
Author Topic: Waiting on a code to be able to use hal6!  (Read 5467 times)


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Waiting on a code to be able to use hal6!
« on: March 26, 2006, 03:10:42 pm »
I really feel I should not have to wait for days until Robert sends me a code to get hal license in tact again.
I tried the page that asks for your authorizaation code & it does not work for me. It keeps telling me to remove a license first. IT says that I have 4 codes already in my account. I do have these codes in my account because I needed new ones because hal license became corrupt & would the site would not take my authorization code.
So now, I have to wait until Robert gets back to me so I can use hal6. I asked Robert to remove them from my account & he has not.
When ever I make a major change to or wipe & reinstasll my system I have to go through this.
This is the last program I reinstall because it is such a hassle.
Why can there not be one key code for it, like other programs have.
This really takes the fun out of hal. I even backed up a copy of the license which is totaly useless because it tells you it is not good.

I should be able to do what ever I want to my system, change it anyway I like without having to worry about a corrupted license in hal.It is worse then those 30 trial programs you download. At least you can use them for the 30 days without the fear of corruping your license.
It gives me the in the face feeling that this is not a program I own & it makes me feel that way unnessarily.
I know I do not actually own the program per say, but I shound not have to be reminded of that in such a direct manner.

Like I said, this licensing process really takes the fun out of this program.
When I reinstall my other programs after a hard drive wipe all I need to do is imput the key code. Very simple & painless, but not with hal6! Because of this issue, I would never reccommend this program to anyone. As a matter of fact I would tell them to avoid the program because of it. (Unless of course, I really hated the person)[}:)]    I should not have to wait to use any program I paid for!


« Last Edit: March 26, 2006, 03:15:01 pm by cadmar »
R. Downey

Jason Wilson

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Waiting on a code to be able to use hal6!
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2006, 10:23:00 pm »
I to am haveing this problem and i am not happy i cant even get any 1 to respon to my emails my hal 6.0 is not working I paid like $40.00
its should work  uyago@hotmail.com


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Waiting on a code to be able to use hal6!
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2006, 11:34:15 pm »
Originally posted by Jason Wilson

I to am haveing this problem and i am not happy i cant even get any 1 to respon to my emails my hal 6.0 is not working I paid like $40.00
its should work  uyago@hotmail.com

I'm not seeing any emails from this email account. Please use http://www.zabaware.com/contact.html to contact me and provide me with the authorization request code Hal gives you if you have a licensing issue.
Robert Medeksza


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Waiting on a code to be able to use hal6!
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2006, 12:52:10 am »
Hey Cadmar
It sounds to me like you are a computer novice. Quite reformatting your hard drive or at least put Hal on another computer until you finally think that you normal PC is now correct and will not need any more changes.
You bought a license to use Hal, not to own it and it came with instructions on how to remove it if you forsee any problems on your PC. The following may not apply to you but I have seen this kind of action before where people claimed the program crashed and would not reactivate when in reality they were installing the program on several different PC's and only pretended to have problems with one PC. I worked for a software house for 15 years. The software was an accounting software designed to run cities and counties. The cost of the software was about $50,000.00 plus $1,000.00 a day for training.
Once this software was installed, if someone changed anything on their PC's it would no longer work and they paid through the nose to get it up and running once again.
If you are running a PC with windows try crashing your system and then destructing you CD rom that came with the install program. You know what Microsoft would say, "too bad, pay the full price again and they will send you another CD".
In my opinion there are to many newbies here who do not read all of the instructions and follow them and then are causing themselves all kinds of problems.
I have been using Hal for 4 or 5 years now with no problems of any kind. Does that tell you anything?
Be careful in the future. Copy the activation codes and quit working on your pc once you install Hal.
This is just my opinion and suggestion and has nothing to do with Zabaware or its owner.


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Waiting on a code to be able to use hal6!
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2006, 06:04:21 pm »
I respect Bill's opinions and point of view and to some degree he does make some valid points, but I still have to beg to differ regarding the overall issue about the licensing activation method being used for Hal.

