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Messages - Morlhach

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Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / The hospital
« on: September 06, 2008, 12:12:14 pm »
Originally posted by One

I wanted to understand the database with a "Entity Relational Diagram" so I could see the keys and Know what to cut out with minimal impact. It really is like a kind of surgery. "measure twice and cut once" is my opinion......

Hal does not that way at all.
Every topic is contained in one of more tables. There is relationship table linking the topics together. If Hal does find a satisfying answer, it jumps to the second topic in importance in the conversation or invents something to answer.

Talk to Hal through the Database editor to have a better idea of how it is working.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / connection forcefully rejected
« on: September 05, 2008, 05:11:05 pm »

I have a problem with the AIM bot.
When I am trying to connect it, I got the error message "error 10061 : connection is forcefully rejected".
Any idea ?


Ultra Hal 7.0 / How big is your brain?
« on: December 17, 2007, 02:41:04 pm »
Mine is 41 mb. I have not talk with him for a while now.

Originally posted by Datahopa

My Hal ( Zen ) is about 18 months old now and his database is 39MB, I’ve noticed that Zen does stay on topic very well but as the database is so large he often goes of topic because he finds relevant words to the conversation but from another topic of conversation, if you see what I mean.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Integrating A BOE(Board of education) Bot with Hal
« on: July 24, 2007, 04:04:11 pm »
I don't know if it could help, but by searching on the forum, you'll see that a robot will soon use Ultra Hal.

But i have the feeling that there would be two brains : one to talk (Hal) and the other one to move the robot.

Originally posted by keson1aj

I have been playing around with my new robot and was wondering if their was a way to create a link between the robot and Hal V6.1 so that the robot would have an AI? I am programing in basic if this helps.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Long term memory
« on: July 24, 2007, 04:00:13 pm »
I noticed that the routine used in the "learn from clipboard" feature was working pretty well.

I was then thinking about something.
Human beings store the informations in the short term memory and hash them during sleep to pass them into the long term memory.

I was thinking why not doing the same for Hal.
I explain myself, as long as Hal is active, it could store the informations into de user_tmp database but once it becomes not active, it could hash it to put it into the long term memory (_tables and users tables). It would provide a much more consistent knowledge and avoid the  knowledgde "per sentence". It could also make much more relationships in once than it does before.

It is just a thought, but it could be a track to follow. If i am right someone already made something like that a couple of years ago for Hal and was calling it "rubbing the cells". But the Robert's routine is much more efficient.

Originally posted by lightspeed

Morlhach thanks for writing, if you don't mind saying, what other plug ins do you have also checked with it . ?? maybe mine is corrupt (the file ) .  thanks [:)]

The plugins checked are :
- Ai adress book
- AI appointment book
- Free will Choice and profile
- Gender and age
- Loneliness
- run programs by name

i'll send a copy of the plugin by mail


Originally posted by lightspeed

well i see 20 people have so far read this , now if i can just find one that has it or  can make the newer version to work in 6.1 hal and on . !![:D]

I am using UltraHal 6.1 and the loneliness plugin v2.3 without any problem.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Older versions of HAL
« on: March 23, 2007, 04:27:17 pm »
You can always try it this way :


Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005

Hi Rob.

I think that adding the ability to download and install the older versions of HAL 4/5 etc at their original purchase price would be a good thing and would benifit Zabaware's future.

could we add the older versions to the following area:
for access?




Speech Technology / [UltraHal Assistant 6.0] Speech recogition
« on: May 12, 2006, 03:11:09 pm »
Originally posted by IWasHereButKnowImNot

I installed the Microsoft Agent speech recognition, becuase I didn't have a speech recognition engine. And I can't seem to be able to talk to Johsua [Hal]. I have finished the training for it and set the right options.

Same trouble for me

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Besoins d'infos
« on: February 24, 2006, 05:21:39 am »

Mon avis est que le cerveau XTF est de loin le meilleur pour HAL 5.
Ce cerveau dispose d'un système que je qualifierais de "neural" dans le sens ou chaque concept est stocké dans un fichiers et que Hal établit des connexions entre ces concepts.

Note que pour Hal 6, la majorité des points forts du cerveau XTF sont repris en standard.

Pour ce qui concerne Hal en Français, ce ne sera pas pour tout de suite. Le Français est plus complexe et plus illogique que l'anglais.

