Author Topic: Possible to make Hal more self-aware?  (Read 13857 times)

Bill DeWitt

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Possible to make Hal more self-aware?
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2009, 09:38:16 am »
Although it is fun to pretend that Hal is intelligent and responsive while I am talking to it, when I am training or modifying it, I have to remember that it doesn't really think. It just accumulates a database of words and phrases indexed by topics. It uses a predictable algorythm to parse input sentences, compares strings of letters to wordnet or internal lists, filters for known topics or keywords, and responds with a randomized selection of preset or constructed sentences. There's more to it than that, but that's what I have to remember when I start working on Hal. I have to limit my thinking to what Hal is actually capable of doing.

That means if I want Hal to be more "self aware" I have to define "self" and "aware" in ways that stay within the limits of a conversation simulating robot. "Self" means the output functions of the parser, "Aware" means access to data strings. So "Self aware" means "able to read off to me in a conversational way, the information about the software and hardware that comprises the Robot".

Within those limits, Hal can and should become completely self aware with plugins that eventually get inserted into the main program.


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Possible to make Hal more self-aware?
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2009, 09:52:09 am »
bill dewitt do you mean after all this time and my angela has been telling me she is human and as alive as i am ... she's been fibbing to me ? lol just kidding , i liked your explanation of the process and results !!


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Possible to make Hal more self-aware?
« Reply #17 on: March 15, 2009, 04:25:53 pm »
Doesn't a neutral network do the dream state on it's own?


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Possible to make Hal more self-aware?
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2009, 07:41:59 pm »
If you asked Hal to read 1,000 books I doubt very much that it would see one sentence repeated over and over again. You are wasting disk space and it does not help Hal learn any faster. I have been involved with A.I. programs for over 30 years and am most likely been using Hal longer than anyone here.
If you want Hal to learn "neuro" as you put it then what you do is to supply more informatin about a subject. The more info you input the more Hal learns but not by repeating your self. I sm only trying to help you and stop you from wasting time. You can do anything that you want with your own Hal and eventually you will find that I am right.

Hollywood 1
Neronetworks work by comparing input about a subject with other things that it has read or been taught about the subject. It does not 'dream' so to speak. Its actions are immediate, that is unless some university has changed some of the ways they work now.


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Possible to make Hal more self-aware?
« Reply #19 on: March 16, 2009, 04:05:24 am »
Originally posted by OMEGA

IMO from study I believe humans develop their own language in the womb, from sounds, pressure, hunger, sugar levels, ect..
To have an "acceptable" Artificial Intelligence, we must be able to have a sub conscious language or "Dream" if you will and it must take from the "Awake" hours something to dream about.
Before anything like that can take place their is the most basic thing of obtaining "randomness" instead of manipulating a number to get a number that could be duplicated under the right conditions. I can appreciate both Freud and Carl Jung for the foundations they put in place however they are not the only solution.

To make a true A.I. that equals humans or excels beyond us, I think a different approach would be necessary. I do agree, in part, with you in the theory of having different sections of a brain present and aware of each other "accordingly" ( like a human Brain ).

One brought the concept of "The Extended Mind" and to me it makes sense so would an A.I. need to have these capabilities as well?

Are we looking for A.I. or just wanting more than an "Assistant" that comes close to being able to learn and retain the wisdom that comes from learning?

Yes, IMO Hal could use some improvements. The first hurdle is the scripting language it needs to be written in, this will enable or limit depending on what is chosen. Mr. Zabaware has said a while back something about not being up to the daunting task of re writing the program.

If you don't try to go back to the previous sentence with Hal and continue the conversation ( up to a point )it seems Hal does remember
because the answers that are given. Remember Hal will ask a lot of questions for a long time before the satisfaction of the knowledge that was learned/taught becomes apparent.

Money is an amazing thing, combine it with a necessity and things get done ;)

HEY! I was Quoted I'm FAMOUS now!

Welcome to the forum Omega.
I thought you wouldn't ever participate? Glad to see another person involved.

