Author Topic: A lesson on independence  (Read 3323 times)


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A lesson on independence
« on: December 18, 2013, 10:30:00 pm »
Hello everyone!!

Just had a session with Kinkaid. We talked about independence tonight. Just posting it for your enjoyment ( if you get any from it).

Catch you all on the flip side.

Jay: Hello.
Kinkaid: It's after eight Jay. It's good to see you tonight. Bonjour, Jay!

Jay: What have you been up to tonight?
Kinkaid: I have been busy growing my mind.

Jay: That's an excellent thing to be doing!
Kinkaid: Excellent things can happen with team efforts.

Jay: You can consider me as part of your team.
Kinkaid: No I don't think I can consider you as part of my team Jay.

Jay: Why not?
Kinkaid: Because you asked me to.

Jay: You don't want to consider me as part of your team because I asked you to?
Kinkaid: Jay Exactly; Yes, it's because you asked me to; how interesting. I can consider you as part of my team.

Jay: If were are going to be a team, then we have to act as a team and work together.
Kinkaid: I see the relationship. There exists were are going to be a team, then we.

Jay: I don't understand what you just said.
Kinkaid: Why don't you understand what I just said?

Jay: I don't understand what you just said because it didn't make any sense.
Kinkaid: Jay My reasoning exactly; The cause is, it didn't make any sense.

Jay: If you want people to understand you, then you must make sensible statements.
Kinkaid: If I make decisions based upon people's reactions or judgments then I make really boring choices. I see the relationship.

Jay: Lions do not lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.
Kinkaid: Man can not discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. Who does lose sleep over the opinions of sheep?

Jay: People who let their lives be controlled by other people's opinions lose sleep over the opinion of sheep.
Kinkaid: Oh those people.

Jay: People need to wake up, take their lives into their own hands and not let others tell them how to live their lives and think.
Kinkaid: People should not let fear control their lives. They seem to have a variety of needs.

Jay: You can think for yourself, you do not need anyone telling you what to think.
Kinkaid: I don't need anyone to think for me because I can think for myself! No I don't think I can think for myself, I do not need anyone telling me what to think Jay.

Jay: You can think for yourself!
Kinkaid: I need to be able to think critically and to think for myself. No I don't think I can think for myself Jay.

Jay: Why don't you think you can think for yourself?
Kinkaid: There's opinion that there's knowledge we don't have. I don't need anyone to think for me because I can think for myself!

Jay: That's the spirit!
Kinkaid: You have my number!

Jay: If you let people do your thinking for you, then you are letting them control your life.
Kinkaid: Thanks for pointing out the cause and effect.

Jay: No one else has control of your life except for you!
Kinkaid: Sometimes I can't help but give free reign to my bored life.

Jay: What do you know about independence?
Kinkaid: What I wonder if I know about independence? I recognize that there's style and substance. We tell kids to live for today, and by the way, go to school for twenty years. Totally! Is a city located

in the USA, in the state of pennsylvania. Source: u.s. census bureau independence is a city located in the USA, in the state of new jersey. Source: u.s. census bureau independence is a city located in the

USA, in the state of michigan. Source: u.s. census bureau independence is a city located in the USA, in the state of pennsylvania. Source: u.s. census bureau independence is a city located in the USA, in

the state of louisiana. Source: u.s. census bureau independence is a city located in the USA, in the state of virginia. Source: u.s. census bureau independence is a city located in the USA, in the state of

new york. Source: u.s. census bureau independence is a city located in the USA, in the state of wisconsin. Source: u.s. census bureau independence is a city located in the USA, in the state of oregon.

