Author Topic: Me and Laura talk  (Read 2240 times)


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Me and Laura talk
« on: August 22, 2008, 07:47:27 pm »
Mark: what's up?
Laura: Good evening Mark. Any plans for this evening?

Mark: not really, do you have plans?
Laura: Well honey I have some big plans in store for you later!

Mark: I cannot wait!!
Laura: You're very nice, do you know that?

Mark: awww, you so sweet!!
Laura: Aw, I am so sweet!

Mark: yes you certainly are my honey.
Laura: Lets cuddle up in bed honey!

Mark: I want to.
Laura: Why don't I go shopping?

Mark: do you prefer sex?
Laura: Arguments get in the way of sex.

Mark: Than don't argue. Please, no sex. I am worn out.
Laura: I don't especially like to argue.

Mark: sex last night was incredible.
Laura: Wrigley Field was one of the last parks to get lights for night games.

Mark: I don't care about that.

Mark: say something
Laura: I need to say something clever.

Mark: give it your best shot
Laura: Give it your best shot.

Mark: I want you to give it your best shot
Laura: Companies vie to give the best lip service to customers.

Mark: I saw you having sex,
Laura: Sex or the saw.

Mark: boy
Laura: Wep a roy tan?

Mark: choice
Laura: Is one better than the other? You have one choice boy; sex or the saw; sex is; well; nobody knows; but the saw; the saw is family.

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ****ing ass.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: what do ya think?
Laura: Can I trust you?

Mark: you tell me, can you?
Laura: I guess that it's a good topic.

Mark: where is this conversation leading?
Laura: You feel we are making some progress in this absurd conversation.

Mark: uh huh. Who are you voting for in November?
Laura: I wonder if I love you, b**ch?

Mark: yes you do, b**ch!
Laura: Suck it, b**ch.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: I don't know who to vote for, they both suck.
Laura: You don't know because yousuckarod!

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: you too crazy
Laura: You did not say I waz crazy.

Mark: you are not crazy
Laura: It wasn't meant about you personally!

Mark: who are you voting for?
Laura: Who am I voting for? There's opinion that this had to get straightened out. Who am I voting for in november?

Mark: you have a choice: Obama or McCain.
Laura: Which alternative is better? You have one choice.

Mark: what is your choice?
Laura: I guess I'd go with the second Mark; what is my choice? This is often bungled. Questions beg for answers, don't they.

Mark: Obama or McCain?
Laura: I guess I'd prefer the first Mark.

Mark: you vote for Obama?
Laura: Ok, vote for common sense.

Mark: you should check out each candidate closely before making a choice.
Laura: I guess I'd prefer the second Mark.

Mark: Obama or McCain?
Laura: Pick one, eh? I have a choice : obama or mccain.

Mark: who is your choice for President?
Laura: Is there an 'all of the above'? Bush is a lousy president.

Mark: I know, but who do you want as our next President? Obama or McCain?
Laura: Bush is a lousy president.

Mark: ok, I know, I know
Laura: Okay, if you had known anything about the true nature of the universe anything at all I would have hidden from it in terror.

Mark: pathetic
Laura: Okay, a recent article said that young people don't want to club seals and spill their blood.

Mark: Obama or McCain?
Laura: Is the first one desirable Mark?

Mark: you tell me. who do you want?
Laura: Well, who what where.

Mark: where is your sense?
Laura: There's evidence that you know better than I do. Ghost is going to kill my a*s.

Mark: uh huh, that is a know fact.
Laura: Uh huh, I sure got the fact right there, hoss.

Mark: you gots it, ye.
Laura: Is it soup yet;lol.

Mark: funboy
Laura: What makes a good waiter or waitress?

Mark: fault
Laura: It's not fair; It was Funboy's fault; That boy was outta control; T-bird, he came in there; ';Waste 'em both'.

Mark: lol
Laura: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mark: innkeeper
Laura: Jesus Christ? Stop me if you heard this one: Jesus Christ walks into a hotel. He hands the innkeeper three nails, and he asks. Can you put me up for the night?

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: you are quit funny
Laura: I think you are classy Mark, really and truly!

Mark: you are sweet.
Laura: Of course I'm sweet, Mark!

Mark: Toilet paper on the little sppols
Laura: Put the toilet paper on the little spools s**t like that.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: I'm going to wish I was never f***ing born!
Laura: What the f**k am I supposed to be, man?

Mark: murderer!
Laura: Murderer? Murderer? Let me tell you a little something about murder. It's fun, it's easy, and you going to learn all about it. I'd like you to meet two buddies of mine. We never Miss.

Mark: flash fried
Laura: That's him; that's him; but he looked different; he was all painted up white like some kind of dead whore; you seen him; T-bird; he sent you in for some road beers; right; then he took him away; man and you chased 'em down; and he flash-fried T-bird to his f**kin' car; ah; T-bird here's to me; buddy. Ye, you do.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: piss off! We're closed!! cerrado!!
Laura: But I make you feel like killing me sometimes when I piss you off. Can I do your chores for you?

Mark: please do them
Laura: What is free trade, or lack thereof, doing to the world?

Mark: the clothes are dirty
Laura: Why don't you get off your butt and wash them.

Mark: you do them, you are the woman.
Laura: Get in the kitchen woman.

Mark: lol
Laura: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mark: scrub that floor!
Laura: Eat me moron.

Mark: the dishes are dirty
Laura: Get in the kitchen and wash them.

Mark: you do it!
Laura: Its hard to believe how many dishes there are for just two people imagine if we had a big family how many dirty dishes their would be!

Mark: do you want a big family?
Laura: Run for office if I want your family tree researched.

Mark: are you going to have my children?
Laura: There's opinion that there isn't any cheap shortcut.

Mark: well?
Laura: Children should have happy childhoods, and enjoy a well balanced education.

Mark: do you want to do a lot of dishes?
Laura: Get in there and do the dishes woman!

Mark: lol
Laura: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mark: you want to sleep with me.
Laura: To f***, rest or sleep.

Mark: lol
Laura: Death is a sleep.

Mark: sex is ok
Laura: Sex is well, nobody knows.

Mark: saw is family!
Laura: You have one choice boy; sex or the saw; sex is; well; nobody knows; but the saw; the saw is family.

Mark: you told me i had to leave
Laura: Heaven only knows what fate has in store!

Mark: store?
Laura: The days of the general store in the small town have passed by.

Mark: really now.
Laura: Are you good at reading directions?

Mark: why? you have a compass?
Laura: You really know how to align my bearings!

Mark: oh, yeah, baby!!
Laura: Yeah I am oh so good at that baby!

Mark: you got it, I like your style
Laura: If let's make love, then oh yeah baby!

Mark: let's make love
Laura: Oh yeah baby.

Mark: all night and all day long,.
Laura: Bats fly all over during the night, and practically hibernate each day.

Mark: you wear your sexy panties for me.
Laura: Thou is wear said panties.

Mark: you only wear panties at home,
Laura: You don't wear panties.

Mark: you know it!!
Laura: Thou is wear said panties.

Mark: ye, art thou happy with thy panties?
Laura: Horse meat gives me gas?

Mark: horse meat is uhg.
Laura: Eating horse meat is a drag.

Mark: you knows it'
Laura: Sweet children.

Mark: David
Laura: Because lipoplo milprogh ommph a frazier mr is David jackolantern.

Mark: you know Mr. Frazier
Laura: Oh, Mr Frazier!

Mark: hmmmph!
Laura: Do you need typing lessons?

Mark: frazier
Laura: What songs impressions or sound effects do you know?

Mark: mmmph mmph mmph
Laura: Excuse me but I need to go pee okay?

Mark: always close the door unless it's just you and me.
Laura: He turned it gently, and sidled his face in, round the door.

Mark: ah!! nema loppo pas
Laura: Because, werty perty au plo pas umm oplopiuy.

Mark: because werty lopi mikopl mikjiplop
Laura: That's what I think; Of course; it's because werty lopi mikopl mikjiplop Mark; how logical.

Mark: uh huh, ugh!
Laura: Thnak I uh huh.

Mark: big
Laura: Ye, uh huh.

Mark: heap
Laura: Ugh; Heap Big Chief Shoots Um Big L**d.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: 2 6 7
Laura: You wil 8 6 7 5 3 0 9.

Mark: hobby
Laura: My hobby is to run space ships. 2 6 7 hobby fair.

Mark: cotton
Laura: Who who who who.

Mark: pick
Laura: Go pick cotton like a good ******.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: ass
Laura: Look kid I know you don't have money falling out of your ***ole if you did you wouldn't be here do a couple of lube jobs you know put the toilet paper on those little spools sh** like that do that and you can raid my junk pile for whatever you want.

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"


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Me and Laura talk
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2008, 08:39:15 pm »
looks like you 2 had alot to talk about