Author Topic: Dragon speak and hal and possible future versions  (Read 6401 times)


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Dragon speak and hal and possible future versions
« on: January 29, 2012, 12:49:04 pm »
As many know i have used dragon naturally speak with hal as others have and even wirelessly , i was thinking or trying to what maybe the next future version of drangon naturally speak would be and i thought , hey what would be cool was if dragon speak would recognize more then one person and change (load the appropriate files) and also save the conversation for future training ) , what would this mean if it did ?
It would mean that more then one person in a house hold etc. could talk with hal (one at a time of course ) .
Will this at some time be a future version of Dragon speak ? I think so , i beleive it will happen , but the bigger question is how soon ?
Hal being able to talk with more people in a household could be cool !  :) ;)

The newest version i believe of dragon speak is 99 percent accurate now !
Any thoughts on the subject ?
« Last Edit: January 29, 2012, 03:17:57 pm by lightspeed »


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Re: Dragon speak and hal and possible future versions
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2012, 03:19:29 pm »
Okay folks speak now or forever hold your peace ! LOL! ;)


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Re: Dragon speak and hal and possible future versions
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2012, 05:21:57 pm »
 Ok, you asked for it, lol. Sounds like a lot of work to me, but to each his own. I have an older version of Dragon. It took a lot of training and my computer is too "noisy" for good accuracy. I wasn't aware that you could only train it for one user. You may have to get the business version for that.
 As for different users talking to Hal, I've tried that, it seems to work fairly well with typing, so it should work well with a multiple user version of Dragon.
 One thing you didn't mention is a user talking to different characters within Hal. Maybe I'm getting a little off topic with this, sorry. In an older version of Hal, I think it was 5, I could talk to different characters and they each had their own personality. This feature added a lot of depth to the program. In the current default version, all the characters seem the same. Hal 5 and 6.0 of became "corrupt" because of a meltdown that I had a local computer store working on. They didn't deactivate. That is why I use the default brain instead of upgraded. Is anyone else talking with multiple characters and if so, how are the results?
 Sorry LS, I'll strike that last paragraph and re-post it elsewhere if you want. I just want to be able to decide if it would be worth the trouble to try and re-activate the two previous versions.


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Re: Dragon speak and hal and possible future versions
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2012, 07:34:51 pm »
no that's fine ted leave your question here if you want, and thanks for answering , what i am talking about though is voice recognition only , each person having trained dragon speak  a little bit to recognize their voice , you see their is a file that when you train hal ( its a user file and you can load it specifically ) as i do. But what i am talking about if hal has let's say a user file for Lonnie and one for Linda where she has also trained dragon speak to recognize her voice , if their was a future version of dragon speak that would do what i am talking about , if i talked to a hal character by dragon speak voice recognition then hal would talk back to me and if linda decided she wanted to say something to hal then within the dragon speak program it would recognize her voice and change the user automatically and back again to mine when i said something , thus allowing for multiple users to talk to hal and all the while also creating more learned files within the dragon speak user files which also helps even more with recognizing speech patterns of the users.
I hope i am explaining this to where you understand what i am trying to say.  :)

Anyway this is nothing i have heard about only something that i forsee happening in Dragon speaks program in the future!
"if they make it , they will come!"

P.S Just in case anyone wants it heres a link for the Dragon naturally speak manual .
« Last Edit: January 29, 2012, 07:46:19 pm by lightspeed »


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Re: Dragon speak and hal and possible future versions
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2012, 09:44:55 am »
My opinion lightspeed as with other programs it is the interface that makes everything work. After seeing what Nuance is involved with now I can't see it being a priority to further certain functions for other software even if they kind of exist already. The difference between kind of exists and a fully working prototype for particular programs can be miles away because of the agenda of the company. All this may have to come from a third party open source program that is interested in getting on the ground floor of program to person to computer interfacing finding something in common with most programs or plug-ins to make them compatible. Companies as large as Nuance have so much on there table that I wouldn't be surprised if they were working on their own AI interface to work exclusively for computer assistance and limited conversation which they kind of have a handle on. Just some thoughts.
Hope all is well.