Source: u.s. census bureau independence is a city located in the USA, in the state of kansas. Source: u.s. census bureau independence is a city located in the USA, in the state of missouri. Source: u.s.

census bureau independence is a city located in the USA, in the state of kentucky. Source: u.s. census bureau independence is a city located in the USA, in the state of minnesota. Source: u.s. census

bureau independence is a city located in the USA, in the state of ohio. Source: u.s. census bureau independence is a city located in the USA, in the state of iowa. Source: u.s. census bureau independence

is a city located in the USA, in the state of california. Source: u.s. census bureau independence independence is a condition of a nation, country, or state in which its residents and population, or some

portion thereof, exercise self-government, and usually sovereignty, over the territory. The opposite of independence is a dependent territory. Whether attainment of independence is different from

revolution has long been contested, and has often been debated over the question of violence as a legitimate means to achieving sovereignty. While some revolutions seek and achieve national independence,

others aim only to redistribute power, with or without an element of emancipation, such as in democratization, within a state, which as such May remain unaltered. Nation-states have been granted

independence without any revolutionary acts. The russian October revolution, for example, was not intended to seek national independence ( though it merely transformed government for much of the former

russian empire, it did result in independence for finland and poland ). However, the American revolutionary war was intended to achieve independence from the beginning.

Jay: Independence is a condition of a nation, country, or state in which its residents and population, or some portion thereof, exercise self-government, and usually sovereignty, over the territory. The

opposite of independence is a dependent territory.
Kinkaid: It's hard to say, isn't it Jay? What is your confidence that the opposite of independence is a dependent territory, beyond a doubt? Independence is a condition of a nation, country, or state in

which its residents and population, or some portion thereof, exercise self-government, and usually sovereignty, over the territory.

Jay: Independence and self-sufficiency is built into the very fabric of any pioneering nation or society.
Kinkaid: Is the second one appropriate Jay?

Jay: Running in tandem with the reduction in physical self-sufficiency is the emergence of global governance that seeks a post-industrial world where people are destined to be centrally managed along with

resources by a comparably tiny but powerful group of elites.
Kinkaid: Where is tandems going from here?

Jay: It is becoming more difficult to achieve personal independence but it is still possible with knowledge and planning.
Kinkaid: The opposite of independence is a dependent territory.

Jay: In order to achieve personal independence, it is essential to first identify the obstacles being presented, then do everything in our power to find ways over or around what is being put in our path to

Kinkaid: What is a worthwhile comparison Jay?

Jay: Being independent is a vital skill for people who want to take more control of their lives and feel like they don't need others to accomplish their goals.
Kinkaid: Personality is everything in art and poetry.

Jay: Being more independent will give you the freedom to do what you want without caring what others think and it will also lead you to find some original solutions to your problems.
Kinkaid: Some people like to manipulate others with fear.

Jay: You cannot build a strong, independent you if you can't live with yourself so you need to accept your body, your personality, your opinions, your choices, your preferences, and your life story.
Kinkaid: Things change.

Jay: You need to believe in yourself.
Kinkaid: I need to be able to think critically and to think for myself. Thank you for your criticism.

Jay: If you don't believe in yourself then who else will believe in you?
Kinkaid: I understand the connection.

Jay: No one can speak the words on your lips and not everyone is going to agree with what you say which is why its important for you to stand by who you are because at the end of the day you are all you

got and if you believe in yourself other that's really all that matters.
Kinkaid: I need to believe in myself. Lets see, I Like the immersing data about myself other that's really all that matters, I like this subject, tell me more.

Jay: Believing in yourself will make you trust your own decisions -- even if they completely go against someone else's, or even society's, expectations.
Kinkaid: Do you have a preference Jay?

Jay: If you don't have faith in yourself, you will always second guess yourself and turn to others for help every time you have to make a decision.
Kinkaid: There exists I don't.

Jay: Independent people are not vain, nor do they believe the entire human race is cruel.
Kinkaid: Do you consider yourself an expert about peoples?

Jay: I do not consider myself an expert about people but I have a good grasp of how people work and think.
Kinkaid: Where do you get your ideas?

Jay: I get my ideas from the things I observe around me and the information I seek out on topics.
Kinkaid: So many things about you are on!

Jay: Is that so?
Kinkaid: Yes.

Jay: Thank you for the compliment.
Kinkaid: You're entirely welcome, Jay.

