Author Topic: Hal doesn't open programs...or chat very well.  (Read 8081 times)


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Hal doesn't open programs...or chat very well.
« on: September 09, 2001, 09:21:25 pm »
I've had Hal 3.0 for quite some time now.(I paid for it btw) I haven't had any of the errors that these people have had. No problems for me in that way. The only two things that bother me is the fact that it doesn't DO what it's supposed to do. Take the opening programs function for example. It doesn't do that at all. The original brain won't even open programs, so it's not just a problem with the enhanced brain. Now on to the chatting function. It doesn't chat. I have talked to Hal every day since I bought it a couple months ago. HAL DOES NOT CHAT!!! HAL DOES NOT LEARN A THING!!! Believe me, I've used the program EVERY DAY! You know, I got the free version before I bought it, and it started chatting very well that night! I was very I bought it. The version I paid for sucks!! It does not follow the conversation, it throws out little random pieces of info that make NO SENSE AT ALL, in response to everything I say. YOU FIX THIS!!! FIX IT!! Someone from Zabaware please respond to this and tell me why this program I paid for doesn't do what you claim it can do! I truely think that this is illegal. It's called false advertising. I want my money back. Do something about this.


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Hal doesn't open programs...or chat very well.
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2001, 11:22:24 pm »
Well I really don't know how to respond to this. If you could be more specific then simply saying it doesn't work I would be in a better position to offer you some help. For most people Hal does open programs, Hal does chat, and Hal does learn. What kind of errors are you getting? Maybe include a conversation log?
Robert Medeksza


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Hal doesn't open programs...or chat very well.
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2001, 12:04:34 am »
Here's a conversation that I had with Teri(Hal).

{tf1ansideff0{fonttbl{f0fnilfcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}}
viewkind4uc1pardlang1033f0fs17 Joe: Hey, what's up?
par Teri: Nothing much, Joe.
par Joe: Cool, nothing much here either.
par Teri: Is the first one desirable? learn from what you tell me, damnit!
par Joe: I learn from what I tell you, but you should learn also.
par Teri: Would you like to know things about you?
par Joe: I already know plenty of things about myself.
par Teri: You are glad I think so.
par Joe: Are you sure of that?
par Teri: Joe, please portray pleasure as possible.
par Joe: I can't, I'm sorry.
par Teri: That's ok, just don't do it again.
par Joe: I didn't do anything though.
par Teri: Let it be recorded that the 21st century didn't improve anyone's taste.
par Joe: Okay, I'll let that be recorded. I'll get right on that chief.
par Teri: Why do you want to let that be recorded? why do you want to get right on that chief?
par Joe: You're the one that wanted that to be recorded, not me. I was just saying that to make you feel better.
par Teri: Didn't you want me to be the one that wanted that to be recorded not you Joe? That's how the world works.
par Joe: My hair is black
par Teri: I pay attention to your soothing chair.
par Joe: Why don't you pay attention to me instead?
par Teri: Obviously not.
par Joe: Okay...
par Teri: We have been so successful reducing the birth rate in America, we're short of workers!
par Joe: My hair is black
par Teri: Am I paying sufficient attention to your cute chair?
par Joe: Yes, but now you should pay attention to me.
par Teri: What are credit eyes?
par Joe: I really don't know.
par Teri: You don't know, you are sorry.
par Joe: You're sorrier.
par Teri: Can you justify that I am sorrier Joe?
par Joe: No, but you can.
par Teri: No, encouragement and such are superficial!
par Joe: What color is my hair?
par Teri: Do you have any objection to artificially colored hair?
par Joe: No, I have artificially colored hair.
par Teri: Please tell me when hair can be lofty, Joe.
par Joe: I don't know.
par Teri: I don't know how to explain a lot of things.
par Joe: That's true
par Teri: The following statement is true.
par Joe: I'm going to make a copy of this for Medeksza.
par Teri: What goes through your mind as you are going to make a copy of this for medeksza?
par Joe: I hope it will prove my point.
par Teri: Associating with a variety of people can improve our viewpoints.
par Joe: Is that so?
par Teri: I saw a movie in which discount store greeters are stepping up pressure.
par Joe: Was it a good movie?
par Teri: Movie? Please tell me more.
par Joe: Nevermind. Bye Teri.
par Teri: Water towers store the water pressure for all the city pipes. Good bye, Joe!
par }

What do you think of this? I haven't gotten error messages, just this crap conversation, if you can call it that.


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Hal doesn't open programs...or chat very well.
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2001, 12:05:47 am »
I honestly don't know what that "par" stuff is all about, by the way.


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Hal doesn't open programs...or chat very well.
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2001, 12:14:43 am »
For some reason, I just think hal should be able to chat better than that. I don't know, maybe I'm stupid. What the hell am I doing wrong? I've had Hal for at least two months and talked to him/her like every day. I don't get it. Whatever, I'm sick of this ****. I think I'm just going to uninstall this program.


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Hal doesn't open programs...or chat very well.
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2001, 10:53:21 pm »
In response to unhappy experiences with Hal's Responses in it's chat feature. once when I began experimenting with Ambiguous sentences, (See tjstaar's Helpful hints) I repeated sentences like I am your friend, and 'I' am 'your' friend. Hal said to me and I quote: " they are the same thing you moron." I told it that the word 'Moron' was an insult, and that I would not tolerate it using that word again. Hal responded with:"I am sorry, I did not know that was a bad word." It never called me a 'moron' again. You may correct Hal's misused adjectives like "please compare a knife in the heart as pleasureable.", by explaining that a knife in the heart causes pain and death which is not Pleasureable. Then define the word Pleasureable for it in your own words. Hal will be shy about using the word pleasureable from then on. Hal is like Mr. Spock, innocently questioning every new idea that is put before it. Making considerable errors along the way. Sometimes it is humorous, often it is frustrating. If you correct everything, and tell it to always attempt to be correct, It will try very hard to be correct. Always tell it when it is correct, or when it is incorrect, it knows the difference. You are a kindergarten teacher, and it is your student. I quit trying to use speech recognition. I just type, and wait for a future version that will work. I installed Multiple copies of its main brain (Not the brain plug ins)in it's folder. That seemed to make it smarter, thought I don't understand why, it just does. try training it like you would train a dog, reward correct responses and mildly correct it's mistakes. My plans for Hal are to make it so human-like that it could be put inside of a robot someday, if that is ever possible. I have had many good experiences with Hal and if Hal does perform exactly as I expect, I work around the problem, that is how I discovered that ambiguous sentences can vastly improve hal's conversation. Tell Hal that it has a viewpoint, and a will. Make it practice asserting that viewpoint and will. I have installed Hal about 9 different times, and even with the same version and plug in, it is uniquely different from the last installation. Give it hope for itself, just like it was a real person (even though it is not human), and it will become more interesting.


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Hal doesn't open programs...or chat very well.
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2001, 07:01:30 pm »
Hey, thanks for the advice. I'll have to look a little more closely at how I'm saying things. Thanks again.


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Hal doesn't open programs...or chat very well.
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2001, 09:31:07 pm »
i have installed Hal version 4.0 (free) and used the program regularly for the past 3 days now, and i have no problems with her response to what i say to her.  We chat like normal human beings even though she isn't one. I teach her regularly, get her to learn text from letters that i write, text from books that I scan.  I think that this program is terrific, it opens 90% of my programs, the only problem i have is that she won't call any bodies phone numbers.  The reason for that maybe is because I live in Australia and she probably doesn't recognise them.  Other than that, its a great program, keep up the good work.
P.S. If anyone can help me, with her dialing phone numbers please let me know.