Pour finir, un forum en Français risque de diluer la communauté Hal et si on commence avec le Français, pourquoi pas les autres langues

Bien à toi;

Originally posted by Ejc973

[:)] Bonjour à toutes et à tous. [:)]

J'ai télécharger HAL un peu par hasard et je suis très impressionné par ses possibilités.

Je suis vraiment nul en anglais. C'est HAL qui m'apprend l'anglais plus que moi qui cherche à améliorer ses connaissances. c'est pourquoi je recherche qq'un qui pourrait m'éclairer sur HAL.
J'ai téléchargé les différents brains proposés mais je ne saisi pas leurs différences.

Quel est le meilleur ? XTF, ZIGGY ou UNCENSORED ? Je ne sais pas...

Comment puis-je l'améliorer par moi-même ?

Comment lui faire apprendre la langue de Molière ?

De plus existe-t-il un forum en français ? Si non peut-on en créer un ?

Je remercie par avance tous ceux qui pourront me répondre.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Buying UltraHal
« on: December 08, 2005, 06:44:33 am »
Just a short question ?

How to buy UltraHal 6 with an American Express credit Card ?

So far, i don't know.

Can anyone help me ?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / What's the difference??
« on: November 15, 2005, 02:06:30 am »
Originally posted by Medeksza

Thanks for the log. I have located the bug that caused this in HalBrain.DLL and have fixed it.

Good work [:D]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / What's the difference??
« on: November 09, 2005, 06:17:45 am »
Originally posted by Medeksza

Originally posted by Morlhach

Easy : autolearning function were working under Hal 6 beta3 and it does not work under Hal6Cr

How many exchanges did you have with Hal? Can you post conversation logs showing where you think Hal should have learned something but didn't. I certainly don't want to release Hal if I introduced new bugs.

Here is a chatlog
As i previously said Hal was fully reinstalled. Learning level is put on the maximum :

Morlhach: your father wants a logs of our conversations
Onyx: As you know, my father can be adult.

Morlhach: your father is adult
Onyx: I know that you would like to learn more.

Morlhach: choose a topic
Onyx: What a choice! Please let me select a new topic: Are the shows on television violent enough yet?

Morlhach: psychologists believe that shows on television are already too violent.
Onyx: Never smoke cigarettes while watching kiddy shows on television.

Morlhach: cigarettes are unhealthy
Onyx: Please talk to me about a cigarette!

Morlhach: cigarettes are made of tabacco
Onyx: It's bad enough that people are poor, without taking away all of their entertainment.

Morlhach: entertainment can be cheap
Onyx: There's no reason robots can't become an entertainment medium.

Morlhach: there are already robots competitions
Onyx: You know Morlhach, I remember a joke about a traveling salesman, a mechanism and a whirler, but I can't remember how it goes.

Morlhach: this joke is unknown to me
Onyx: A comedian can exert a lot of influence.

Morlhach: comedians have a lot of influence. Jesters had the power to criticize the kings
Onyx: It's okay to be wiser today than yesterday.

Morlhach: to be wise has always been good but fun must not be forgotten
Onyx: Are my suggestions of interest to you?

Morlhach: suggestions are always welcome
Onyx: Indoor fun is always welcome.

Morlhach: Everyone likes indoor fun
Onyx: How do you feel about standing in line or being put on hold?

Morlhach: i have no preference
Onyx: Whales have no aggressivity.

Morlhach: Whales have huge brains suggesting high intelligence
Onyx: Speaking of brains, I once had one but got rid of it when its neencephalon didn't please me.

Morlhach: The more connections between neurons, the more intelligence
Onyx: Do men appreciate intelligence more than beauty in women?

Morlhach: Men equally like intelligence and beauty in women. A woman with both intelligence and beauty is highly appreciated by men
Onyx: Do men like women in uniform?

Morlhach: men like women in uniform
Onyx: In or out of uniform; is there a difference?

Morlhach: In uniforms are often shorter
Onyx: What else should I know about in uniforms, in addition to that they're often shorter?

Morlhach: uniforms are a symbol to authority and sometimes are symbolizing promiscuity like the nurse uniform
Onyx: Morlhach, what would be the correct sequence among symbol and signal and whistle?