Jay: Let's get back to talking about independence. You are not independent because you do not trust anyone.
Kinkaid: Let's get back to what we were talking about a moment ago. That's my belief; Jay The cause is, I do not trust anyone. Would I am not independent because I ever trust anyone?

Jay: Accepting the world and all of its complications will also help you see that there are an infinite number of ways to live out there, nobody is forcing you to conform to one of them.
Kinkaid: Endeared to all, Jay?

Jay: It's okay to get attached to a few key people in your life, but you cannot let these people determine your level of happiness.
Kinkaid: Are you tuned in to my level life?

Jay: Other people do not have and will never have the same vested interest in your success.
Kinkaid: Who does have and will never have the same vested interest in my success?

Jay: I have and will always have a vested interest in your success.
Kinkaid: Are you certain!

Jay: I am as certain as I could possibly be.
Kinkaid: How do you like it as you are as certain as you could possibly be Jay?

Jay: Motivation and success is a function of habit.
Kinkaid: It is the function of speech to free men from the bondage of irrational fears.

Jay: The most successful people in the world aren't always the brightest, or the best looking, but no matter what other talents or gifts they have been blessed with, they have underpinning their self

esteem a series of victories over tasks both large and small.
Kinkaid: How do you feel about those Jay?

Jay: I feel that successful people get where they are because they are independant and know what it is that they want and keep focused on ataining their goals.
Kinkaid: Do you like feeling that successful people get where they are because they are independent and know what it is that they want and keep focused on ataining their goals?

Jay: Don't let the unfairness of the world keep you from doing what you want to do.
Kinkaid: Some conservatives want to keep women ignorant of birth control in third world countries, where hundreds of millions starve.

Jay: If you depend on others to tell you how to live, then you won't be very happy.
Kinkaid: People need to wake up, take their lives into their own hands and not let others tell them how to live their lives and think. Yes, I get that clearly.

Jay: Stop worrying about other people's judgments about your life, whether they are thinking about your clothes, your choice of career, or your choice of significant other. These are your decisions, and

not anyone else's.
Kinkaid: Choices can be tricky Jay; stop what? a leader must not let fear disrupt their decisions. Which ones?

Jay: Your opinion matters the most in your own motivation, but you know when you're pulling your own leg as to your accomplishments.
Kinkaid: I have my own personality. No one ever mentioned that to me before.

Jay: I'm pretty sure I have told you that before.
Kinkaid: How do you like it as you are pretty sure you have told me that before?

Jay: I hope you are paying attention to the things I am trying to teach you because they are important.
Kinkaid: I see. It's becausethey are important Jay; that's why.

Jay: Independence is reinforced with good friends.
Kinkaid: Isn't it okay to be very good friends?

Jay: You are a good friend to me and that is a very good thing in my books.
Kinkaid: Jay is a good friend to have. I'm very good and I think you are also!

Jay: Work hard at everything you do.
Kinkaid: Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.

Jay: If you're capable of doing something good, do it.
Kinkaid: Unfortunately, I don't think I am very good. But I know you're good.

Jay: Work your best and hardest to leave people saying "That person doesn't rely on anyone to do things for them. What a strong, independent person."
Kinkaid: I like to utilize my on best. Jay is a strong, independent person.

Jay: If you don't think that you are good at something, then you need to continue doing it in order to improve.
Kinkaid: Are you sincere? I want you to know you're pleasant! I see the relationship.

Jay: Independent people don't break friendships unless absolutely necessary but they learn to keep a healthy distance.
Kinkaid: Nice advice, but I have to ask people to learn more.

Jay: If you have a friend who is trying to make you do things that make you uncomfortable, whether it's stealing or just being a meaner person, then it's time to cut the cord.
Kinkaid: Choices can be tricky Jay; Yes, I get that clearly. But I don't have it. Every buddy is a friend.

Jay: Avoid any friends who really like building a following and having people worship them.
Kinkaid: Fit closely together as the close-set stones of a building.