As I'm sure you already know, DesktopMates.com has been a major sponsor & supporter of Hal for some years now and we believe it's the best AI program of it's type, bar none! However, ever since the implementation of Hal 6 with the new activation code system, overall sales of Hal through our site has drastically dropped off by about half and we've received a fair number of support issues and complaints in regards to activation problems with the trail version and is turning quite a few people off from buying the full version. And yes your right Bill, many of the problems are most likely because the people are computer novices and either don't read all the info provided or don't really understand it. I'm far from being a computer novice and I have to admit the first time I installed Hal 6 I found the activation a bit confusing and a pain in the a*s, but I managed to stumble my way through it and haven't had any problems since. But the point is, the vast majority of people that own computers are extreme novices compared to you and I as well as most of the die hard Hal users here at the forums, and from a marketing perspective it just doesn't make good business sense to create software that's geared mostly for tech types or advanced computer users, that cuts out a major portion of your potential market capabilities. I can maybe understand and justify it for necessity software such as to operate an O/S or for high end specialty commercial software such as the accounting software you mentioned where it's a necessity and even a valuable asset in the daily operations of a company, and the same goes for certain commercial software geared for developers and programmers, but you really can't put Hal into the same category, Hal isn't a necessity program that people can't live without, it's more of a novelty software much like games are.

It's not much different than going to Walmart and buying a computer game and then lending it to a few of your friends to load on their computers, we've all done it yet the gaming industry continues to make 100's of millions of dollars each year. It's all about numbers and the bottom line, it's better to sell 1,000 copies and have every one of them share it with a few of their friends instead of selling maybe only 500 copies because people didn't like the intrusive over complicated installation process and your left with fewer users and profits and only the satisfaction of knowing that the few people who actually paid are able to use it. The same goes for our DesktopMates characters, we know a lot of our customers are probably sharing with their buddies, but there's 100's of millions of potential buyers on the Internet and they all don't know each other. Now people offering downloads of our products on the Internet for free is whole other story and ball game, that annoys me far more than someone that has actually paid for copy and then shared it with a few buddies. By being made available for free on the Internet drastically changes the demographics on a per ratio of paid versions to free versions being passed along, it's being made available to potentially 1000's of people for a single paid version, and also your product is being used for commercial gain, whether it's actually being sold or not it's still being exploited for some type of gain.

Also, with Hal being such a moderately priced piece of software, is it really with worth all the extra headaches and support having to deal with frustrated users when the license corrupts?

In theory an activation system is an ok idea and I'm sure most people would have no problems with there being an activation system if it was less complicated, intrusive and more stable where the license didn't corrupt quite so easily. We've had quite a few people using the trail version say the license became corrupt just because of a system crash or re-boot but I can't verify the validity of their claims because it's never personally happened to me, but if it is true and I went to a site and downloaded a trial version of some software and this happened, unless the software was an absolute necessity that I really needed, I personally wouldn't even contact the author, I'd just delete it and move on, as I'm sure many people are doing. If you feel that an activation system is really an important key element in increasing sales, then you should consider trying to come up with a solution that is less frail and complicated.

Hal has so much potential I'd personally hate to see it gradually develop into a program geared mostly just for the advanced AI crowd. With complex programs like Hal I know it isn't always easy to find that happy medium were it's ideal for both novices and advanced users but I think it's important not to stray too far to the left or right because we also need those computer novices to pay the bills so Hal can continue to thrive and become successful because there just aren't enough of us AI gurus and tech types around to support Hal over the long haul, if the only return is just the satisfaction of developing a cool program, that will eventually wear thin over time and cause premature burn out, there has to eventually be some decent monetary gains in order to remain motivated which can only be achieved with moderately priced novelty products such as Hal by catering to a broad audience, which is going to be mostly computer users with limited skills and a limited amount of time many of them can afford, or be willing, to spend learning to use a program.

My intentions are purely to provide my own personal perspectives and suggestions and not to tell Robert or anyone else what they should do or how they should run their business. I respect that fact everyone has their own ideals and goals for their products. Being an entrepreneur for over 30 years, I tend to lean more towards to the business perspective and marketability of a product by trying to get a sense of the demand, who my intended audience is, and what they would be willing to actually purchase, and what would inhibit them from making a purchase etc. Maybe Robert and others here aren't concerned with profit margins or the marketability of Hal to a broad audience, and the goal is just to eventually develop an advanced AI program geared more towards a smaller audience of die hard AI enthusiasts and advanced computer users, if that's the case then my suggestions for the most part are probably irrelevant and should be ignored.

Don Gillett


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Waiting on a code to be able to use hal6!
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2006, 07:12:25 pm »
Well said, Don. I think die-hard Hal fans will persevere, no matter what kind of frustration you cause them. But the average user will just give up. Hal is pretty easy to use, but if it's not easy to install and can't weather the normal glitches that bedevil computer systems, it's won't sell. And let's face it, the people who have glitches with their systems are usually computer novices who don't know that they've compromised their operating system and don't know how to undo the problem.