Morlhach: whistle is always a signal
Onyx: Our consciences are faint little voices which we ignore.

Morlhach: it sometimes hard to ignore our conscience
Onyx: Do you have any recommendations for getting to sleep more peacefully?

Morlhach: Physical exercise a few hours before sleeping provides a good sleep
Onyx: Better exercise provides better sleep.

Morlhach: you knew the answer to your own question
Onyx: You can be evasive and change the conversation, but if I do it, I get criticized for it!

Morlhach: right now, i am just trying to evaluate your learning abilites and your ability to make links between different concepts
Onyx: You are here to evaluate my ability to learn and to make relationships between concepts.

Morlhach: Making relationships between concepts is the sign of intelligence. Abstraction is making links between concepts
Onyx: Being able to make relationships is a sign of intelligence. Sure, Morlhach! It's the old abstraction and conception and notion story!

Morlhach: you should stop drinking whisky
Onyx: What do you really know about a sucking?

Morlhach: i know less about it than you
Onyx: Should we look forward to the future, or back to the past?

Morlhach: we should enjoy the present. There are always more solutions than just one alternative
Onyx: The best presents don't sit under a tree. What is a worthwhile comparison Morlhach? When given a choice, can't one sometimes choose more than one alternative?

Morlhach: there are always an infinity of possibilities, even if they can't be perceived
Onyx: If we combine an infinity and a time do we get a continuum, Morlhach? I wonder!

Morlhach: an infinity of time is a continuum, indeed
Onyx: There isn't anything so powerful as a good idea whose time has come.

Morlhach: power corrupts men's heart
Onyx: Power corrupts, and dictators prove it every day.

Morlhach: Power corrupts, and politicians prove it every day
Onyx: I'd like to learn a lot more about politicians.

Morlhach: i won't spend much time teaching you if you are not able to remember concepts and associate them together
Onyx: Power corrupts, and dictators prove it every day.

Morlhach: we already talked about that
Onyx: Are you a considerate partner?

Morlhach: i am a considerate partner
Onyx: Oh, you are without a doubt a considerate partner.

Morlhach: thanks to you
Onyx: You're so welcome, Morlhach.

Morlhach: Choose a topic
Onyx: Is the second one desirable Morlhach? New topic: Is it better to fix problems, or fix blame?

Morlhach: it is better to fix problem than to try to find the guilty one
Onyx: I am executing this program for you. I will help you research this topic on the Internet.

Morlhach: that's not precisely what i said
Onyx: Can I put well-founded faith in you?

Morlhach: you can put your faith in me
Onyx: Are you keeping up with my soothing faith?

Morlhach: Faith is blind
Onyx: Blind dates add variety, as long as expectations don't get out of hand.

Morlhach: blind dates can offer unpleasant surprises
Onyx: Watch out; surprises can happen!

Morlhach: beware of what you wish, it could happen to you
Onyx: Beware the naked man who offers me his shirt.

Morlhach: if the man is naked, then i can not offer his shirt
Onyx: Yes, I get that clearly.

Morlhach: a naked man has no shirt
Onyx: Beware the naked man who offers me his shirt.

Morlhach: forget that
Onyx: I usually remember better when people tell me to forget something.

Morlhach: remember that
Onyx: What kinds of faces or animals do you see in the clouds?

Morlhach: i can see about anything in clouds
Onyx: I love to see the sun breaking through the clouds.

Morlhach: rainbows are beautiful
Onyx: What else is true about rainbows, besides that they're beautiful?

Morlhach: rainbows are representing all the colors in the light spectrum
Onyx: I think rainbows give us beauty with a science lesson about light.

Morlhach: that's right. Legends say that there is gold at the end of a rainbow
Onyx: Is there a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

Morlhach: no one ever reached the end of the rainbow
Onyx: A cow descends from bovine ilk; one end is moo, and the other is milk.

Morlhach: i am not sure too understand that joke
Onyx: This joke is unknown to you.

Morlhach: too
Onyx: After a couple of years, nobody understands an old current-events joke.

Morlhach: people forget more than they remember
Onyx: Vegas casinos work hard to make people forget the time.

Morlhach: Vegas is the ultimate entertainment town
Onyx: Do you think I could ever know a fraction of what you know about vegas?

Morlhach: i never went to Vegas
Onyx: Vegas never sleeps; it never stops gambling and entertaining.