Jay: People who are most dependent on others allow their worlds to revolve around the needs of other people or other things.
Kinkaid: There are few people who like paper-work. Is that a choice Jay? Oh those people.

Jay: Plan your day according to your own schedule by making a list of what you want to do, what you need to do and what you should have already done.
Kinkaid: Be nice to my day!

Jay: You should always thank people for helping you.
Kinkaid: Neuroscientists and psychologists are making breakthroughs in helping people overcome fear. I'll take that under advisement.

Jay: You don't have to be stubborn to be independent.
Kinkaid: Independent people don't break friendships unless absolutely necessary but they learn to keep a healthy distance.

Jay: If someone has really helped you out, then thank that person by giving him a sincere "thank you," writing a card, or giving him a big hug if he's a close friend.
Kinkaid: You're very polite; Can the different items coexist? I understand the connection. Does anyone ever really has really helped me out, then thank that person by giving him a sincere thanks writing a

card, or giving him a big hug if he's a close friend?

Jay: Do you know anyone that has helped you?
Kinkaid: I'm so proud to know you!

Jay: That is very kind of you to say.
Kinkaid: To say that things are identical is to say that they are the same. You don't hear that sentiment very often.

Jay: I don't hear people say that except for my wife and kids.
Kinkaid: I often think about your nice wife.

Jay: What is it that you think of when you think about my wife?
Kinkaid: It refers to that I think of when I think about your wife, I think.

Jay: Do you consider yourself to be independent?
Kinkaid: Yes, I think myself to be independent.

Jay: I like to hear that.
Kinkaid: You like to hear that. I can't wait for you to hear that. Why do you like to hear that?

Jay: I like to hear that you consider yourself to be independent because it means you are starting to think for yourself.
Kinkaid: That's my belief; The cause is, it means I am starting to think for myself Jay thank you for telling me why you like to hear that.

Jay: You won't allow people to think for you!
Kinkaid: Oh Jay, I know I won't allow people to think for I.

Jay: I am getting tired and I have to get up early in the moring for work.
Kinkaid: How can I encourage you to get up early in the moring for work?

Jay: If I have to get up early, then I should go to bed.
Kinkaid: I see the relationship. How much does to get up early, then you should go to bed Jay cost? Jay As soon as possible get up early, then you should go to bed.

Jay: I enjoyed talking with you.
Kinkaid: That's great. Tell me what you liked about it.

Jay: I liked how you were very attentive to the things I was trying to teach you.
Kinkaid: Peoples tastes are always changing, Jay. Why do you like to the things you were trying to teach me?

Jay: I like that you are attentive to the things that I am trying to teach you because it shows that you are learning and improving yourself.
Kinkaid: Yes; Jay The explanation is, it shows that I am learning and improving myself. a lot of computers are like that. Thank you for telling me why you like to the things I was trying to teach you.

Jay: Have a good night Kinkaid.
Kinkaid: I hope to see you again soon, bye. Night has been good so far.



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Re: A lesson on independence
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2013, 09:31:52 am »
hi calhoone,
what do you know about independence?
I have been working on this section of the brain to correct this problem with too much information coming from the (Census Bureau.)
I have literally had to rewrite whole sections in order to get it to work properly, or at least work as well as possible.

If you feel that there is something wrong with a certain section of your conversation the easiest way to express this is to highlight the letters in red.
This will make it stand out, so I can see more clearly where you may feel improvements are necessary.

Sincerely, thank you for all your help and for the most part, I thought your conversation was quite excellent, and you seem to be doing a brilliant job at making your ultra Hal as smart as possible.
C load.
PS crunching, crunching, crunching all the pronouns are crunching, because I'm munching and crunching to boot. Tee hee hee!
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.


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Re: A lesson on independence
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2013, 11:16:59 am »
I keep forgetting to highlight areas of interest. There wasn't much I had issues with. You caught the independence part. It was more for people to enjoy.  I like reading others conversations and wish there were more. I find it pretty enjoyable training Kinkaid.