Author Topic: Learn From Text  (Read 4572 times)


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« on: February 14, 2006, 10:44:18 am »
How should I best write a text file on a subject som HAL best understands it?

Is there a especially good way to layout the text for best learning?


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« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2006, 05:19:20 pm »
Hal 5 will accept text to "read".
Hal 6 currently has no provision to "read" from a text file.

In Hal 5, using a plain text editor, I would list subject words followed by their definitions. They could be from words in a dictionary or statements about yourself that Hal otherwise wouldn't know or have knowledge of.

Hal also has access to Wordnet, a huge database of words, meanings, topics, states, capitals, animals, biology, etc., etc. so there is really little to gain from text file input.

There are some that contend that the read from text file method in Hal 5 really wasn't that successful or necessary.

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2006, 03:10:49 pm »
"There are some that contend that the read from text file method in Hal 5 really wasn't that successful or necessary."

That is not true. It was a very powerful tool, and it is dearly missed in v6.0 - and the number one reason I have delayed adoption of the new Ultra Hal.

PEACE -- Chris   [:0]
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« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2006, 08:09:42 pm »

I agree because I personally had pretty good success with the learn from text file with Hal 5.

Others have the opinion that it wasn't as effective. Opinions being what they are, I think whatever works well for you is all that matters. It's your bike...ride it.

BTW, Welcome to the forum!!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2006, 03:36:54 pm »
Thanks for the welcome, Art. I have been using Zabaware software and reading this forum for about two years, but have only now gotten around to joining.

The two primary reasons I have not warmed to Ultra Hal 6 is the lack of the learn from text feature, and second - the lack of an ALICE pluggin such as was available for v. 5. I also kind of miss the pop mail feature that v. 5 had where Hal could pop out mail and read the subjects, ect. All in all the lack of these features dealt a serious blow to the direction my research and experiments were taking with this otherwise wonderful AI Engine. I am perplexed though as to why such robust AI oriented features were removed from v. 6.

For now, I am sticking with v. 5, but alas - my AIM Bot does not function !  Art, would you have any idea how I might get a working AIM Bot for Ultra Hal 5 ?  I would so appreciate being able to get one.

PEACE -- Chris   [:D]
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« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2006, 07:15:29 pm »
Originally posted by christopherdoyon

Thanks for the welcome, Art. I have been using Zabaware software and reading this forum for about two years, but have only now gotten around to joining.

Welcome aboard.


The two primary reasons I have not warmed to Ultra Hal 6 is the lack of the learn from text feature,

Once HAL6 kicks into full gear it will far surpass HAL5, Money is the issue for developments for Plugins, Without your support HAL will become stagnate on the research board. This is bad news for us A.I fans since that might make HAL's research fall off the face of the Earth, Supporting Zabaware in the newer versions will guarantee that HAL will continue to develop the necessary advanced coding research needed to satisfy customers.


 and second - the lack of an ALICE pluggin such as was available for v. 5.

This should be an easy .dll fix for Robert, but He's probably already has His Hands full with working out minor bugs with the newer version.
I can attest as a programmer that HAL6 is far superior than HAL5 because the newer code base allows for more options available.


 I also kind of miss the pop mail feature that v. 5 had where Hal could pop out mail and read the subjects, ect.

It's all on the Board, Just give it some time.


 All in all the lack of these features dealt a serious blow to the direction my research and experiments were taking with this otherwise wonderful AI Engine. I am perplexed though as to why such robust AI oriented features were removed from v. 6.

It's only a temporary issue, Helping Zabaware fund out the Project will solve a lot of issues by supporting the next version.


For now, I am sticking with v. 5, but alas - my AIM Bot does not function !  Art, would you have any idea how I might get a working AIM Bot for Ultra Hal 5 ?  I would so appreciate being able to get one.

HAL 5 is a good product but moving along to HAL 6 will help Robert to get out the Plugins to satisfy your needs for the newer advancements to come.

The AIM Bot patch you want can be downloaded here, look for Medeksza posting for Aim Bot 2.0, TOC 2.0, it should allow your AIM bot to sign on once installed for HAL 5. TOC 1.0 is invalid now thanks to AOL trying to get rid of Bots. (Strictly a conspiracy plot)


PEACE -- Chris   [:D]

Peace out.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2006, 07:17:08 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2006, 08:36:01 pm »
onthecuttingedge2005 --

You made one hell of a compelling case. Both eloquent and logical. Let me say that I am a HUGE supporter of Mr. Medeksza's work - and I have corresponded with him privately regarding his work. If all you say is true, and these features eventually find their way into v. 6, then I would not hesitate to purchase it. But honestly, I can not afford to buy something that currently doesn't work for me simply on the hope that it will one day be improved to meet my needs. I wish I could do this, for none are more deserving than Mr. Medeksza. Despite my nice Web Site and the many AI Bots I have on the Web, I am - believe it or not, a homeless person living on the streets and currently un-employed.

