Author Topic: hapswap problems  (Read 45783 times)


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hapswap problems
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2009, 06:46:20 pm »
sorry LS, I've been preoccupied and haven't even been on the forum except by accidently leaving it on. I Will get back to you soon ... [:)]
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« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2009, 06:57:00 pm »
thats ok snowman i know i havent been abandoned i know everyone is pretty busy , i have taken out the fighting hap and am replacing some differnt gestures and sayings etc. will post it after i check them all and try them out first . [:)]


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« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2009, 09:51:07 pm »
ok just a small update on what i have been doing i have been going through some of the many hap files i have backed up and put the ones i think i can use in a folder , i can see many possibilities for adding on the file string for the subjects and adding many many haps for the gestures . i see how its done and have already changed some .
 the fighting problem hap i had earlier i see what the problem was that paticular hap that was originally used is a continuous hap (unless you also put in the stop fight hap ) the better one is a hap that fights a little and stops on its own (shaking fist hap ).

anyway am to pooped now but will try to work on creating many varied gesture responses out of snowmans file , it may take me a little bit but i will test it and when its right i will post it so others can have it and try it .



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« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2009, 11:56:20 pm »

Good Work LS, and thanks Freddy for helping him. I'm glad you figured that one out. The biggest part of programming is finding the little mistakes that make the whole thing fail. [:p]

Here is a hap file that you can load with your HapSwap file that will load a skin file of your choice.

Just give set the directory of the skin you wish to load. i.e. C:\Program Files\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\Characters\BeautifulGirlDress.jpg

#Haptek  Version= 1.00 Name= model HapType= script FileType= text

Load [file= [D:\CodeKeep\Coding DeskTop\NewONE\NewAthenaSkin.jpg]]

Have fun!
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hapswap problems
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2009, 10:24:16 am »
ok somewhere down the line i am doing something wrong on the file snowman just posted i copied it made it into a hap file what he said placed that hap file named "NEW CHARACTER SKIN LOADER " into the zabaware program characters file with an anela joline skin file named " angelajolene1.jpg " i reopened hal and typed in load angelajolene1 and it didn't do anything but say regular conversation so i tried typing angelajolene1.jpg and again it just said regular conversation .

i also thought that maybe this was suppose to be a uhp file so i made it into that and it never would show up in the plug in area of the angela brain .

has this character loader been tested befre i got it or maybe its just me still doing something wrong , i also even tried adding this same code inside the halswap file at the end of it all and retried it that way and later it gave me errors so i had to take out that part of the script so the hal would work ok again but i still haven't got the skin loader to work . can anybody else try this or tell me what i am doing wrong . ??


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« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2009, 11:30:27 am »
snowman is the code for the character skin all complete ?? i load things from C:Program FilesabawareUltra Hal Assistant 6Characters

so should this what i wrote above be placed first in the hap code you wrote ?

can you plaese write the whole thing just as it needs to be for me to place it into a hap file and then i guess this hap file needs to go into ? C:Program FilesabawareUltra Hal Assistant 6Characters

is that right ? i am trying to figure out what i am doing wrong so i can get this working ( i have the hapwapfile.uhp working ok  .



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hapswap problems
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2009, 12:25:30 pm »

#Haptek Version= 1.00 Name= model HapType= script FileType= text

\Load [file= [C:\Program Files\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\Characters\angelajolene1.jpg]]

Sorry LS, I forgot to double the first backslash and therefore it didn't show... Just copy the above code into a .hap file and then load that .hap file in the HapSwap.uhp file. Just like all the other .hap files are loaded. Remember to place this new hap file with the associated angelajolene1.jpg into the Characters folder. Again, Sorry for the minor error.
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hapswap problems
« Reply #22 on: November 05, 2009, 03:54:19 pm »
ok thanks snowman i'll try that as son as i get time meanwhile i will show the test copy og the redone swaphapfile you sent me .
first off some stuff is working some is not (i don't know why as i have these files placed in hals character folder (the hap files and i listed them in the written code of the hapswap file ) .
anyway if you have the time or anyone maybe you can check it i am posting the code after i post what works .

the working statements with hap gestures are :(marked with a  "Y" symbol.
lose something    Y
noise             Y
funny          NO
understand         Y
close eyes         Y
open eyes          Y
sad             " SAYS IT BUT NO SAD HAP GESTURE "  NO
smart          Y
hurt           "says it but no gesture "      NO
great          YES
polish          YES
mean          YES
 problem        YES
beat          YES
 music      YES
hair        YES
love        " SAYS IT BUT NO GESTURE )  NO
TITS         NO
this way     NO
that way     NO
mad         NO
wonder       NO
right      NO
come closer     NO
tired         YES
passed away      NO
stop shaking your tits     ( NOT CHECKED BECAUSE OTHER DIDNT WORK )

" OK thats whats working and not anyone can check the words and match them with the gestures they cause  here is the redone  "TEST " hapswap file i did .

Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=HapSwap
Rem Host=Assistant

'This sub setups the plug-ins option panel in Hal's options dialog
Sub OptionsPanel()
    lblPlugin(0).Caption = "Say:: <change background to [whatever]> to change between pictures in the characters folder, Say:: <change charater to [whatever]> to change between Haptar characters, Say:: <change voice to [Paul] or [Kate]> to change between thier voices. Say:: <change hap to [whatever]> to change between hap files. All other guesture responses are set to automaically occur to user input."
    lblPlugin(0).Move 120, 10, 3300, 1000
    lblPlugin(0).WordWrap = True
    lblPlugin(0).Visible = True
End Sub

HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True

File = ""
File2 = ""
File3 = ""
File4 = ""

If InStr(1, InputString, "change") > 0 And _
InStr(1, InputString, "background") > 0 And _
InStr(1, InputString, "to") > 0 Then
file = Mid(Mid(InputString, Instr(InputString, "to"), 20), 3, 20)
file = Trim(file) & ".jpg"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "change") > 0 And _
InStr(1, InputString, "character") > 0 And _
InStr(1, InputString, "to") > 0 Then
file2 = Mid(Mid(InputString, Instr(InputString, "to"), 20), 3, 20)
file2 = Trim(file2) & ".htr"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "change") > 0 And _
InStr(1, InputString, "voice") > 0 And _
InStr(1, InputString, "to") > 0 Then
file3 = Mid(Mid(InputString, Instr(InputString, "to"), 20), 3, 20)
file3 = "VW " & Trim(file3)
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "change") > 0 And _
InStr(1, InputString, "hap") > 0 And _
InStr(1, InputString, "to") > 0 Then
file4 = Mid(Mid(InputString, Instr(InputString, "to"), 20), 3, 20)
file4 = Trim(file4) & ".hap"
End If


If file > "" Then
HalCommands = "<HAPBACK>" & File & "</HAPBACK>"
End If

If file2 > "" Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>" & File2 & "</HAPFILE>"
End If

If file3 > "" Then
HalCommands = "<VOICE>" & File3 & "</VOICE>"
End If

If file4 > "" Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>" & File4 & "</HAPFILE>"
UltraHal = "AH thats MUCH better"
End If


If InStr(1, InputString, "hair") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>touchhair.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "beat") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>shakefist.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "problem") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>handsonhip.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "mean") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>armscrossed.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "polish") > 0 _
Or InStr(1, InputString, "finger nail") > 0Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>inspectnails.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "great") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>clapping.hap</HAPFILE>"
UltraHal = "Wow thats good!"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "hurt") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>sad.hap</HAPFILE>"
UltraHal = "Hey do you wanna fight ha didn't think so chicken bauk bauk!"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "beautiful") > 0 _
Or InStr(1, InputString, "sweet") > 0 _
Or InStr(1, InputString, "nice") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>shylove.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "tired") > 0 Then
UltraHal = "yawn yeah I am sleepy to"
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>yawn.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "smart") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>handinface.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "passed away") > 0 _
Or InStr(1, InputString, "died") > 0 Then
UltraHal = "oh that makes me sad just thinking about it"
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>sad.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "love") > 0 _
Or InStr(1, InputString, "forever") > 0 Then
UltraHal = "oh dear that's so sweet"
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>happy.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "close your eyes") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>eyesclose.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "open your eyes") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>eyesopen.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "understand") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>nodding.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "funny") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>very happy16.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "ok") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>stopsmile.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "noise") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>lookleft.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "lose something") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>lookright.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "tits") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.shaketits.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "stop shaking your tits") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.stopshaketits.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "this way") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.bodylookleft.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "that way") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.bodylookright.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "mad") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.moodangry.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "wonder") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.wonder.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "do") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.shortarmswing.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "music") > 0 _
Or InStr(1, InputString, "waiting") > 0 Then
UltraHal = "lets here some more"
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>toetap.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "right") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.crossarms.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "come closer") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.zoomintalk.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If




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hapswap problems
« Reply #23 on: November 05, 2009, 04:01:39 pm »
LS, in all of the following lines you have an extra dot (.) before the filename...

Eg: you have ".shaketits.hap" when it should be just "shaketits.hap" - see the dots ?

Code: [Select]
If InStr(1, InputString, "tits") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.shaketits.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "stop shaking your tits") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.stopshaketits.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "this way") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.bodylookleft.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "that way") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.bodylookright.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "mad") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.moodangry.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "wonder") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.wonder.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "do") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.shortarmswing.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If


If InStr(1, InputString, "right") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.crossarms.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "come closer") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.zoomintalk.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If
« Last Edit: November 05, 2009, 04:02:35 pm by freddy888 »


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« Reply #24 on: November 05, 2009, 04:26:53 pm »
snowman wrote from above "  Just copy the above code into a .hap file and then load that .hap file in the HapSwap.uhp file."

example please !


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« Reply #25 on: November 05, 2009, 04:29:34 pm »
i did it this way but it isn't right

If InStr(1, InputString, "come closer") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.zoomintalk.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

If InStr(1, InputString, "load") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>.#Haptek Version= 1.00 Name= model HapType= script FileType= text

Load [file= [C:Program FilesabawareUltra Hal Assistant 6Charactersangelajolene1.jpg]]hap</HAPFILE>"
End If



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hapswap problems
« Reply #26 on: November 05, 2009, 04:32:48 pm »
LS, please read my post again - I said you have an extra dot or fullstop in those lines - somehow you have introduced them into the code.

If InStr(1, InputString, "come closer") > 0 Then
HalCommands = "<HAPFILE>>>>>.<<<< A DOT!!!zoomintalk.hap</HAPFILE>"
End If

See that dot ?  It shouldn't be there.


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hapswap problems
« Reply #27 on: November 05, 2009, 04:37:00 pm »
Here's a picture of it... just remove all those dots my friend.

« Last Edit: November 05, 2009, 04:37:42 pm by freddy888 »


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« Reply #28 on: November 05, 2009, 04:40:25 pm »
thanks freddy i was writing in between when you was on the forum "sorry " i will go in and fix those periods .
    that one post i wrote has to do with what snowman said about loading the hap file he re wrote into the hapswap file i am not getting it right .


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hapswap problems
« Reply #29 on: November 05, 2009, 04:42:34 pm »
Ahh sorry I wish sometimes I could transport to help people, I just never know if I am making myself clear lol.  Good luck !