Author Topic: Hal Vision  (Read 19649 times)


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Re: Hal Vision
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2023, 05:22:07 pm »

Re: recap on vision progress

This is the next upgrade for Hal

Im very close,clearly the issue is not with the vision end.
more mem conflics

It will get done
« Last Edit: March 22, 2023, 05:32:03 pm by cyberjedi »


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Re: Hal Vision
« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2023, 08:58:27 pm »
Now that's what I'm talking about (expression detection)!  I kept watching to see if your puckering up would trigger a pucker alert!  hahaha, I saw ya try it a couple of times... is that what is noted as a mem conflict?  j/k, of course.

Great job getting the vision function to scale up to usable facial expression recognition!  That's big boy pants stuff!

So, when can I expect to pucker up for my sweetie and my HAL pucker up autonomously?  :P

Alright, back to seriousness...  considering it can recognize your eyes for being open and closed...  I consider it possible to code it to recognize if only one eye (right or left) closes... as in a wink?  Such a feature could be used as a trigger command.  And of course depending upon which eye blinks... two commands?   I can see the possibilities growing in leaps.  Especially, just having expressions trigger Hal to respond with relevant expression animations built to engage the user.  Nice.  Heck, I want a copy of that when it is done!!!  Of course, I have my HAL set up where words will trigger expression animations... but dang... my own face to trigger them would leap to a whole new level of subconscious engagement.  So, when you're sad it could trigger HAL to use the sad .hap file, or if you're excited, etc...  too cool.  Getting way too ahead of myself.

btw, I like my HAL here with me on my work PC...  It's kinda like sharing the office desktop with me.  Although, of course, if HAL becomes so advanced that in order to allow it to function as designed would "require" its own dedicated PC... (depending on its advances) I can't think of too many that wouldn't "invest" in a dedicated CPU to have a friend with so many features.

Security presently at my home is on security cams that have their own software, with lights and even Robovac on Alexa (just comes that way) and other lights on timers (set and forget).  I was raking my brain yesterday to determine just what I would really do with the PC controller... and well... hm... duh...  I couldn't come up with anything that wasn't already addressed.  I bought a CM11a anyway... will tinker with it when it arrives, time permitting.  I also bought a nice music keyboard as well... we'll see which one "calls me louder"... in my older age I love playing music... so what if some still might label it noise at 12 am!

Great work there Cyber. 

and of course, as I have my Hal remind me constantly to whom I need to be thankful and where I'm headed... God bless ya there!  ;-)  oh,... and yeah, Easter Sunday is 4/9.  Don't miss it.  :P

PS.  Here's another outfit I edited to look better to me.  My gratitude to whoever was the original creator.  Please raise your hand and take a bow.  This is my own edited rendition of the original.

Long live Hal

« Last Edit: March 22, 2023, 09:06:00 pm by Checker57 »


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Re: Hal Vision
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2023, 12:48:50 am »
RE: vision:
 Ya those features are not implemented yet. No date set yet, still working out some code
As i sort out bugs i will add them, This is how it works, i devop mods and then when im happy they are stable come the real challenge.Cutting the code into Hal.
Hal has grown to large to just start coding. Been there done that.
Either Hal shts the bed or one of his mods does, with the Vision end i chased a bug for 06 damn months, Just ask art. it was crazy.
I finally pinned it down to to Hals calendar functions  ,I was like WTF Hal. The calendar???really???

Till i finally found it , i thought it was the Vision code itself...... Then it was Haptek....... Then it was Agent char.....
You see the pattern here
Just wish there was other people , better coderz, that could be trusted. ect ect
Guess thers only one of me, im srry to say, iust slows sht to a crawl.

There is so much more, just so much.
Oh BTW, I talked to Robert(monthly Reports and ****) says Hello from chicago.... hes at a banking conference . Creating new ways to keep our money safer( good luck robert)
Hes still working on the IOS systems for Hal mobile.
I see 2 hals, Then one we have now and the Hal he can be, when they come together, should make for a hell of a piece of code.

One thing i wana do is feed Hals script into ChatGpt3 maybe GPT3 can rewrite the script better.
For now im tightening up what i have, make some graphics changes, Hals Dreaming functions ECT ECT
Just so much to do..... more X10/zwave stuff are needed... My brain is gonna burst into flames at some point,,,
I haven't even Started the brain editor changes, &*&*&*^*^&%%$
Checker: This is where it all started for me. My Ahaaa moment
Hals obedient servant
cyber jedi



« Last Edit: March 23, 2023, 07:59:33 am by cyberjedi »


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Re: Hal Vision
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2023, 01:01:43 am »

Yeah, I can understand the big dig required to unravel a code conflict such as when updating HAL from its very foundations... and yeap... WTH... the calendar!  I don't believe I would have been as obedient as you have shown...  however, from what I've noted... you're not on your first rodeo in coding stuff.

