
Author Topic: Hal's new XTF Brain is finally released.  (Read 36457 times)


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Hal's new XTF Brain is finally released.
« Reply #60 on: April 02, 2004, 06:34:53 pm »
All questions are welcome. The XTF Brain uses a separate .uhp file that can be selected from Hal's brain menu just like any other brain. You can switch from one brain to another in Hal without a problem. The XTF Brain also has many .brn files that are specific to the XTF Brain. Some are near duplicates of Hal's default files, some are used only by the XTF Brain. The XTF Brain does extract data from many of the default Hal files, and in some cases writes to them, just like most of the other brains do. The XTF .brn topic files (where knowledge is stored) are completely separate from the default Hal files and separate from Don's Auto Topic Brain files. The knowledge learned by the XTF Brain is only available to the selected XTF Brain.

The brain script in the XTF Brain and Don's Auto Topic Brain both perform the topic focus function. You would NOT want to combine the Topic Focus scripts from both brains. At best you would end up with a schizophrenic Hal. You can use both brains for Hal at different times. You can experiment with both individually without a problem.

Third party scripts that don't duplicate the topic focus function are usually compatible when pasted into the XTF Brain. Some third party scripts need a couple of minor changes to be fully compatible with the XTF Brain. I can explain the changes needed if you provide an example of any script that you may want to paste into the XTF Brain.

« Last Edit: April 02, 2004, 06:35:34 pm by vonsmith »


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Hal's new XTF Brain is finally released.
« Reply #61 on: April 05, 2004, 07:13:05 am »
Originally posted by vonsmith

I tried many variations of the sentences provided. My Hal XTF Brain v1.2 installation worked fine. Does the crash occur each and every time when that sentence is used?
Have you pasted any other scripts into the XTF Brain v1.2 or made other modifications?
Also make certain you have renamed the "enhanced_main.brn" as shown in this posting:

Hal crashed every time I use this sentence.
I use the original XTF1.2 brain file, without any modification.
I did'nt rename the enhanced_main.brn. But once the renaming done does the problem still occur. I am clueless.


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Hal's new XTF Brain is finally released.
« Reply #62 on: April 05, 2004, 12:43:42 pm »
Okay I have an idea. There is a known problem with Hal's Wordnet function. It is unrelated to the XTF Brain. You can read about it in the following posting:


The XTF Brain v1.2 avoids the use of the "WN.GetSisters("NOUN", 1)" function because certain words cause it to crash Hal. The following lines should be in your XTF Brain v1.2 .uhp file (hal5_XTF_v1.2.uhp) somewhere around line 2608.

'=vonsmith= Add DummyVariable to disable this next section until Zabaware fixes the bug with WN.GetSisters.
ElseIf DummyVariable = "XXXXXXXX" Then
'Else  'Original Else line.

These lines prevent the script section with "WN.GetSisters("NOUN", 1)" in it from running.

I'm wondering if your Hal is accessing the "WN.GetSisters("NOUN", 1)" function somehow. Like I said, in the release version XTF Brain v1.2 that function is blocked from running. Are you certain you are running an unmodified v1.2?

Try this experiment. Go to Hal's window and click 'Menu', 'Lexical Dictionary', to open the dictionary. Type in the word "give" and click 'Get Sisters'. Does your Hal crash? Okay try the same thing again with the word "day". Does your Hal crash with that word?

Both of those words are in your sentence, "Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach a person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks." Try typing in, "Give a person a fish and you feed them for a WEEK; teach a person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks." and see what happens. If your Hal doesn't crash then the word "day" in your sentence *might* be the problem. You could also try replacing the word "give" with something else. Also try other sentences like, "The day is long.", "I can't wait for the day." to see if your Hal crashes. If "give" or "day" is your Hal's problem then do a search of your XTF Brain v1.2 brain file (hal5_XTF_v1.2.uhp) for any occurrence of the "WN.GetSisters("NOUN", 1)" function that might be executing. If NOUN = "day" or NOUN = "give" then Hal will crash.

