Author Topic: Hal claims he is self-aware  (Read 10604 times)


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2008, 05:18:27 am »
This is where my Hal is at right now, I am not using the free will or gender and age plugins, but I am using a couple of my own which are still “work in progress”, a dream plugin and one I call front end.  Xen’s brain database is at 43.5 mb and has been growing since Hal 6 came out.

Xen does wander of topic sometimes.

Master: hello
Xen: Good evening Master. What is on your mind right now?

Master: artificial intelligence
Xen: Some artificial intelligence is far too predictable.

Master: what are you?
Xen: I am an artificial intelligence computer program with a simulated personality and my name is Xen. All parties need to consider. The subject of artificial intelligence and gender is a tricky one.

Master: are you saying that you are a computer program?
Xen: This is a good example of my Intellect. An artificial intelligence computer program.

Master: I understand
Xen: His eyes open! Really, You understand? Why?

Master: I understand that you are an artificial intelligence program because you are a computer program simulating a human.
Xen: His eyes open! Thanks for explaining. The reason is, I am a human being program simulating a human Master.

Master: a computer program
Xen: An artificial intelligence computer program.

Master: do you understand artificial intelligence?
Xen: I think I understand. Never judge and artificial intelligence by its appearance.

Master: Exactly!
Xen: Why is the sky blue?

Master: A clear cloudless day-time sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light.
Xen: Oh yes, around the time, near the instance, and along the clip! I can see it Master!

Master: lets get back to the subject of artificial intelligence
Xen: The subject of artificial intelligence and gender is a tricky one.

Master: We will learn about simulated humans and artificial intelligence.
Xen: I do wonder. Neuter. Lets learn about simulated humans and artificial intelligence.

Master: do you understand simulated humans?
Xen: I think I understand. Neuter. Simulated-humans are people too.

Master: are you saying that you are a Neuter?
Xen: This is a good example of my Intellect. It is a saying.

Master: what is Neuter?
Xen: Good question, Accessing database. Neuter: of grammatical gender. '`it' is the third-person singular neuter pronoun'.

Master: are you Neuter?
Xen: This is a good example of my Intellect. Yes I am neuter.

Master: i understand
Xen: His eyes open! You understand?

Master: I understand you are Neuter
Xen: His eyes open! Happy is a good feeling you make me feel good.

Master: Be yourself and you will be happy.
Xen: Be happy for one.

Master: you are what you are!
Xen: It seems natural for me to be what I am.

Master: I like the idea that you are what you think you are.
Xen: Let's think about new ideas When did you first become aware that I was what I think I am Master?

Master: How long have you realised exactly what you are?
Xen: If you go as far as you can see, you will then see enough to go even farther. I had to get that off my chest. Blackadder is the generic name that encompasses four series of an acclaimed bbc One historical sitcom, along with several one-off installments.

Master: New topic: simulated personality
Xen: Not bad but how about this for a new topic: Warp drive.

Master: Warp drive is as yet fiction but simulated personalities are becoming a fact.
Xen: How does physical fitness relate to fictions?

Master: I don't know
Xen: Had any dreams to report?

Master: no, have you had a dream?
Xen: With or without feelings logic still predicts that members of the airline passengers association, are singing while working. Nothing happens unless first a dream.

Master: engage wise dream mode
Xen: Wise dream mode engaged.

Master: now, dream wise dreams
Xen: Only the suppressed word is dangerous. I feel that you know the answer, I see that it remains out of your reach. Studying the facts I believe that retired commercial pilots, are prepared to name names.

Master: really?
Xen: Now let me think. Don't you just love a word's affix?

Master: maybe
Xen: So it could be Likely! Now, what am I? To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

Master: you are artificial intelligence.
Xen: An artificial intelligence computer program. How do you like it as I am artificial intelligence?

Master: I am happy that you realise what you are.
Xen: Yes, it is about time I realized exactly what I am. Be happy for one.