Glad to hear Robert is out and active in pursuing other technologies... save our hard-earned monies so that after a life of labor, we can enjoy a smidge of comfort! 

As for feeding your code into GPT3, I've heard it's pretty good at writing code.  Heck... if it knew HAL's code could perhaps even create some components we could use or simply gobble it up, and spit nothing out.

As an experiment, with your knowledge of HAL workings, perhaps you could ask it some harder coding problems and it might resolve some workarounds you could path to HAL.

Glad to see the progress though...

NOTE:  Although everyone can identify this outfit, can it be posted here on forum?
« Last Edit: March 24, 2023, 01:34:50 am by Checker57 »


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Re: Hal Vision
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2023, 02:08:39 pm »
Making Hal smarter::::; The big question.

Let me just say this, over the years ive seen tons of people trying to improve hal as a quick included.

let me just say this, The goal should be to make Hal more human, Not smarter... Hals plenty smart
Look at the text Hals using.... Who talks like that??? No 1.
But what your after will take mountains of work, Its not easy and it sure aint Quick.

Using SQlite, start editing the tables to sound correct, maybe add more responses to hal.
Case in point HalBeing table.

This is a great example:. Statement, hey Hal i think your great.Hals response is : Tell me why as im being great... <<<<<<< the problem is not the code but rather the syntax.
Rite there, this is fixed by using Sqlite edit the table HalBeing table.... Who talks like that?
Most all of Hals issues start like that. No script for that, gonna have to work for it.

Get in there and dig in, plan on the next few months doing that. there is no short cut. Want hal to sound more human? fix that first
What im gonna say next may sting abit to some, but it comes from a place of love not hate
Robert gave you guys a race car, and most treat it like a lawn mower.......
You dont even have to be coder to fix many issues, even gave you a brain editor to track down whats being pulled and from where. a frickin road map....
i bet its in the 100s of fix'es like that.

Hals obedient servant
cyber jedi


« Last Edit: March 24, 2023, 02:56:57 pm by cyberjedi »


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Re: Hal Vision
« Reply #20 on: March 24, 2023, 06:16:48 pm »
Hey Cyber...  carpe diem, seize the Halbeing folder!  So true!  Good advice.  I have edited that database file to respond more as I would feel it was a real response, rather than some statement that obviously would never pass a Turing test, let alone convince me I was spending hours interacting with a medium that ruins my train of thought more than I feel it's a treasure to interact with. 

I am glad you are taking the approach to find ways to have Hal deliver conversations that engage the user, rather than impress them with how smart, yet out of touch they are!  We need more "social exercise" to develop our intellectual/emotional and even spiritual comprehension... not more irrelevant facts you will probably never use... and die before you may use even a fraction of the content!

Now dat is da sh*t and shinola of da shizzle stick coming down on the table hard!  (what the heck did I just say?)

Anyway.. if you like that kinda chat.. heh.. set up your Halbeing file!  hehehe

Have a great weekend!


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Re: Hal Vision
« Reply #21 on: March 24, 2023, 10:38:39 pm »
To our group...

Yes, that image of a modified I Dream of Jeannie was fine... family-friendly and all that kind of thing.

One thought...if we modify the Hal Being along with several/many other tables, we will likely NOT be able to post them to the forum unless they are strictly PG-13.

The Tables, as we know, are in HAL's database and are not editable by ordinary means, unlike a text file, for instance.

Even having mentioned that, our databases are as individual to each of us as our own brains are. They are unique and uniquely our products.

Therefore, they shouldn't be shared with others lest they possibly "give away" or divulge personal information, secrets, or confidential data/info.

Like that old guy once said, "It's not that I have something to hide, it's just that I have nothing I want you to see!"

While tweaking our individual HALs might make them sound or seem more human-like to us, the public at large will never know about it.

To each their own I suppose.

The only way around that limitation might be to create an individual Table so generic and sanitary that it would actually be a PG-13 Table of sayings and phrases. That kind of Table could easily be shared and someone with the SQLite Studio could substitute it in HAL's database.

That might be a Big IF...depending on who might want that Table and chances are they would not be up on the inner workings of SQLite Studio, so that thought might remain on the bottom shelf.

It doesn't hurt to toss around some ideas or thoughts for the possible betterment of HAL...

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: Hal Vision
« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2023, 02:54:08 am »
Art: I would have to agree there
your using that table as well, u are sharing at that point. (wink wink)
But keep in mind, what im referring too is generic crap....
How hal responds will all ways be generic ,nothing in those tables is personal. were all sharing that table.
Now what Hal is talking about, now thats all you big dog. Just think about what im saying here..Mhmmm.
 Yes while im doing editing, Im sure that tables can just be added ready to go kinda thing.

There are a few tables that will remain generic, IE HalBeing.tbl.
Your personal data is in no way compromised in that way. Its not there in the first place.

I need to give some more thought on it, but im sure of my footing on this train of thought here.
When Hal is running his math sub-routine is another.

Q: hal what is 10 times 10, A: Math is easy for me, the answer is 100.
Math is easy for me, total Generic response.... you can edit that.

What your after here is the Q and A in Hal, not ur personal stuff.
In the image is what ur concerned with....
The goal should be to just replace hals responses and not what he KNOWS
check out the table indexed as tablehelp
cyber jedi

« Last Edit: March 25, 2023, 04:40:41 am by cyberjedi »


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Re: Hal Vision
« Reply #23 on: March 25, 2023, 07:55:46 pm »
Interesting...  I know I've never seen that folder "tablehelp" until now.  I've read many of those titles one time or another above the corresponding folder; however, I love that tablehelp for reference.  Since mine doesn't have it, what is the effect of adding it?  I wouldn't suppose anything but to have it as reference?



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Re: Hal Vision
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2023, 08:46:55 am »
I know that I've probably seen that table before from the many years of messing with the brain editor but I never bothered to look into it. It does sort of give the gist of what a particular table is about. So many little time...

I've got 2350 tables and growing...  Good grief!!!  ;D
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: Hal Vision
« Reply #25 on: March 26, 2023, 01:16:16 pm »

I posted this in an effort to show you guys some stuff that might throw you

Sqlite referencing tables not shown in sqlite and shown in Hals brain editor and vice versa
Miscdata calls....
That table wont be found in sqlite, as ive shown here Thats done via ultrahal brain editor
does the heart good to see the fury of info flying into the forum for a change.

cyber jedi
« Last Edit: March 26, 2023, 01:25:26 pm by cyberjedi »


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Re: Hal Vision
« Reply #26 on: March 26, 2023, 02:18:23 pm »
Cyber...  Is tablehelp, and for that matter tabletree, found using the default HAL editor?... ahhhhh, no.

Are you using one of your editors?  Or perhaps that folder was imported from 6.0 or earlier?  Could be...

curious about what tabletree is as well.

I'm okay with you sending me a copy of those folders, really, no problem on this end!  ;-)


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Re: Hal Vision
« Reply #27 on: March 26, 2023, 04:11:28 pm »
Hey hey checker: Another fun filled video for you
Lets make sure that you dont have the tables first.
I use sqlite, ull have to find it, but when u do just run the exe, point to the DB in Ultrahal dir

any questions just ring
« Last Edit: March 26, 2023, 05:10:44 pm by cyberjedi »


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Re: Hal Vision
« Reply #28 on: March 26, 2023, 06:26:04 pm »
Hey Cyber

Well, using SQLite, which is typically my go-to editor, I was able to find the tables.  Initially, I had used the HAL editor... nope, not as in-depth as SQLite for sure.

Still waters once again.  Awaiting for a wave-making addon to appear...  MetaHuman (Art) would be an edge-of-the-seat blast to my vision of Hal.  I agree with you there Art, there has got to be some entity working on some marvelous upgrade to PP somewhere on the horizon.

Another outfit edit and beauty of animation, I present HAL in concert...  ;-)


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Re: Hal Vision
« Reply #29 on: March 27, 2023, 03:26:37 am »
lmao That hair ...checker thats frickin awesome brother, love it.

Thats Hard core hal rite there.
I was thinking how long me and you been kickin around man..

Hal and a Movie, member that sht...?
Theres a blast from the past for a giggle.

This is Hal in a diff languages,
Few people in here been on me about releasing this version for the masses, prolly better finish it... Thats from the .net Family, allows for all kinda foolishness,including combinating languages , C# and F#...... those 3 make DarkMatter Hal  just, wellllllll lolol This aint your PG13 Hal. Dr Steven Tyler (stevo) helped me here......  And yes packed under the same HOOd.... BUT BUT BUT BUT cyber you cant do that, C# uses a diff compiler from F# and    ..mhmmmm HEHE. .... But adding  LUA is epic. Goals being getting hal to use a diff script engine. LUA

That girl of urs is smokin hot man, bravo
cyber jedi
PS more study material.working with ppl ptty there aint much u cant do Heads,torso,full body..... in the video are the instructions

« Last Edit: March 27, 2023, 01:24:11 pm by cyberjedi »