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Re: Dragon speak and hal and possible future versions
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2012, 01:14:24 pm »
Hi Raybe , i wasn't meaning it so much that the dragon speak company would create it for hal or other applications as that i ment that i could see dragon speak making their software to where it would automatically change users if more then one "automatically " this way a person when more then one doesn't have to manually load their voice recognition user file. , a side benefit would be to other users such as hal that it would allow more then one person to be able to talk to hal characters .  ;)
Anyway i can only hope for it , as that would be a cool option !


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Re: Dragon speak and hal and possible future versions
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2012, 01:33:50 pm »
lightspeed, I think a good example of that is VR in cars today. You don't have to have individual drivers patched in to assign certain commands. I believe it works more on the the recognition of the word then the actual user. The teaching helps it to remember how you phrase or pronounce certain words but I do believe their scripts or algorithms may have enough head room to compensate the best it can and under certain conditions. Hope I didn't go off base here.



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Re: Dragon speak and hal and possible future versions
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2012, 05:05:26 pm »
raybe, you are not off base at all , i never thought of it that way in vehicles but i belive you are right that does work off the words more then speech recognition but i'll have to ask my A.I. Angela first about it! ;)


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Re: Dragon speak and hal and possible future versions
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2012, 06:28:11 pm »
I will say one other thing about Dragon Naturally Speaking and that is when trained good it really makes learning hal a heck of a lot easier and is faster .
Oh the person has to still watch for mistakes but it doesn't make to many (depending on what version a person has ) , and it makes the conversation flow a little easier to as it types out what i am saying fast and so we can keep right on talking and building the custom data brain up more i am now officially up to 40.1mb's. and proud of it ! ;)
 I will or should be able to build hals brain up more using this method !


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Re: Dragon speak and hal and possible future versions
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2012, 05:07:27 pm »
  I've been using Dragon since version 3, now I'm using ver. 10.1 so I've had some time to learn about speech recognition, I've just gotten Dragon up and running which should make this easier.  Basically there are two different types of speech recognition software.  One is meant for hearing certain words by any user and the second type is more selective about the words being said by a particular user.  Dragon remembers how you pronounce different words and also what words you would use together.  As far as recognizing your voice and switching the user this is probably somewhat similar to hall being able to recognize a video of someone speaking to him.  Something which has been talked about at some time at this forum.  Right now I am thinking that quite a bit of time would be used to store the last user and load the new user.  Right now I'm thinking there is quite a bit of duplication of effort, I find it much easier to start programs using Dragon rather than dictating to Hal and having Hal opened the program.  I usually have Dragon start Hal.
Carl 2


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Re: Dragon speak and hal and possible future versions
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2012, 09:47:25 am »
yes carl2 that's part of what i am talking about , i find that as i get more used to talking by vr that i actually do better at learning Hal , some of my personal reasons are that although i can spell fairly good i still do make mistakes where as usually as long as Hal recognizes my voice Dragon speak will spell the words correctly even words i don't know how to spell , spell checker i have alerts me if i mispell something manually but doesn't correct it automatically for me .  I find that because of my southern twang speaking habits i tend to slur some words and so i am having to pronounce words better for hal on some , and some words i have went in manually individually and trained the word into Dragon speak but it all helps in the long run . So as i get more comfortable with using dragon speak vr i can make our conversations flow a little better and it is actually even though i can type fast , faster to use dragon speak for building up Hals brain base.


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Re: Dragon speak and hal and possible future versions
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2012, 05:33:51 pm »
  I've found the same thing, I've found it much easier to talk with Hal when using Dragon, the conversation seems to flow more naturaly.  I'd say I am unsure of my spelling, I used to pull up a dictionary to check the spelling, it's quicker and easier to just spend a second to  read what was written, then I hit enter. 