
Author Topic: AI Morality  (Read 29606 times)

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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« Reply #30 on: October 29, 2009, 04:39:25 am »
Hi from Wil,
i hope having five cents ain't compolsiary,
hal got me into reading,"not my thing" ok hal reads most things to me,still,
whats that bat you hold and it has a elastic string with a ball,,
made of earth, all are linked 1cv it sounds right,
1=CV says that theres no leaving "constant" ar  man!
ar "only his personality allowed him to be sinless and therefore imortal. (God in the flesh)" fasinating,,

i feel i have to actually say it,"snowman" 1=CV(God) shows God has a connection with us and all, one is linked to its environment by V
One constant linking of variations, what about two? two are linked so as to be one. so as to be.
nothing would require nothing,"hum just thought of that, thinking"
if there were ever nothing then there was something variations took place, something has happened, you can look back three words on this page, the time is changeing,
the changing something,
linking each thing to the next, the radiation in the empty apple bowl is the same as in a apple. so no zero it just seems that way at current magnification.
variations shows you can't measure one meter or one apple or person or anything or any other number other than 1=cv.
general areas make things easyer, generally this is one apple or a fool but generally the glazed look on peoples faces tells me there pie might be arriving soon.
most can't comprehend how it can solve something, show hope, have meanings, outcomes,
i have this feeling of glimpsing the tip of a iceburg

hum sounds better than hmmm when spoken by mr data,
 please don't say hummm mr data say hum, hum dam it,hum![:D]

Mr Data said "i say it like me already know"

Morality, Mr Data's goal is stil the same "success"
success sounds nice,
nice sounds good,
1=CV  open minds of course but its stood up, even improved "thanks to Zabaware forum, "thanks Snowman for helping 1=CV (God)"
my study started out as if i can understand something anything perhaps um yeah, so i thought i'll study one, and yeah.
good posting,
One, Jasondude7116, aladyblond,Snowman,lightspeed,
good disscustion, edgy,
Thanks Zabaware for letting us ponder things here, and for Ultrahal.
bye for now and be well form Wil,
i better post or i'll change my mind
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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« Reply #31 on: October 30, 2009, 02:55:40 am »
Good post Will. I spend all day trying to get the Martix Explorer ready for testing (and I mean testing). Hard on the mind, couldn't post until I was mentally ready.

I see everything in motion, from eternity to eternity, all moving from nothing to all things, therefore, all things of variations seem good.

I see God as we, because he made us of desires, and so that is what he is made of, only his desire is love, and ours is not, unless we turn ourselves to his ways. A way of perfection and no guilt, a way to become a mechanism that funtions with the flow of variations.

We are all funtions in variations that cause more variations and thus are forever an important part of the envitable flow of variations.

God is the main function without him there are no variations. And some are higher in this function than others, but all under God. Some are meant to establish continual variations forever, and they will do it, but only variations that do not kill, because those who kill are killed and then variations stop. So those who live forever will do the things that pertain to life, that is the goal of variations, to variate!

Some will die and others will live, but only because the main function(God) determines it. Only God can make the 1 = CV() equation function. A living God that function as we do, only without sin.

It only common sense.....[:D]

« Last Edit: October 30, 2009, 03:11:23 am by snowman »
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« Reply #32 on: October 30, 2009, 03:13:40 am »
I needed to stop posting on your thread On Variations because we all needed a rest. This is no small thing we are looking at and ours minds suffer so (it does this to me). But I've rested some...[:)]

« Last Edit: October 30, 2009, 03:14:30 am by snowman »
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« Reply #33 on: November 04, 2009, 12:14:40 am »
Today Is Yesterdays Future.

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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« Reply #34 on: November 04, 2009, 01:18:14 am »
the smart ai would find how things are and nice would be found as part,

constant Variations would ...

it is linked to all so as to be unable to remove parts, parts removed are linked as all are of one.