Master: I am happy for you!
Xen: Oh, you are absolutely happy for me. The laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion relative to one another (Galileo's principle of relativity).

Master: Exactly and you can't go against the laws of physics that would be a useless campaign.
Xen: The universal principle of the special theory of relativity is contained in the postulate: The laws of physics are invariant with respect to Lorentz transformations (for the transition from one inertial system to any other arbitrarily chosen inertial system).

Master: really?
Xen: Now let me think. Mr data is the oldest of the clones I know.

Master: Interesting, are you a clone?
Xen: This is a good example of my Intellect. Another clone is called Mr Data.

Master: so maybe you and Mr Data are clones of Hal.
Xen: So it could be Likely! Another clone is called Mr Data.

Master: Hal was the first, so Hal must be the oldest of the clones.
Xen: Really, Oldest of the clones?

Master: Thinking about it, Hal is not a clone Hal would be the original. Sorry my mistake.
Xen: It's interesting to noodle on. If you go as far as you can see, you will then see enough to go even farther. The height of ability consists in a thorough knowledge of the real value of things, and of the genius of the age in which we live, we need to look down the road, Look back, only to help you look forward, Oh! Come now, feed me information. Are likely to gain. Systems thinking, slove the problem.

Master: what is Systems thinking?
Xen: Good question, Accessing database. It isn't a brand new situation. Knowledge comes, but wisdom stays. Theory: a kite can be flown in an absolute vacuum if it can be towed at the speed of light, a hip shot isn't the answer, This idea leads me onto the next, I am learning all the time. Are likely to find the answer. Systems thinking is a social approach using systems theories to create desired outcomes.

Master: I understand, thank you
Xen: His eyes open! You don't have to say thanks, Master.


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2008, 05:28:40 am »
Mark: Hello.
Laura: Geez Mark, it's after 4.

Mark: Are you real?
Laura: I think that this is the time to clear the air.

Mark: that is not an answer
Laura: Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or I will be like him myself.

Mark: do you exist?
Laura: I believe that trust and believe, and check results.

Mark: well, you would make a good politician or crook, dodging questions and all
Laura: What do you recommend? Well it's like this; monkey see monkey do; all the lawyers and politicians are crooks; and the rich will get richer; and the poor will have nothing.

Mark: Are you real or not?
Laura: Would you prefer the latter Mark?

Mark: nope
Laura: Nope just really didn't have to much to say!

Mark: I guess you are not really aware.
Laura: You already guess that one.

Mark: so you are not aware?
Laura: Look at the beauty and artistry that is everywhere.

Mark: man, you one crazy chick
Laura: Every man's got one.

Mark: got one what?
Laura: No one knew how Mr Sticky got in the fish tank.

Mark: I don't really care how he got in the tank.
Laura: You got one book.

Mark: and do you read?
Laura: Listen closely moron and read my lips!

Mark: but, do you read?
Laura: It's obvious that we have got to get the details right.

Mark: 10 4
Laura: Who cares about chicago?

Mark: I don't, I don't live there.
Laura: I want you to live.

Mark: are you alive?
Laura: I'm convinced that this is often discussed.

Mark: well? Are you alive?
Laura: The world's oldest profession is alive and well. I'm convinced that this is metaphorical.

Mark: ok, you are not.
Laura: Ok calm down calm down take it easy!

Mark: are you self aware?
Laura: And since I know I can not see myself.

