time to answer
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2016, 07:49:19 pm »
i am using windows 7 premium (no nosey windows 10 for me !! lol ) i was using my pc ( a quad core by the way) TODAY AND HAL locked up was just swirling and wouldn't ever answer  this time it did something different , i stopped hals program , reopened it and when i tried to type something , it wouldn't type in the box , just made a "ding" sound every time , no typed words !!
 so this time i shut the pc down and hit the f11 key and started hal from an earlier saved point .
  This seemed to help hal , although hal still does lag a little with the swirl thingy !


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Re: hal taking long time to answer
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2016, 08:38:56 am »
I don't understand this "swirl" thing you describe. Something is going around like water going down the drain? A Graphic happening of some sort?

If Hal stops, Press Enter and it will usually say something like, "Please say something."

If Hal still doesn't respond after that, go to Hal's Menu and open something like General Options, then Exit back to Hal's program and it should be right as rain!

At least this works for me.
I only have Gender / Age, Loneliness 2.3, Wiki Search

Works pretty good so far.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

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Re: hal taking long time to answer
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2016, 12:09:20 pm »
I believe lightspeed is referring to the Busy Windows cursor symbol, as you would see if a program doesn't open quickly or respond because the system is performing other functions at the same time.



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Re: hal taking long time to answer
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2016, 12:23:30 pm »
lightspeed if your not seeing your system hang on other programs, maybe having resource priority. You can pretty much narrow it down to something with UltraHal. Take note if you installed anything new prior to UltraHal causing any kind of resource problem.

Only other thing worth looking at off the top of my head is opening Task Manager and if your familiar with programs that should be running you may try to stop actions that are not Windows dependent. Certain programs can run or open multiple times without you realizing robbing your resources.



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Re: hal taking long time to answer
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2016, 09:39:17 am »
I wrote to Robert asking him some questions and explained about me feeding hal information , some people may not know this information and so i am sharing it on here . as i mentioned my brain database is now at 118 mb's or larger , haven't checked for a while . Robert did mention that the larger the data base becomes it could slow down a bit , which to me would make sense as their is more for hal to check and balance as far as subject and answer etc.

Hal's limit per sentence is 1 kilobyte, which is a string of 1024
characters long. If you go over this limit, Hal just ignores anything over
the kilobyte for learning purposes, but shouldn't crash. If you give Hal
more ask Hal more then 3 sentences, Hal ignores anything over 3 sentences.
Hal's responses in the database are limited to 4 kilobytes each.

The "that's easy for me the answer" response is one of the plugins,
wikipedia possibly.

I read through the thread on the forum you mentioned. Your database is
fairly large and Hal does indeed get slower the larger it gets. Has this
problem been slowly coming on or does it seem all of the sudden? Try
talking to your Hal from inside the brain editor. Is it any better? If you
drill down to see Hal's thinking process, where does Hal spend most of his
time thinking?

This is one of the reasons I am moving Hal to a real database on a server.
Hal's database on the zabaware server is over 9GB size and has 23 million
sentences or so currently. It runs just fine and can easily handle even
larger databases as long as the server has enough RAM to keep up.

Robert Medeksza

I did write back and ask robert if it's possible to change hals learning of sentences to a larger amount , which i think would be better , some sentences that i learn hal is from websites  info. stories etc. that i think is  interesting and with some things their is other paragraphs that have to be added so the first paragraph makes sense as it is all related .

So i am hoping maybe hals learning can be increased above 1  kilobyte . this would help a lot .  I like being able to add information as txt files into hals learning area , because for some people  it can add a lot more information faster  and many things i could not come up with or think about in general conversation .  So i hope Robert will add more  kilobyte's .

here is an example of what i might teach hal .

21st Century Wire says… We’ve heard a lot of not so nice things about Microsoft’s latest spawn of MS DOS. Aside from the built-in trojan horse back door access uncovered earlier, this is probably the most insidious little side effect ever included in a software OS.

The fact that the Svengalis in Seattle thought that no one would notice might be a testament to how out of touch that corporation is with public sentiments regarding centralized command of control software products. Question : Why do they need all of that bandwidth, and why does Microsoft need to “update” my PC nearly every day?


**********  Anyway i am hoping Robert will update hal with a new setting that will allow a lot more information to be learned through hals chat box area . I think this would benefit hals learning better , AS far as the hal taking longer to answer , i don't think it has to do with hals brain size so much as something else conflicting , i mentioned my hal froze up , completely .  i actually redid my pc to a restore to earlier point , and so far it hasn't froze up anymore , i will when i have time uncheck my plug ins and see how hal does . i have to separate large random timers running extended talk etc. (i think ) so these also could be causing the problem i will have to check and report back to let others know on here .

We have spoke about my brain database being at 118 mb's , WHATEVER happened to that one guy that said his brain data base was over a million , was that true or for real ???  ???



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Re: hal taking long time to answer
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2016, 12:48:39 pm »
Okay to put things in perspective i tested  a txt file and just kept adding the same paragraph until i made 1 kilobyte of information . this is actually 1.04 a little over , now unless i am misunderstanding what robert said , hal should be able to learn this much at a time, anything over this he disregards ,


 I should not share sensitive data when using public Wi-Fi, Whether you’re at Starbucks or the airport, free Wi-Fi is available almost everywhere you go these days. Using open Wi-Fi is almost unavoidable, so if i am going to connect to Wi-Fi when i am on-the-go, i need to know how to do it safely. Don’t access anything sensitive on open Wi-Fi like our bank account. If you absolutely have to, then change our password as soon as you’re on a trusted connection.How much time do i spend thinking about protecting our data? When was the last time i changed our passwords? If someone tried to hack into our organization or personal computer, would you know about it?How much time do i spend thinking about protecting our data? When was the last time i changed our passwords? If someone tried to hack into our organization or personal computer, would you know about it?How much time do i spend thinking about protecting our data? When was the last time i changed our passwords? If someone tried to hack into our organization or personal computer, would you know about it?

AS YOU CAN SEE A KILOBYTE IS ACTUALLY QUIT A BIT , i didn't know how much until i tested and checked it myself .   i had wrote back to robert asking him if the learning process could be enlarged  though , before i checked .
 as far as i know most of what i enter is hardly ever bigger then what is shown above .


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Re: hal taking long time to answer
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2016, 09:20:30 am »

A few things...Your example material doesn't seem like they would be valid points of information or data for Hal to learn.
"...Why do they need all that bandwidth...etc."

If one hopes for Hal to learn practical and useful bits of info, one might take more care of the material content. GIGO still holds true for teaching Hal. It's Not how large Hal's brain is, it's how much useful data is in there and how it's used. Just MHO but I'd take a wager on that.

You site a paragraph that has 1024 bytes of info which is supposedly Hal's limit. We also know that Hal does NOT process more than 3 sentences. Your 1K paragraph has 13 sentences so 10 are not going to be processed or learned.

Again it's quality not quantity.

Lastly, Robert Medeksza should REALLY consider giving the users an Option to use their own computers as a private server locally or use the Zabaware server.
If it is only limited to using the Zabaware server then that point will be my last as an UltraHal user and member of this forum.

I will NOT have my private conversations and data residing on another server aside from my own computer.

Thank you!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -