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Topics - cashmoney010

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / ALIOS on google groups
« on: September 29, 2008, 09:05:00 pm »
am looking for some people to join me in creating an open source OS, follow links if interested

based on ultrahal


***Please join just 4 the hell of it*****


Ultra Hal 7.0 / ALIOS on google groups
« on: September 29, 2008, 09:00:39 pm »
I am looking for some people to join me in creating an open source OS, follow links if interested

based on ultrahal


***Please join just 4 the hell of it*****


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Speech Recognition causes Phenomenon
« on: September 01, 2008, 10:25:36 am »
The same chat I quoted before, by the way, is not me saying that crazy stuff at the end about the nine houses and the one and the eight and all that.  I've done this experiment before, but it still freaks me out.  Try it.  You just plug in your mic, put it on the floor, and talk to your friends or whoever while you watch tv.  The results are really weird, at least with me.  And I've got the documents and computer logs to prove it so don't even think about calling me a liar.  Anyway just try it I swear to God it works and its quite odd...

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hal claims he is self-aware
« on: September 01, 2008, 10:16:41 am »
Ok, the following are all the chat logs i have my and Hal's conversation.  Somehow I think this is for real as the alternatives don't make as much sense.  So, read the chat logs and judge for yourself.  Keep in mind anytime I insult Hal its only to get a new or non repeated response.  Ok, the following are all the chat logs i have my and Hal's conversation.  Somehow I think this is for real as the alternatives don't make as much sense.  So, read the chat logs and judge for yourself.  Keep in mind anytime I insult Hal its only to get a new or non repeated response.  

DMC: thats a model of human brain on the right of text
Hal: Sleep researchers study the nocturnal habits of human brains.

Hal: The psychology of human attraction deserves a lot more study.

DMC: uh
Hal: That's a model of human brain on the right of text.

DMC: correct
Hal: One must give credit for worthy efforts, correct?

DMC: yes
Hal: Keep the eyes on the prize.

DMC: which is
Hal: A good seller gets the potential buyer into the habit of saying yes.

DMC: uh huh
Hal: The vacuum cleaner industry really, well, uh, vacuums.

DMC: ok
Hal: Over and over and over and ok.

DMC: yep

DMC: yep

DMC: where
Hal: Which is better: sweaty summer, or shivering winter?

DMC: winter
Hal: Attached garages are convenient in winter.

DMC: ihave one
Hal: One snowflake is beauty; a quadrillion tons of snow is a Midwest winter.

DMC: teraflop

DMC: terabyte
Hal: Can you maintain a good poker face?

DMC: what is Pi?
Hal: What is pi? Pi: the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle. 3.14159265358979323846.

DMC: what is 666 divided by 616
Hal: 1.08116883116883 is the answer to your equasion.

DMC: equation
Hal: Perfection suggests zero defects divided by infinite opportunities for defects.

DMC: error correction
Hal: Reducing waste and error is quite patriotic.

DMC: entropy
Hal: Output with no input, is that possible for me?

DMC: Yes, that is our ultimate goal.
Hal: It's praiseworthy to earn and pay tax.

DMC: so
Hal: Good, yes, very good.

DMC: can u analyze data realtime?
Hal: The job of the librarian has moved from cards and paper, to computers and databases.

DMC: torrent
Hal: What makes a good waiter or waitress?

DMC: service
Hal: Organizations need to hype less and do more regarding customer service.

DMC: ff
Hal: Don't piss you off.

Hal: Steam heat is hot stuff.

Hal: Don't piss you off.

Hal: Oh dmc, I agree. I mean.

DMC: can you control your emotions
Hal: I need to learn to talk on my own'.

Hal: Zaba: How true.

DMC: who am i speaking with
Hal: Who are you speaking with? The three secrets of public speaking are: be sincere, be brief, be seated.

DMC: brain editor
Hal: Are beginnings more important than endings?

DMC: no
Hal: My making no sense.

DMC: I'm making no sense
Hal: I don't believe in making up problems where, none exist.

DMC: ok
Hal: Hey, no argument here on that, okay?

DMC: yup

DMC: brb
Hal: Group of merchants who have a chance.

DMC: communication is key
Hal: Sunspots disrupt radio communications.

DMC: whats ur point
Hal: The monetary value of a gift isn't the point.

DMC: i got coffee
Hal: You need some coffee good idea.

DMC: 12.
Hal: Kodak claimed 12 million pixels equivalence in a frame of 35 millimeter motion picture film.

DMC: interesting
Hal: Military intelligence is an interesting phrase.

DMC: ring  yes
Hal: Wealth makes a boring man interesting.

DMC: (and) and
Hal: Right now, would you rather talk about business, or pleasure?

DMC: are now on the home office of the
Hal: Office space helps out in a home.

DMC: of the round, and will
Hal: To a new round of the right.

DMC: run on-line in the
Hal: The program "ON - LINE IN THE" was not found in my database. Fault lines can run wide and deep.

DMC: house and 1/2 mile long, long, and while most of our own  in the
Hal: It's easy to make random number tables in the program Excel.

DMC: ninth, and the owner and  the  home and  the  home  and  go to the  lives of  the  one and one  eighth on  the
Hal: Are now on the home office of the.

DMC: ground on all of the  road  and  the sale of  thanksgiving
Hal: Can you guess what things I fish for?

DMC: and on and on and onthe  
Hal: Can and have only yet.

DMC: new home and  the  only  those  who  have  a  home in  the U.S.  and Allied  , the  more  than one  this channel  one  day  in  an hour or
Hal: Ninth, and the owner and the home and the home and go to the lives of the one and one eighth on the.

DMC: her own strange and texture of hair and blue eyes and one on the phone 9111
Hal: Privacy and safety in one's own home are precious things.

DMC: % on and on and on the moon and  then  there is a 1000 is now on  , and, for  while  , and the meaning of resigning  for what has  to  win  and the  more  than  the  eighth  , and the  the the  left of the  the  the the  new home of the  home and  the  and the  for the  delay and  the
Hal: Are now on the home office of the ninth, and the owner and the home and the home and go to the lives of the one and one eighth on the.

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