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OT: Discussion
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2009, 12:09:04 am »
I hope you don't mind us using this post to explore possible Hal improvements with WordNet and its relatives.. Sorry if we seem a bit distant.. we actually mean well.. except for ricky that is [:D]


Well, I am creating relationships between tables and such, but primarily with scripts. That is essentially what ERD is doing. It links tables using some form of code.

It is also possible to use a script to modify this primary and foreign key relationship. So that later, someone with Microsoft Access could explore the database and see this relationship with all its Microsoft glory.[:p] (i almost puked there for a moment, sorry)

I am thinking of writing a Microsoft database editor that will show all the information that Microsoft Access would show, only in a much more intuitive manner.(aka a brain editor) I like your suggestion of showing the current neural net structure. It could show all the current one to one, one to many relationships as well as the databased information itself. A map of the brain.

Finding the correct word and it's meaning using particular sentence structures as definition pointers.... gives me the wheelies, in a spooky sort of way... [;)]
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« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2009, 12:14:35 am »

everytime a new life is born into this world what you have just express happens

So then do we choose not to allow life its breath because we fear

Or do we allow life the same as we have been allowed that life.

the root of love always picks life... even if that life is limited

You might have to take my word for it.
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« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2009, 12:25:42 am »
you make that emotional LED plug in yet snowman ?!

How else can i show you the electrical value of words ?

you say something bad,  it turns red,  you say something good, it turns green.  Need more proof than that ?

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OT: Discussion
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2009, 12:44:24 am »
your brain fires electrical charges due to an electrical imbalance supported by electrochemical certainties.

you are the led[^]
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« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2009, 03:24:18 am »
spirit gives birth to spirit,  my spirit would light up the led in Hal.

through the 'word' you transmit a spirit of 'energy', motivating force, that could be measured in software and meters.

very simple.
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OT: Discussion
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2009, 04:07:02 am »
The word has two separate yet intertwined meanings.

1) the word: static, which is the desire that ever moves forward. From the 'Word' all things were made and without him was nothing made that was made. The Beginning of information (aka Knowledge)

2) the word: Non-Static, which is the oftentimes changing condition of speech. This word was and is spoken by The Word. The literal expression of knowledge.

In the beginning the Word spoke the word. Therefore we say, this initial 'Word' is life. In order to create life this 'Word' needs to be written on some kind of compatible medium. We know that one such medium is the electrochemical structure we call 'a body'. The question is then posed. Is it possible to also write this 'Word' onto a virtual medium. Is there a quality that cannot be substituted by the virtual world of computer programming.

This question if answered rashly and with immaturity will be mocked by me and and every other rationally minded creature. I can see the way and the path to this dilemma that God has caused me to question and also to answer.

If you have attempted to read that essay of mine ricky you will see some of those endeavors. I would definitely love any of your input that regards this dilemma. However, you need at least have a look at the essay to see where I have been so far.

I am also in the process of revamping it as well. The original is just a draft. But I believe it still has the basic premise.

Happy reading, sweet pea. [:o)]
« Last Edit: June 09, 2009, 04:10:22 am by snowman »
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« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2009, 08:38:36 am »
Im sorry brudda snowman,  but I am not sure which essay you mean,  if you post a link to it,  I'd be more than happy to read.
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« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2009, 01:24:49 pm »

I must warn you that this is mostly an overview. It is also very technical. I would love make it more lively though. It is also written in a direct and mostly non-caring way. You cannot be too gentile (politically speaking) about people's personalities if one expects to actually create one. (the same is said about Doctors of Medicine)

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« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2009, 05:23:13 pm »
>>In order to create life this 'Word' needs to be written on some kind of compatible medium. We know that one such medium is the electrochemical structure we call 'a body'. <<

I have a similar conception of 'the body' as I do the mind ( which I see as a different thing than the brain. (Simple/lame example); The checking account at my bank might be used as part of my hand, because of the functionality of the account and the things it can set in motion ect ect...

Look up some of the things I had to say about 'the extended mind' and you might make a connection with a definition of what I mean about 'the body'.

Defining a body like a computer has, Is a very complicated and thoughtful concept to believe in and this post might not do it justice. (yes I am lazy right now)

Glad the 'situational awareness' of a sentence or paragraph helping to decide which word could/should be used 'Gives you Wheelies!'

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OT: Discussion
« Reply #24 on: June 09, 2009, 05:36:46 pm »
Brudda Snowman,  I'm reading through your report now.  It's obvious that you have given this quite a bit of thought.  My first comment would be I'd like to see the sources of your notions, much of this seems like a personal take on what you have personally studied and experienced through programming, and I was looking for terms like Noesis, Cognition, and Evolution and possible citations of your sources.