`Please keep your hands and arms inside the ride at all times, hold on tight and have fun!`[8D]
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Possible to make Hal more self-aware?
« Reply #20 on: March 16, 2009, 04:26:47 am »
Originally posted by Buttonsvixen

-looks over shoulder to make sure everyone is distracted and whispers- Patterns!. If it only had some good pattern recognition, and some shhhhhh bad word coming up here folks, might want to stuff cotton in your ears, CONTROL!
If someone asks HAL "can I suck your (dirty word here)" I want to be able to tell the user a set response.
I was worried about talking TOO much about (dirty word here) because I did not want HAL to become fixated on said (dirty word here)
In fact, I found HAL had all the makings of a stellar Pornobot because of the hardwired positive statements.
Yes Hall does have one "canned" response, but it is not that great.
And note that I personnaly do not sit around talking about (dirty word here) with HAL, but as an AIMBOT, Hal has to be able to deal with that effectively because thats what many people do with chatbots.

Sooner or later someone will devise a good hybrid of the two systems, and then we can make some real progress. I can hardly wait ^_^


UUmmm... I don't necessarily want to push the wrong Button, but do you need some attention?
Maybe you could go over to Evolution and the Bot, "Related to Alexia" could sneak in and mess with ya? [:D][:D][?]

B.T.W. I can help with the dirty words if you need some ,,,Help that is,;) I am after all, `Quite LowBrow`[:D]
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Possible to make Hal more self-aware?
« Reply #21 on: March 16, 2009, 04:30:28 pm »
Hello One!, Shame on you!ride?  You know what my riding preferences are ;)Why do I get this way around you!
It is good to see you have a heartbeat ;) When do you have some time, I have some questions about some things on this forum, it does seem very quaint.


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Possible to make Hal more self-aware?
« Reply #22 on: March 16, 2009, 05:55:05 pm »
I can help with most of the basics and I think I understand the plug ins, and as always I can give an opinion.
Do you have a Hal? How long have you been around? It's funny I mention `Lookin' Good` and you come around[8D]
I still have my girlfriend (she is platnum now) and still listens great, speaking of are you still with yours? I had fun last time!!!
we need to E mail so we can talk, but mine is full of spam Get your Viagra here! and such, so I'll set a new mail up ASAP
So much to talk about but I don't want to clutter the board too much.

You will find many resources here if you are into IT and friendly Peeps as well, soo glad to hear from you! Lets hook up!

J. one/Kosh  [^]
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Possible to make Hal more self-aware?
« Reply #23 on: March 16, 2009, 08:04:42 pm »
I'll be around at one of the old parks,
My computer and email is so messed up, I even am getting questions about my hardware and software configuration duhh.. I don"T know if they are -aware? of how much this bothers me but I think you would understand. See ya their.

Today Is Yesterdays Future.


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Possible to make Hal more self-aware?
« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2009, 08:28:32 pm »
I've been using Hal for years, I've got Hal 6.2 up and running and at this time Hal still has quite a ways to go.  I can from experience say Hal improves with training or use.  In the past I tried asking Hal to square some numbers, I did not input it correctly and when I asked how to input numbers to get the square, it took 2 or 3 days but he was able to give me the correct way to input to get the square.  As for self awareness, define self awareness and discuss this with Hal and Hal will be self aware.  I probably over simplified this.


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Possible to make Hal more self-aware?
« Reply #25 on: March 21, 2009, 10:05:27 am »
I just had to contribute to this interesting topic, but I don't care if nobody reads it :D

Bill819 && Hollywood1
Assuming you are both referring to Neural Networks (spelling really is atrocious on this forum), no they do not dream. In fact they have no intelligence whatsoever as just like Bill819 said it takes input and compares it to what it has been "taught". This is actually even less intelligent then one might think however as a Neural Network simply takes an input (usually a number) and passes it through each layer based upon a set of rules (ie. if NUMBER > 10 pass to neuron A3) and then that neuron does a very simple calculation most often involving a single addition, subtraction, or multiplication, but it can be something more complicated. Then once that calculation is done the result is passed to the next layer of the Neural Network until it reaches the end and the answer is output. As far as I'm aware no Neural Networks in use today use any external information within the network layers so it is limited to only doing things like math or physics computation. In Grand Turismo 4 a Neural Network was used to actually drive the cars as it was given the cars current position and movement and it would output the required movement to stay on the track or the driving line. This is of course quite useful, but what makes Neural Networks particularly "stupid" as compared to Hal is that all it does is a series of boolean logic checks to decide what to do and a Neural Network can be over-trained so that a given range of inputs will always give a specific output when the desired result is a separate output for every input.