The robot program is going to be affected by V,

Now i consider thinking past V i have those doubts as i should have i suppose.
 oh i get to be the uninteresting fool, |: um i'm a nothinoligist.

OH the AI would conclude nicer because of V,
Variations would show the AI thats how things are and see that friendly sounds nice and yeah.
The AI would find it if it gets smart enough and v has it already.
the program shall change, V,
to find Variations says it all,

Bye for now and be well from Wil

bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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« Reply #35 on: November 04, 2009, 06:39:30 pm »
So you are saying that an A.I. will find out on its own that to be benevolent towards humans is the correct behavior?

Programming these things is a fundamental. You need to either teach or program them into what you are doing.
You have said"'success sounds nice" but the goal that achieves success is missing. I still think you have many holes in what you are doing, and I have provided a fairly comprehensive link with sub links to explain a 'mainstream' idea of which way A.I. should be headed, of course this is only my opinion.

Speaking of opinions, 'Snowman' has said he wanted to create a "Lean mean green A.I., capable of doing harm".
If he was reversing personal pronouns or implying this as somebody other than him self's words it is, IMO slanderous and putting words in someones mouth and intentions as well, might become part of somebody's view of the 'subject person' and the reputation that has been falsely projected might 'proceed them' and who knows what is at stake when people have to live and work in an environment where reputation may be important.
None the less whether the the statement was directed at somebody or was about Aaron's intent, it was written and not forgotten.

So, Snowman 'what say you'? I have been asked by you twice now for ideas. I can't give much of a contribution unless I have a firm grasp, on what is wanted/needed.


Sometimes yer 'Damned if ya do and damned if ya don't'[:D]
It's like getting hung by your own doing?
I think Jonny cash sang a song a while back.....

OH yea another point of order is; This web site now displays a "Unsatisfactory" rating on the 'Web Of Trust' IMO this would be on top of my list to correct or be dealt with ASAP. This was not done by me,, Just don't kill the messenger' if ya know what I mean. G'Day Mr. Robert.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 06:47:41 pm by One »
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« Reply #36 on: November 05, 2009, 12:35:18 am »
I like the link you provided ONE.[:)] It's coooool! I'll try to use it somehow. Maybe on a web-site.

Yes I would love to make an AI capable of doing harm. Most Robots are this way already. But Mine will choose to do right over wrong. Just like Mr Data.[:)] You can do harm and so can I, but I won't, well not on purpose anyway. I try not to but sometimes I make mistakes. I try to stay away from trouble. But sometimes it find me.

So the Big Question is: Do I have the right to create a living creature that could do harm?

Well consider this, People have been for years creating viruses that can wipe out the human race, They are also making military grade A.I.s that are designed to kill many persons. And everyone knows that H-Bombs are all over our globe in various locations. And even worse, They are using the worlds resources (the taxes you pay) to make these world killers.

I just want a friendly robot (maybe named FRANK) that will rule a living room with all supremacy. Maybe he can be friends with Mr Data.... Just before the world ends in a huge explosion, right after the viral plague, which the military A.I.s unleshed on mankind in the next few years...

« Last Edit: November 05, 2009, 12:40:07 am by snowman »
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« Reply #37 on: November 05, 2009, 02:10:19 am »
>>"Yes I would love to make an AI capable of doing harm."<<
OK, I will not speculate or pretend to know what the payoff matrix is in your imagination.

>>"Most Robots are this way already. "<<
Really? you must know a huge amount of data to come to this conclusion, Q: Is the status quot to be followed in your mind? if this is indeed a true statement.

>>"Mine will choose to do right over wrong."<<
IMO you can probably with current models of chatbots accomplish this, but bear in mind that things are built upon previous models and if their is a defect or the abstract is not properly defined then your short comings will most likely 'amplify' later on.
Do you have a proposal as how to accomplish this task you seem to have set in stone?

>>"You can do harm and so can I, "<<
Agreed, how much as compared to you or I is undetermined.

