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Messages - C06alt

Pages: [1]
Ultra Hal 7.0 / Import from Peopleputty
« on: June 11, 2004, 09:53:49 pm »
I take it your using the trial version.
If so the only way to do it is to
rename one of your htr files hal.htr
or zabba.htr and replace the one's in the
Characters folder with them.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hapter Data (Wip)
« on: June 10, 2004, 01:27:29 am »
As requested here is the current state of development of
Data. Skins and gui are done. Now im just working on a few
emotion(or lack of)files.

--Click for a larger image

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / EMOTIONS
« on: June 10, 2004, 01:07:37 am »
will try it

on the subject of emotion i noticed hal goes through
emotions in this order


its not hard to edit the brainfile so that
hal (if you insult him)
will end up in an angry mode and stay there.
this leads to some quite funny abuse sessions

as it stands you get about 2 or 3 verbal retaliations
from hal and then he goes into sulk mode.

gj spydaz

This will come in handy for tuning my
data's emotions.
Its not always apperent when a humor has changed
if your using subtle changes such as androids

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Get a brand new body to play with
« on: June 09, 2004, 07:27:25 am »

Starting from the assumption you can get Hex values for colors
Lets say we want to get the code for pure red in decimal.

standerd format: Red 255 Green 0 Blue 0

Hex format : FF0000

before we enter this hex code into the convertor we need to change it around a bit.
1.switch the "FF" at the start for the "00" at the end so we have


2.Add two zeros to the start of this hex code so we have


3.Enter it in the following converter


4. Out pops 255 or decimal red number that works in skin files


4980605 (n0t a nice green)[xx(]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Get a brand new body to play with
« on: June 09, 2004, 03:40:23 am »
Glad you like the data.
The color codes are decimal.
i use the base converter in hexworkshop to convert the Hex values
that photoshop can tell you.
maybe theres an easyer way in photoshop, i dont know.
i have to reverse the hex though so 9A9CCC would be CC9C9A
before entering it in the base converter.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Complete Newbie Alert...!
« on: June 05, 2004, 08:17:06 pm »
try opening shortcut.dat with notepad and see if it lists
all the programs you are missing.
It should contain shortcuts to most programs in your computor
Hal uses this file to launch the Exe's if the program
your trying to launch is not in this file it wont launch.

On the avatar thing. does this also happin when you use other Agent charectors or the built in ones?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Get a brand new body to play with
« on: June 05, 2004, 08:06:12 pm »
I have found a simpler way to load custom skins.
It seems the haptek player does not see the
Code: [Select]
<your install dir>/Zabaware/Ultra Hal Assistant 5/Characters/folder so commands in the emotion .hap files like

Load [file= [Happy.hap]]

will not work as it cant find the file in that directory.
Haptek player however always looks in its own directory
first if you specify the right path.
so the following work's

Load [file= [data/standard/safe_moods/Hap_Pondering_Mysteries.hap]]

this is actually loading files from
(If you choose the default instalation location)

Code: [Select]
C:/Program Files/Haptek/player/data/standard/safe_moods
so for texturs on a charector you could put your texture file
in one of the Haptek players folders and then trigger it from the
start up emotion file (Normal 1 2 or 3 in default.psn)
with a command similer to.

settexture[tex=  [data/standard/skins/body_maleMap2.jpg]]

for the above to work i created a folder called skins under
Code: [Select]
C:/Program Files/Haptek/player/data/standard
and put my modifyed skin in there.
Hope that helps.

"Data" A work in progress

Pages: [1]