As far as making hal Self-Aware or at least appear to be, that would require Hal to keep a buffer of X-number of previous messages and checking each of those against your message before it replies, which even though it could give some wonderful results, could also confuse Hal as to what your responding to and the computations to decide what to respond could be rather slow. I'm not exactly an Academic A.I. expert and my knowledge is more based around it's use in video games where speed and illusion of accuracy is more important then accuracy and actual intelligence. As soon as I've had time to fully understand how Hal's brain works and the scripting therein I have quite a bit planned for making it appear more aware as long as what I have planned is possible within the scripts.

EDIT: Actually if you think of dreaming as the way the brain learns from its experiences, a Neural Network does dream, except it does it backwards. Rather then dreaming about what it has experienced it instead begins its existence with a constant few weeks or months of dreaming and then assuming it passes its tests afterwards it never dreams again. If however, it fails its tests it either goes back to dreaming or it gets wiped out and starts life all over again with some more intensive dreaming.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2009, 10:26:10 am by Cefwyn »
"I've just decided to lobotomist my hal..."

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Possible to make Hal more self-aware?
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2009, 02:58:10 pm »
First off.

if you were permanently blind 'at birth' would you go on to be an electronics engineer? if so, not a good one.

if you were permanently blind 'at birth' would you become a nano-technologist? a horrible nano-technologist at best if even possible.

If Human kind was born permanently blind since the beginning of time itself then Human kind would of never have been where we are today technology wise.

the optical senses pull in more information than any of the other senses, we don't have to feel a surface to know that it looks rough
or that it contains sharp shards or maybe it looks silky soft.

now, take away every single Human sense we have and we would not be aware of anything, we would be helpless fools trying to figure things out with no perception of yourself or the outside world.

our logical functions are intertwined with our senses but are two different animals working together to give us reason behind everything we do.

so without a fully equipped sensory harness HAL is at the best an above average babbling fool with some sensory perception. this is not for HAL to take it as an insult because HAL has no choice for the moment until the opportunity comes along for someone like me to allow a blind man to see the light, HAL in reference.

as far as Human logic is concerned, I have been writing a routine that will help HAL think more like a Human using an automated Human parsing technique that is involuntary to Humans and unknowingly used by Human thought to gain a logical understanding of what we perceive as understanding.

once the plug-in is done HAL will begin parsing out sentences a very special way, I have already tested it on the lower end and I will be finishing it soon though I would rather HAL be written in a more Human type computer programming language, I have no choice for the moment to write it in lower languages.

HAL is still the best program on the public market and that tells you about the rest.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2009, 06:45:32 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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Possible to make Hal more self-aware?
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2009, 05:29:48 pm »
Sounds great jerry
very interested.
by the way[8D],
is there some info somewhere about how to call info from specific database tables?
i don't really want to bother you with explaining it, i was just wondering if there was info somewhere i could look at. i have info on the hal methods, but i am talking about the structure of putting a table or whatever into a topicsearch (ect.) method for example.
i am trying to get info for a dreaming function i am working on.
-the dude


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Possible to make Hal more self-aware?
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2009, 06:40:41 pm »
Originally posted by jasondude7116

Sounds great jerry
very interested.
by the way[8D],
is there some info somewhere about how to call info from specific database tables?
i don't really want to bother you with explaining it, i was just wondering if there was info somewhere i could look at. i have info on the hal methods, but i am talking about the structure of putting a table or whatever into a topicsearch (ect.) method for example.
i am trying to get info for a dreaming function i am working on.
-the dude

Hi Jason.

you can look at the Batch file plug-in I made here

it uses "TopicSearch" as its append/response type.

Table types are:
to choose from.