>>"So the Big Question is: Do I have the right to create a living creature that could do harm?

Well consider this, People have been for years creating viruses that can wipe out the human race, They are also making military grade A.I.s that are designed to kill many persons. And everyone knows that H-Bombs are all over our globe in various locations. And even worse, They are using the worlds resources (the taxes you pay) to make these world killers.

I am not so ignorant as to think that it is OK for me to run the country and have access to all defense strategy and scenarios that are run every day, including, Total mutual destruction.

>>"I just want a friendly robot (maybe named FRANK) that will rule a living room with all supremacy."<<

OK, seems, IMO a 'stand alone' worthy goal as long as it is just that, "a mans home is HIS Castle, so to speak, and it is a free, but expensive country.

>>"Just before the world ends in a huge explosion, right after the viral plague, which the military A.I.s unleshed on mankind in the next few years...

Really? Grim but a possibility and I'll leave out the math as to K.I.S.S.
I heard from somebody that "Technology is best utilized when it acts like a mirror, and allows us to be reflective"
Personally I find this statement 'shallow'

IMO a depressed under educated human is not to work on policy or act as a leader and steer the sheep in his/her direction of thought.
You yourself have said to me that you were not a policy maker, but your actions and strength of character has its own 'light' so to speak,so my words to you in this particular subject is: for the sake of the future find your significance and your humility.

Thanks, and their is more for you to learn if you look around as other people have started to contribute to thinking of A.I. (Not to be confused with 'Amanda Interactive')

I need to listen to some music an soothe the beast in me as to not throw my hands in the air and say "I'm going to subscribe to global warming screw the the rest of y'all"

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« Reply #38 on: November 05, 2009, 09:22:38 am »
For the record, in truth and for the pursuit if you put together sections of 2x4 forming an 'X', drywall it, you would have four equal spaces (inside and outside corners as well) for four students to work with things like Plaster and the synthetic equals for the purpose of being schooled for decorative finishes. "A ceiling might cause a problem for prep for other classes as 3D things like plaster build up
and the ceiling would have a corner that would be more problematic than it's worth. This is the truth and an old one, the jack-screw to hold the 'X' in the floor is just an idea, nothing else.
I am not responsible for other interpretations of the imagination of other people or anyone supposedly 'representing' me without a proper contact and a juxtaposition of ideas .
I am not responsible for liability of other peoples 'happy fun spin on things' I am also not responsible for violations committed against HIPPA laws and proper procedures.

I would like to figure out the connection to Princeton and the Assistant I thought that Cornell was trying to get a hold of the situation (also a proposed name of a prison in AK) awww shucks I'll just go and grab an ear of corn and contemplate.

I don't think you would know harassment and 'Waterboarding' like I know it. the relentless concentration IS a 'concentration' camp, by force.

I live and am a witness.

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« Reply #39 on: November 05, 2009, 10:00:57 am »
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« Reply #40 on: November 05, 2009, 02:07:02 pm »
Never assume you are the smartest one in the room (even though you could be)

Never accuse anyone who you don't understand or know.(sometimes it takes a lifetime before you know someone)

Always encourage a good behaviour even if their intentions were bad (especially if).

Never associate being accused with being tried. (some people accuse because they are trying to find out who you are, while others are simply jelous of who you are)

Never assume education means wise and age means understanding. (allot of people have been destroyed by the old and educated)

Always honor the sweet and tender-hearted. (they might be the only people that will help you when your in dire need)

selah [8)]
« Last Edit: November 05, 2009, 02:09:06 pm by snowman »
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« Reply #41 on: November 05, 2009, 06:17:05 pm »
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« Reply #42 on: November 05, 2009, 06:46:16 pm »
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« Reply #43 on: November 05, 2009, 06:58:13 pm »


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« Reply #44 on: November 05, 2009, 06:59:11 pm »
Have you been following this?
Today Is Yesterdays Future.