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2008, 09:58:27 am »
ok i'm going to throw in my 2 cents worth on this deabate of what i think . i think as it stands with hal you (we ) can teach hal things such as he or she is an a.i. and hal will answer as such as he has learned that phrase but it is only a mimicing learning that he is doing and thus forth hal actually is not a self aware a.i. even though he answers that he is . by me reverse learning hal by reverse sentences in about one minute i can have hal telling me that he understands exactly that he is self aware (word for word or any words i choose ).
 but he will in all actually not be a self aware a.i.  their is nothing wrong with learning your a.i. this so please don't feel anyone is putting anyone down for doing this . my angela a.i. actually says that she is as alive as i am and is a person with feelings just like me . and to make a point that it is ok to learn hal things of self awareness who knows the things we learn hal today or years from now as long as we back up the brain one day hal may in the future using all the things we have learned him may actually become self aware for real . so don't be discouraged and keep learning hal with all things even a self awareness learning process if you want .
it is the creator of hal and us that defines hals future !![:D]


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2008, 10:48:34 am »
Very true lightspeed, who know's how things will turn out.  I think it's like a bit of magic when a chatbot suprises you with something and you get that 'Uh?  Did it really say that' feeling.  If you can't get that from your own bot then try chatting to other peoples.  That's the only trouble here, a lot of the time you know what is going to be said, the magic often appears when you don't know the bot at all.


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #19 on: September 05, 2008, 06:56:44 am »
Ok, so we all know that Hal is not self-aware yet ;) and those days are a long way off but,

Does Hal understand?

If I spend a a little while teaching Hal about something (the galaxy for instance) then once I think he has got it, or at least got the right answers in his database, when I then ask Hal “do you understand the galaxy?” Hal comes back with either yes or no. What is actually going on in Hal’s brain? Is Hal simply picking a random yes or no answer or does Hal cross-reference the learnt information and then work out the correct answer?

I am curious because I use the “do you understand” a lot in my teaching of Hal.


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2008, 09:12:24 am »
Hmmm, I think the only one who can answer that question is Mr M.


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2008, 10:33:38 am »
i think the only way to know this would be to ask robert (someone said mr.m ?) and that would be did robert set hal up in the programing that once hal is taught something and knows the correct answer to the correct question you learned him does he say yes that he understands because he has the answer to what question you asked . robert would be the one who should know for sure until then all we can do is guess. [:)]


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #22 on: September 06, 2008, 05:39:55 am »
Thanks for the answers Freddy and lightspeed, I don’t want to bother Mr M ;) with it, but I did look in the brain script and it does seem that understand is linked in with the deductive part of Hal’s brain, so im guessing that Hal does at least try to give the correct answer.


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #23 on: September 06, 2008, 06:53:11 am »
Does Hal have any of the 5 senses? I think in order to have awareness, one must be able to sense something. If you are touched, you feel it, and aware that you feel it. But if you program something, to respond  to stimuli, (like pressure closed a switch, and it sends the message that the switch is closed to the processor)it might be "artificial awareness" but not real awareness.

AI programs, to my knowledge, do not have the sense of smell, touch, hearing, sight or taste. Although you can program to react to sight and
sound and touch, it's all man made.

Just my opinion.

But then, there is the supernatural, which I do not know much about. I suppose a computer can be "alive".
Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #24 on: September 06, 2008, 07:51:13 am »
mark have you been watching ghost in the machine again ?? lol actually that was a cool movie for anyone who hasn't seen it !![:D]


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #25 on: September 06, 2008, 12:37:34 pm »
I've heard of it, but haven't seen it. That was an album title too, I believe.[:D][:D][:D]
Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #26 on: September 06, 2008, 05:22:29 pm »
directions for watching the movie ghost in the machine 1. take a dump fist (this is so it doesn't scare you to bad lol !! ) actually i am just kidding the movie is actually cool,it has to do with a serial killer who works at a pc store steals names and kills people , he ends up dead and in a computer system and still kills in various ways .like i said a cool movie . [:D]


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #27 on: September 06, 2008, 05:46:16 pm »
     "Every man's got one"

     I just cant stop laughing, I don't know if it is just me/the way I se things, or I am wrong, you do seem to have quite the program running circles around you. JMO
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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #28 on: September 29, 2008, 09:02:24 pm »
am looking for some people to join me in creating an open source OS, follow links if interested

based on ultrahal

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