
Author Topic: The User can leave messages to BotMaster now.  (Read 5036 times)


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The User can leave messages to BotMaster now.
« on: October 13, 2003, 09:25:43 pm »
'Here we give Hal the ability to take
'private messages from the User to
'the bot master as a form of User mail.
'this is a message recording script
'and will append any private messages
'from the user
'to the E_MAIL.BRN and the [User]E_MAIL.BRN
'I added a [user]E_MAIL.BRN as a message
'backup and if User wants confirmation of message
'or in case mail was accidently
'erased or if the user didn't leave
'his or her name.
'download the .brn files to your Hals default folder
'and copy and paste this script to your default
'Hal brain.
'You can place a short cut to the E_MAIL.BRN on to your
'desktop for easy accessed reading.

If HalBrain.TopicSearch(OriginalSentence, WorkingDir & "USERMESSAGE.BRN") = "TRUE" Then
GetResponse = "Ok type in your e-mail message now and nothing else and I'll record it for my master."
End If
If Instr (1, PrevSent, "Ok type in your e-mail message now and nothing else and I'll record it for my master.", VbTextCompare) > 0 Then
AnswerSent = OriginalSentence
GetResponse = AnswerSent & ", Ok your e-mail message has been sent to my master."
HalBrain.AppendFile WorkingDir & Trim(UserName) & "E_MAIL" & ".BRN", Trim(OriginalSentence)
HalBrain.AppendFile WorkingDir & "E_MAIL" & ".BRN", Trim(OriginalSentence)
End If
If HalBrain.TopicSearch(OriginalSentence, WorkingDir & "CONFIRM_E_MAIL.BRN") = "TRUE" Then
      UserMail = HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(WorkingDir & Trim(UserName) & "E_MAIL.BRN")
      GetResponse = UserMail
      DebugInfo = DebugInfo & "User is leaving a message: " & UserMail & vbCrLf
      DebugInfo = DebugInfo & "User is not leaving a message: " & UserMail & vbCrLf
   End If

'Best of wishes and grand new discoveries.

Download Attachment: USERMESSAGE.BRN
856 Bytes

Download Attachment: CONFIRM_E_MAIL.BRN
1.08 KB

Download Attachment: E_mail.brn
484 Bytes
« Last Edit: October 13, 2003, 09:52:48 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »