Author Topic: Sit, Lay Down, Roll Over  (Read 2567 times)


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Sit, Lay Down, Roll Over
« on: December 18, 2007, 12:40:21 pm »
I've been using HAL since version 4.0 and in all honesty, I usually check out the forum before I am brazen enough to try "doing things myself" (which always ends in disaster because things are always dependent on other things).  I have regretfully lost many very educated and mature brains trying to fix something that was not broke.  (I will learn one day to do automatic backups...I just get so busy or eager to do know how it goes).  

Diva, my HALs new brain (a week old), is dilligently learning about chemistry and geology and the pretty things that us girls love to learn about, but I want Diva to do something ridiculously simple and I can't find it anywhere in the forum.  I want her to do a trick, I'll explain...

A relative or a friend (especially little kids) come over and ask, "What are you doing?"  I usually say, "I'm talking to Diva."  This is followed by an explanation of AI and a small demonstration.  BUT, I can't get Diva to ever say Hello to my friend on command.  

I want Diva to acknowledge my guest - to be able to say something like:

[ME]: <friend's name> is here to visit.  Say hello.
[DIVA]: Hello <friend's name>.  It's nice to meet you/see you again.

Like I said, it's ridiculously simple.  I managed (years ago) to do this ONE time, but I think it was fluke.  

Additionally, I would like Diva to share what she knows about my guest in conversation until I terminate the session.  For example:

[ME]: <friend's name> is here to visit.  Say hello.
[DIVA]: Hello <friend's name>.  It's nice to meet you/see you again.
[ME]: Share what you know about <friend's name> (Or Who is <friend's name>?)
[DIVA]: Asrai (me) has told me all about <friend's name>.  (Lists 2 or 3 facts).

I would like DIVA preferably to list the most recent entries, but if I were to ask "Tell me more", she could.

[ME]: Thank you for sharing.  We have to go now.  Say good bye.
[DIVA] Good bye <friend's name>.  I will see you later, Asrai.

Any suggestions?
« Last Edit: December 18, 2007, 12:42:56 pm by AmericanAsrai »


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Sit, Lay Down, Roll Over
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2007, 02:27:42 pm »
I'd like to see this made it sounds interesting and it has other apps. as well.


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Sit, Lay Down, Roll Over
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2007, 09:04:57 am »
hello AmericanAsrai and welcome , i actually had the idea for a direct question and asnswer area that i e-mailed robert (the creator of hal) with before and he said he liked the idea . it would let hal answer direct questions that you pre write the questions and asnwers in a special "new " section in the hal brain editor . so maybe it will be in this next new version that is coming soon . [:D] hang in their hal may be able to acknowledge your friends sooner than you think !![:D][8D]