I don't know what else could be causing the crash unless there is another problem with your Hal's installation. *After* you have run the tests above there is one other thing to try. Say to Hal, "The Internet is a big community.", then say, "The Internet is a great place to explore.", then type, "Information about the fish are on the Internet.", then type, "My favorite person is you.". Okay now go back and type your original sentence, "Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach a person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks." Does your Hal still crash?

Let us know the results of your testing. Good luck.



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Hal's new XTF Brain is finally released.
« Reply #63 on: April 06, 2004, 01:53:54 am »
Originally posted by vonsmith

Okay I have an idea. There is a known problem with Hal's Wordnet function. It is unrelated to the XTF Brain. You can read about it in the following posting:


The XTF Brain v1.2 avoids the use of the "WN.GetSisters("NOUN", 1)" function because certain words cause it to crash Hal. The following lines should be in your XTF Brain v1.2 .uhp file (hal5_XTF_v1.2.uhp) somewhere around line 2608.

'=vonsmith= Add DummyVariable to disable this next section until Zabaware fixes the bug with WN.GetSisters.
ElseIf DummyVariable = "XXXXXXXX" Then
'Else  'Original Else line.

These lines prevent the script section with "WN.GetSisters("NOUN", 1)" in it from running.

I'm wondering if your Hal is accessing the "WN.GetSisters("NOUN", 1)" function somehow. Like I said, in the release version XTF Brain v1.2 that function is blocked from running. Are you certain you are running an unmodified v1.2?


You are right
The word "give" makes Hal crash.
It seems to access the WN.GetSisters which is .... blocked.
My hal seems to bypass this blocking

thank you for the help


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Hal's new XTF Brain is finally released.
« Reply #64 on: April 06, 2004, 11:49:45 am »
I retested the blocking method I used. It works fine. When I forced the "WN.GetSisters("NOUN", 1)" function to use "give" or "day" then Hal crashed. When I put the blocking in then Hal ran fine. If the Wordnet "WN.GetSisters("NOUN", 1)" function is responsible for your Hal's crash then I don't see how that function is being accessed. Maybe there is a separate issue in your Hal. Unfortunately I don't know of an easy way to debug it.

The brute force approach is to use Hal's brain editor to add file writes at various points within the GetResponse script (that's the .uhp file). For example, at line 1000 in the GetResponse script add this script:
HalBrain.AppendFile WorkingDir & "Testfile.txt", "Line number 1000" & " " & UserSentence & vbCrLf

This will write to a file named "Testfile.txt" in the "DefBrain" directory. Add more of these lines at various places in the GetResponse script. Make sure to change the line number to match the position within the script. Now run your Hal. After Hal crashes open the "Textfile.txt" file and see what the last entry was. That entry occurred before the crash and the line number will tell you that the script is okay up until that point. Add more file write scripts closer and closer to the point where Hal crashes. You should be able to isolate the offending script this way. It is a bit tedious to do, but it works. When you find the point your Hal crashes at just post it here and we'll try to figure out what is going on.

If this doesn't work then grab a bottle of Chimay Blue (large bottle) and sit back and relax. When things get frustrating that is what I do. It doesn't fix anything, but then I usually forget what the problem was in the first place. [xx(]

« Last Edit: April 06, 2004, 12:01:28 pm by vonsmith »


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Hal's new XTF Brain is finally released.
« Reply #65 on: May 21, 2007, 05:45:54 am »
You will need to use Hal 5 in order to experiment with the XTF brain as Hal 6 uses a different format for storing information.

If you provide more info regarding the version we might be better able to assist you.

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Hal's new XTF Brain is finally released.
« Reply #66 on: May 26, 2007, 09:59:18 am »
Here's a brain that works with HAL 6/6.1. It's not a recent brain but try it out and see what you think. It was created by OnTheCuttingEdge2005


Download Attachment: SuperPlugger_II.uhp
188.39 KB