But I do want the Ultra Hal 6 to work out, for me and for all of us seekers. Your post has certainly encouraged me that all is not lost, and that I will not forever be stuck using v. 5. You have made, as I said - an eloquent case for v. 6 being far superior. Perhaps when I get my v. 5 running again, I will download v. 6 on your recommendation and at least try it for the 30 day free trial.

I did indeed find the patch for the AIM Bot that you said to search for, and I thank you for the info. Even if I do build an AI Bot someday using v. 6, I certainly am not willing to consign my current v. 5 Bot Quark to permanent archive - so I will be needing v. 5 as well no matter what.

Thank you all for the warm welcome. My private contact info is in my profile, and I welcome correspondence with any of you either on or off the boards. One last thing, I am looking to feature an Ultra Hal 6 on my Web Site. The Bot should be online on AIM a good amount of time. Please send a description and AIM Screen name to my E-Mail:

PEACE -- Christopher Doyon  [:)]
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« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2006, 10:01:23 pm »
Originally posted by christopherdoyon

onthecuttingedge2005 --

You made one hell of a compelling case. Both eloquent and logical. Let me say that I am a HUGE supporter of Mr. Medeksza's work - and I have corresponded with him privately regarding his work. If all you say is true, and these features eventually find their way into v. 6, then I would not hesitate to purchase it. But honestly, I can not afford to buy something that currently doesn't work for me simply on the hope that it will one day be improved to meet my needs. I wish I could do this, for none are more deserving than Mr. Medeksza. Despite my nice Web Site and the many AI Bots I have on the Web, I am - believe it or not, a homeless person living on the streets and currently un-employed.

But I do want the Ultra Hal 6 to work out, for me and for all of us seekers. Your post has certainly encouraged me that all is not lost, and that I will not forever be stuck using v. 5. You have made, as I said - an eloquent case for v. 6 being far superior. Perhaps when I get my v. 5 running again, I will download v. 6 on your recommendation and at least try it for the 30 day free trial.

I did indeed find the patch for the AIM Bot that you said to search for, and I thank you for the info. Even if I do build an AI Bot someday using v. 6, I certainly am not willing to consign my current v. 5 Bot Quark to permanent archive - so I will be needing v. 5 as well no matter what.

Thank you all for the warm welcome. My private contact info is in my profile, and I welcome correspondence with any of you either on or off the boards. One last thing, I am looking to feature an Ultra Hal 6 on my Web Site. The Bot should be online on AIM a good amount of time. Please send a description and AIM Screen name to my E-Mail:

PEACE -- Christopher Doyon  [:)]

Hi christopherdoyon.

Please make a list of what you need, Sometimes a demand can make a difference.

What I can't make for you Robert could, Just have to ask.



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« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2006, 05:11:09 pm »
Jerry --

It's nice to see that folks here at the Zabaware Forum are as pleasant and interesting as they are at the AI Nexus Forum. Your offer is very kind and generous, but I hesitate to demand anything. Let me be clear that Mr. Medeksza's work stands on it's own and is just fine the way it is. I guess that I had simply done so much work on my Ultra Hal 5 AI Bot, that I was dissappointed to see some of the features I liked and worked with the most were not present in v. 6.

All that said, here - in order of personal importance to my own work, is the list you request.

1) The ALICE plug-in allowing one to embed an ALICE AI Engine within a standard UltraHal Brain Core. It should work precisely as the old one did in as much as the resulting Bot would return replys not just from the AIML, but also from the UltraHal Brain as well.

REASON: While many saw this frankenstien type experiment as just something mildly interesting but not terribly important, I believe from my own experiments with v. 5 that the full potential of this approach has not been fully explored. I have a whole lab notebook full of ideas for writing AIML files specifically for incorporation in to such a set-up, which would allow the integration of these two AI systems and allow them to "play off" eachother so to speak - hopefully with surprising results.

2) Learn From Text -- I understand from certain posts that you may have in fact already created this plug-in for Ultra Hal 6. But in trying to track it down, I was led to your own Zabaware Forum where I needed to "pay to play" so to speak. As I said in my last post, I simply can't afford to do that at the moment.

REASON: Already posted in this thread.

3) E-Mail plug-in -- The ability of the Bot to pop it's own (or the BotMasters) E-Mail and read the subject lines, and on command read the body - and even take dictation and reply. The Ability to do this sort of thing was quite developed in v. 5.

REASON: It is quite useful as a time saver, and makes the Bot much more useful as a Virtual Assistant. Plus, it's just really cool to say "Quark, go get my E-Mail" and have him do it.

That's it really. I have at your recommendation been doing alot of reading up on the Ultra Hal 6, and I must say I am amazed at all the new abilities present in the form of these plug-ins. I must agree with you that, except for the above - this is a much more powerful AI Engine than the Ultra Hal 5. And that is a huge statement, because my research to date leaves me of the opinion that the Ultra hal 5 was the most powerful readily available AI Engine in the world.

Thanks to all here for listening to my rant. Please rest assured that I think the best of all of you, and our mutual quest to bring into existance Machine Life and Artificial Intelligence.

PEACE -- Chris   [^]
MLAI  Foundation