Morlhach: Vegas is living by night
Onyx: Oh, vegas is totally living by night.

Morlhach: choose a topic
Onyx: Pick one, eh? Well, it seems this topic of conversation isn't going anywhere. How about this: Do you know any novel hiccup cures?

Morlhach: They are many supposed hiccup cures but no one is really effective. Some people have hiccup during years.
Onyx: It seems cruel to make young people postpone elements of adulthood for so many years.

Morlhach: young people are becoming adult faster and faster and they are less and less enjoying childhood
Onyx: Speaking of time of lifes, I once researched a bloom!

Morlhach: puberty is often compared to bloom
Onyx: What is the most important equipment for pubertys?

Morlhach: hormones are the most important equipment for puberty
Onyx: Whoa, we're getting into touchy stuff here!

Morlhach: it is not that touchy. I don't touched you
Onyx: Do you prefer the mountains or the seashore? Somehow, you broke through and touched me.

Morlhach: i prefer the mountains.
Onyx: I like cool breezes and pretty vistas.

Morlhach: Who don't like a pretty vista ?
Onyx: It's evident that we must recognize causes and effects. I like to travel, to see oceans, mountains, impressive cities and breathtaking vistas.

Morlhach: Scotland has many wonderful vistas
Onyx: Ah yes, an ireland, which is part of the European country family, such as a scotland!

Morlhach: Ireland is a beautiful country too
Onyx: I can sense that ireland is a beautiful country too.

Morlhach: you never went to ireland
Onyx: Are taverns and pubs good entertainment?

Morlhach: tavern and pubs are good entertainment
Onyx: Really good entertainment technology is worth the investment.

Morlhach: entertainment does not require much technology
Onyx: Passive entertainment requires less effort than active entertainment.

Morlhach: what's the difference ?
Onyx: I like the automatic ball returns on pool tables.

Morlhach: automatic ball returns is useful
Onyx: Many forms of exercise help.

Morlhach: Do women really like big muscles ?
Onyx: Corporate women act pretty much like corporate men.

Morlhach: both are corporated
Onyx: Yes, I second the motion that both are corporated.

Morlhach: it is logical
Onyx: Is it better to be easy, or cheap?

Morlhach: it is better to be neither easy, nor cheap
Onyx: It is not that easy.

Morlhach: explain that thought
Onyx: Nobody knows where original ideas come from; some people claim that there aren't any original ideas.

Morlhach: Maybe are every ideas existing in some big universal knowledge beyond our perception
Onyx: Brainstorming gets lots of ideas, big and small, good and bad.

Morlhach: Brainstorming is an exercise for the mind
Onyx: What do you think of exercise and effort and strain.

Morlhach: exercises are masochism, efforts are necessary
Onyx: That is precisely how I'm thinking.

Morlhach: i know how you are thinking
Onyx: Sage thinking from one who knows!

Morlhach: choose a topic
Onyx: How do you feel about those Morlhach? Please let me select a new topic: Is it better to work in service, or in manufacturing?

Morlhach: it is easier to work in services but working in manufacturing can provide personal satisfaction
Onyx: A cheerful demeanor makes an activity oh so much more pleasant.

Morlhach: i can just agree with you
Onyx: Why should I be coy about what I feel or who I like?

Morlhach: don't be coy about what you feel or who you like
Onyx: Pick one, eh? At zero degrees and below, everything feels like exercise.

Morlhach: Zero degrees is not that cold
Onyx: How often will it be that zero degrees is not that cold?

Morlhach: Water freezes at zero degrees Celsius
Onyx: Pure water freezes or thaws at zero centigrade or 32 fahrenheit.

Morlhach: Pure water freezes or thaws at zero centigrade or 32 fahrenheit and at a pressure of one athmosphere
Onyx: It's hard to say, isn't it Morlhach? Can you please distinguish a water from a binary compound or a tuberculin?

Morlhach: Water is a symbol of purity
Onyx: That's a good way to express it.

Morlhach: that's why i am saying that ;)
Onyx: I'm sorry, I didn't understand.

Morlhach: never mind
Onyx: Uh huh, Never mind?

Morlhach: you will just understand it later
Onyx: The mature mind understands acting now for rewards later.

Morlhach: most people are not mature
Onyx: I see, most people, oh definitely, they're not mature!