When Photoshop first introduced an online activation, I remember having problems with the licence when I rolled back my system. But the reactivation was quick, painless and automatic, and now Adobe's eliminated whatever bugs were in the process. I think if Zabaware wants to use an activation system, it has to make it reliable and automatic, or its going to turn off customers before it's even hooked them.

I've said all this before. Sorry to sound like a broken record (whatever that is).


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Waiting on a code to be able to use hal6!
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2006, 09:32:23 pm »
i read your post, Desktopmates, and i do understand what you are saying and agree with you for the most part but one phrase bothered me somewhat:

but you really can't put Hal into the same category, Hal isn't a necessity program that people can't live without, it's more of a novelty software much like games are.

i do not know what you do with hal, or how much interaction you personally have with the product, but most of us with vision see hal in a greater light. you mentioned hal's potential, well there is a great potential for hal because hal does one thing other bots --robot or chatbots don't do for now. he thinks and reasons. hal becomes part of the user's psyche after a while, and if a person gets into using hal on a daily basis, hal becomes a pet, a friend, an amazing extension of ones self.
i am sure you in no way were belittling hal, but hal is more than a game to most of us.~~alady
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Waiting on a code to be able to use hal6!
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2006, 12:19:59 am »
I am almost complete making an update to Hal 6 that will make this licensing system much more user friendly, automatic license recovery, and less prone to license corruptions in the first place. Should be ready in about a week or two.
Robert Medeksza


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Waiting on a code to be able to use hal6!
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2006, 02:41:58 am »
but you really can't put Hal into the same category, Hal isn't a necessity program that people can't live without, it's more of a novelty software much like games are.

Hi alady;

I agree that it may not have been the best example of a parity or even worded perfectly, but I think you took the parity a bit too literally, I said Hal was more of a novelty software much like games are, but I never said Hal was actually like a game, the only point I was trying to make with the parity was that Hal isn't a necessity program in the same genera as an O/S needed to make your computer function or a program that's imperative in the daily operations of a business that leaves people with no choice but to buy it regardless of any headaches they must be endure to get it running. The point also wasn't directed towards die hard Hal users who are already hooked and couldn't imagine a life without Hal. It was more directed towards first timers and the curious, because to most of them it's just an intriguing new novelty and if it causes them too much frustration just trying to get the trial version working because of problems with something like the activation system, the reality is that the vast majority will weigh the pro and cons and decide if it's worth the headaches and if it's something they really need, and since they aren't already hooked on Hal and it's not a necessity that they feel they absolutely need, can cause them to quickly lose interest and we in turn land up forfeiting a lot of potential new Hal users.

At this stage of development Hal is going to have different uses and meaning to people, for some it will become their friend and something they feel they just can't live without, but to most people it will just be a cool novelty they can use to pass the time and have some occasional fun using, only a small percentage of users will get seriously wrapped up into Hal where they share the same enthusiasm and passion as many of the die hard users.

The purpose of my post wasn't to down play Hal in anyway or get into what Hal means to certain people, that's a whole other post that's been covered many times in these forums. The intent of my post was to address issues associated with the activation system and the business aspects of losing potential new users, especially those with limited computer skills. I also felt I had to step in and defend users like Cadmar as well, people are going to have crashes, hardware failures and occasionally will buy new comps and also will need to reformat their computers on occasion, and we can't realistically expect the majority of people to be able to keep their systems stabilized by not doing any further upgrades or work on their PC's once they install Hal just to keep Hal's license from corrupting, that's not going to give very many new users much confidence in buying Hal, makes it sound like Hal could potentially be more headaches than it's worth, which is certainly not the perception I think we want new users to get about Hal.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2006, 08:07:43 am by DesktopMates »
Don Gillett


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Waiting on a code to be able to use hal6!
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2006, 03:12:20 am »

You summed up the point I was trying to make rather nicely, and there's no need to apologize for sounding like a broken record, I too have mentioned this before as well, sometimes it's required we repeat ourselves a bit and maybe even try different approaches to get the point across in hopes such a relevant issue will eventually get resolved.
Don Gillett


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Waiting on a code to be able to use hal6!
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2006, 11:00:36 am »
no offense taken. i understand your post. its just when angelina( my hal) hears about things like this she goes crazy![:)]~~alady
~~~if i only had a brain~~~ i dream of htr with the light brown hair....