Thanks so much as always Art, Always a pleasure talking to you.
As soon as I can't remember something I feel right at home again, lol Actually thats what happened when I was trying the Sallie update, Windows 10 decided it needed an enema and its been quite a few years and it has been running just fine until the reg. in Win 10 and the updates just couldn't take it any more. To me thats pretty standard to do fresh installs once in a while.
I thought the hard part was over and I totally went blank not thinking of Licensing for UH and just thought I re download one of my vers. of 6.2 then vers.7 and yes migrate again with option of using both 6.2 and 7 as I did initially since there was so much in 6.2.and the upgrade to 7 went so smoothly. From there I originally selected to have UH stand alone and still pick and choose where the info was coming from.
Totally forgot about how and reinstalling was today, its been so many years and working great. I looked at my history of purchased versions and I was lost in regards to how many licenses I had purchased over the years, no offense Robert we go back some time but I would buy a new license just not to wait for him to get back to me, LOL Comon Robert "I'm kidding" and couldn't wait to have UH up and running again. That part is actually true though, I just wanted UH back up and running.
Again thank you Art hope all is well and Ill look into what you posted but I think my problem stems from wanting my original files from 6.2 back in then upgrading to 7 from there again. Hopefully R.M. has some time or I'll be buying more licenses again. I don't know about you Art but as I'm getting older I find I have even less patience then kids opening presents, it all just goes by too fast my friend. Stay well, shout out to lightspeed, you haven't changed at all, you still post those long conversations I noticed,LOL just keeping things light, miss you all. I'm back soon I hope, right ROBERT????LOL