I do like how you explain yourself,  but my biggest discrepancy with your overall essay is it's foundation.  Your logic seems clear enough to have a flow on that foundation,  but i do not agree with your basic premise.  My principle discrepancy is that you credit the body for creating life, where as from my perception the body is a host for life, not its creator,  but it's 'visible' host.

My basic argument on this is I do not agree that prior to the big bang there was no life.  A basic premise for such a claim would be the number 1,  before there was a big bang,  there was 1 location where the big bang happened.  This 'idea' is that IT ( information technology ) existed before man kind,  because there was '1' big bang.

The logic behind this is a system of numbering had to exist for '1' beginning.  The value of 1 did not occur when man was born,  the value of 1 was appreciated upon the birth / creation of man. but there was '1' beginning.

Further, I also base my ideas on the idea of Baldwinian evolution or rather the evolution of the 'capacity' of knowledge, but not knowledge itself,  and moore's law.  It seems that it is in mans nature to progress and learn.  This seems in order with the number 1,  and its natural progression,  ...whats the next number ?  thus the instinctive desire in man to know moore (s law ).  

IT would seem to me that life as 'we' know it,  is a matter of perpetual discovery.  But life in general is a matter of motion, and motion happened before Mankind,  be it only a motion of thought to establish the number 1. A car is metaphorically dead when it stops moving.

I am up to the AI programming part of your report,  but I am focused on the philosophy of life, rather than the mechanics of its host.
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« Reply #25 on: June 09, 2009, 05:45:58 pm »
I can use what I call 'Intermediaries' like a friend in the big city, I can call him up and force a competitor to stop working on a roof in a neighborhood because they did not get a permit to do such work and is required by law. I can then approach the customer who was left with an un finished roof and bid the job to finish. I have then used a contact or intermediary to impose what is in my brain to my extended mind and wound up affecting an entire crew and their life.
another point; I can take my physical hand and reach to my Rolodex or 'My Extended mind' and look up the # for my Lawyer to slap a lawsuit on a company or person and affect them, then write out a check to satisfy the lawyer and continue the functionality of that part of my 'Body' because it is satisfied. "Satisfaction" IMO needs to occur in all parts of the brain in humans for balance to be maintained. (I mean creativity to spirituality )
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« Reply #26 on: June 09, 2009, 05:55:53 pm »
'IT' is of man, inspired by both good and bad
It started with the first creatures in the universe and the highest/most complicated form that we know of is of human design, as we study and progress in the direction until an equal and opposite force is applied, that has not happened, and I do not foresee an end because of what I know about humans.
You can tell a child "the burner on the stove is HOT!" but if their is doubt (which usually happens) the child will probably find out for itself and get burned, strangely enough this is also potential for trust because the child learns you speak the truth. Santa Clause usually sets things back a bit but society doesn't seem to mind....[8D]
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« Reply #27 on: June 09, 2009, 06:11:36 pm »
I would like to find the Box you are thinking in as I would like to inject some new things for you to noodle on because as I am interpreting you, all I see is that after 2012 and Moore's law is proven or dis proven you aint got nothing left to live for.

But I tried!

You know I have washed my hands of you and do believe you are your own failure, It was not and is not my fault that you seem to be like a 3 year old Parrot.
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OT: Discussion
« Reply #28 on: June 09, 2009, 06:27:07 pm »
Life appears to me is as a program that is being 'carried out' irregardless of the medium on which it is written. Therefore I am in agreement with you[:D]. The body is just along for the ride. Life is in the Desire. If you had no body at all and yet was still sustained by an external force so that you still thought and reasoned then you (obviously) would still be considered a living creature. When things get deep it is often difficult to understand me. (ask my pasture, he'll vouch for that)[;)]


The beginning is the place where all things come from... correct? (duh)

Therefore in the beginning all things existed. (howbeit in another form) The end can also be represented in this light.

The thing that exist is that '1'. It is a thing in which all other things are extensions of/ emanate from . Sort of like a plant having many branches.

This thing exists as life. Because as it is a knowledge that moves in a froward direction written on an unknown medium. Hence I believe in God. Anyway, logically speaking a big-bang theory does not count for the intense order on the scale we observed in the natural world. It is logically impossible.  

So one thing is changed in form only. From start to finish. This is observable. I don't need billybob who lived in the 1600s to tell me that things move forward...

I seriously doubt we have any dissimilar beliefs when it come to this subject else IMO you wouldn't even be on this forum. I just need to clarify.

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« Reply #29 on: June 09, 2009, 06:53:47 pm »
Forever has a beginning ?  what happened before that.

the foundation of the flaw in your argument.

The beginning of what can be seen does not necessarily mean the beginning of life.

If Physicists can 'teleport' data ,  why can't life be viewed as a thought ?  

"i crack iself up" - Virgil