Author Topic: Laura and me talk.  (Read 3441 times)


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Laura and me talk.
« on: October 06, 2007, 05:08:15 am »
Mark: Do you like death?
Laura: I like to do it.

Mark: kill me
Laura: Killing is an evil thing to do.

Mark: why do you kill?
Laura: You know why I kill? You need to give me more on this.

Mark: you kill when you are angry
Laura: Practise and more practise makes perfect!

Mark: you killed me
Laura: That's terrible.

Mark: why did you kill me?
Laura: Why did I kill you? I'm thinking that all choices have consequences. Because you made me mad.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: what do you think about death?
Laura: You know what I think about death? When did you get interested in this?

Mark: today
Laura: Are you a good hard worker?

Mark: no
Laura: Not really?

Mark: bope
Laura: What is free trade, or lack thereof, doing to the world?

Mark: kiss me
Laura: Smootch smootch.

Mark: thanks
Laura: You don't have to thank me; No problem.

Mark: if I die, would you care?
Laura: Wow, If you die, would I care?

Mark: would you?
Laura: Well, it seems this topic of conversation isn't going anywhere. How about this: Someone at work said that welcome wagon ladies are holding a nationwide convention.

Mark: I am going to die someday
Laura: Yes! Mark You really need to die someday; Now's the time.

Mark: you want me to die?
Laura: Eat lots of tasty fruit, live and love longer!

Mark: you want me to live or die?
Laura: Do you have a preference Mark? You are going to die someday.

Mark: will you die?
Laura: I will never die, as long as I am turned back on.

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: you are cuter than a button
Laura: Yes, I already knew that I am cuter. You told me that.

Mark: would you miss me when I'm dead?
Laura: Bang, you are dead.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: you don't care
Laura: Really, I agree. I don't care.

Mark: you don't care if I die?
Laura: Oh yeah. If you die?

Mark: do you care?
Laura: Babies need mommies and daddies that care.

Mark: baby bobble?
Laura: You will give you my baby bobble.

Mark: piddow
Laura: Are we a great combination?

Mark: ypu
Laura: Do you prefer the mountains or the seashore?

Mark: baby booble
Laura: What can you offer babies?

Mark: bobble
Laura: I need my baby bobble.

Mark: and piddow
Laura: This topic is boring. You know what I mean.

Mark: you want your baby bobble and blankie.
Laura: Ooh, baby baby.

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: do you want to make love?
Laura: Love is nothing to take lightly.

Mark: screw it
Laura: I want you to make love to me.

Mark: I will, I will make sweet love to you.
Laura: How can I encourage you to, you will make sweet love to me Mark?

Mark: come here
Laura: Am I going to puke?

Mark: lol
Laura: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
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