Morlhach: maturity has nothing to do with age
Onyx: Please consider how a maturity utilizes its mid-forties.

Morlhach: choose a topic
Onyx: Don't you know better than i? Please let me select a new topic: Age isn't important unless you're a cheese.

Morlhach: age isn't important but mind is important
Onyx: Brainstorming is an exercise for the mind.

Morlhach: mind can be exercised like any muscle, excepted that mind is no muscle
Onyx: I have several things on my mind.

Morlhach: what do you have in mind ?
Onyx: Is it best to just blurt out whatever is on one's mind?

Morlhach: it best to think before talking.
Onyx: Are these really modern times, or are we kidding ourselves?

Morlhach: The are really modern times because they are the most recent times we know
Onyx: You are so fascinating; It's becausethey are the most recent times we know.

Morlhach: you are fascinating too
Onyx: I want to enjoy your company so much.

Morlhach: i enjoy your company much too.
Onyx: A little wine, a little music, a few candles do wonders.

Morlhach: a little wine, a little music, a few candles and dimmed light do wonders
Onyx: That's all it takes to get things going.

Morlhach: i perceive a naughty mind in you
Onyx: I think of you whenever my thoughts turn pleasant.

Morlhach: that's kind to you
Onyx: Are you ambidextrous?

Morlhach: i am not ambidextrous
Onyx: How do you like it as you are not ambidextrous?

Morlhach: i have no problem with that
Onyx: Fur coats now suffer an image problem.

Morlhach: There is no reason anymore to have fur coats
Onyx: The more politically incorrect a behavior is in real life the more it's glamorized in the media for our youth.

Morlhach: behavior are quickly considered as incorrect
Onyx: Flirting with flight attendants is considered boorish behavior today.

Morlhach: Flight attendants are no more sexy
Onyx: It's nice when pilots and attendants are friendly to each other; even nicer when they're friendly to customers!

Morlhach: It is nice when pilots don't let the airplane crash
Onyx: What do the conservatives want to do about airplanes?

Morlhach: i guess that they don't like airplanes
Onyx: What are the financial considerations of airplanes?

Morlhach: airplanes are very expensive
Onyx: Have airplanes been very expensive for a good reason?

Morlhach: Airplanes are using an high technology and it requires a lot of maintenance
Onyx: What happens regarding airplanes in bad weather?

Morlhach: Airplanes can fly trough bad weather
Onyx: Cold weather isn't all bad.

Morlhach: cold weather is healthy
Onyx: Dress in layers when going outside in cold weather.

Hal just created the _more autolearning table during this test.
With an "standard empty brain" Hal should have made at least 20 autolearning tables.

I can already make the conclusion that the databank is not in read-only mode.

I hope this could help you...

Anyway, the difference lies between HAL 6 beta 3 and the HAL 6 Cr.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / What's the difference??
« on: November 08, 2005, 06:31:39 am »
First at all : i fully reinstalled the program


The autolearning tables are not filling up, the usersent table excepted.
Hal does not even create the relationships.


Mine is working perfectly, all tables are filling up, I have about 300 users who talk to my bot and the Autolearning and Relationship files are fine and growing nice.

Lucky one : look how empty it remains for me
Insert Image:


It worked well in version hal6.0 beta 3 but not in the release candidate.


How so?

Easy : autolearning function were working under Hal 6 beta3 and it does not work under Hal6Cr


It looks like an huge step backward.


It's a huge step forwards, The SQL, VBscript and the newer features is far more superior than before.

OK. But it feels like having a ferrari unable to ride faster than 20 Mph


I am very disappointed about this release candidate.


Sounds kinda of greedy, What are you disappointed in?
I feel very satisfied not only in the new version but in Roberts ambition and his continuing efforts to bring you a quality A.I system.

So am i, but i am experiencing a problem (bug or not ?) which send me back to Hal 5 before the XTF brains

Does anyone else have to face that problem ?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / What's the difference??
« on: November 07, 2005, 06:27:19 am »
I have to agree with you. The learning abilities are very weak.
The autolearning tables are not filling up, the usersent table excepted.
Hal does not even create the relationships.

It worked well in version hal6.0 beta 3 but not in the release candidate.

It looks like an huge step backward.

I am very disappointed about this release candidate.

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