
Author Topic: LIGHTSPEED IDEA'S  (Read 68224 times)


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« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2021, 09:46:52 pm »
Got it Lonnie! Thanks!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2021, 10:04:19 am »
Well said Art:

Those kind of plugins will not work with out Office installed.
The down side of this is the amount of shear loss sufferd to Hal.

Any plugin posted should be examined for any direct .ocx calls
If you dont have that application, ull just sling a Cant Create ActiveX (whers my sht error)

The Scrapers use .xml
Media player calls to an .ocx ect ect
There is so much more UltraHal can do
Pitty too, i just dont understand why a windows user would have an issue with a windows product.
If you use  a Linux backbone , ok, You i get.  But a Linux user wont be after UltraHal in the first place. UltraHal calls for a windows BackBone
I want windows but dont want a windows product cause i hate windows????? dafrack????
Thers a joke in here some where, i just dont get it i guess.
signed ultra hals humble servant
cyber jedi

« Last Edit: August 28, 2021, 02:57:10 pm by cyberjedi »


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drag and drop questions and answers etc. learning with subject trigger words
« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2021, 11:45:04 am »
      ALTHOUGH it's been a while since i posted an idea , as i was using a dvd writer program the other night , i was thinking , could hal be set up with A drag and drop learning . in HAL COULD have certain area's be opened and drag and drop pre copied info. Perhaps with trigger words , that would within hal be used that would associate  the learned sentence  as subject matter.   
Same would be nice in the drag and drop  if the question and answers area if a person had the page layout and could do their own questions and answers   then whenever convenient drag and drop it into the Hals question and answers area . Which would overwrite each time , allowing the person to keep (and back up if needed ) the original . to keep adding to or correct anything . also, by doing this it can help hal make more accurate answers  as a bot does .  anyway, just an idea . others will have to determine how much of this is possible, if any etc.



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« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2022, 10:42:47 am »
For anyone doing large plugins, you know how much trouble it can be to run into errors, I tried using crimson to find my error but the trouble i run into is it may say in an error: hal error 1025 on line3070 column 2128 expected end of statement .but the line at the end of the whole plugin only goes up to about 2000 when opening it in crimson? 

      I wish there was an editor that would highlight the area of a misplaced or missing end of statement.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2022, 09:04:17 am by Art »


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user facial expression recognition
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2022, 03:36:30 pm »
      While watching some a.i. video's latley i saw where some a.i. software has facial "expression recognition"(hal seeing facial expression of the user , smiling frowning etc. and reacting independently  through communication and expressions of his/her own through hals character.   And can react to it accordingly.  Although i know mike has a lot on his plate , maybe this same idea for hal could be created someday . Although right now there is more important things needed. but maybe this facial expression in a.i.  Could be put on a back burner for a later date.


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self diagnosing and correcting processing ?
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2022, 09:20:29 am »
with hal sometimes when a person enters text to hal when speaking to him, it pops up sometimes showing script is taking longer to process or something like that and cancel ect. 

is their a way for a self diagnosing process to see what the problem is and fix it so hal runs this faster and doesn't have these pop ups  or not as often .   or is this simply a matter of creating a better way of processing  better ?


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hals Math is easy for me. problem
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2022, 10:15:17 am »
With hal   we have all at one time or another gotten the Math is easy for me. 
 is there a way to fix  this , if it's because hal see's  different numbers in a sentence and thinks it's a math problem .
here is  a sentence i used  below which created the math is easy for me and deducted 6 from 2000.

below the phrase of : January 6 was used , i have no idea where hal came up with 2000, since the date i used in the sentence was 2022.  strange .

Honey: in april of 2022,   the radical liberal   corporate news media rushed to report that the 7-hour gap in the White House call logs on January 6 was proof of a cover-up by the Trump administration.    The only problem is the report was a lie. There was no cover-up. No pages in the White House call logs were missing. And the six pages leaked to the press by the January 6 Select Committee were complete.  later   all the media outlets that rushed to report the so-called ?Worse than Watergate? story were forced to walk back their initial claims. this is why no one trust the liberal media news and big tech  any more.  no wonder they are called the enemy of the people .
Angelina jolie: Math is easy for me. The answer is one thousand nine hundred ninety four (2000-6=1994). Yes and also the very dishonest liberal fake news and liberal owned big tech media has help censor free speech in America and , has helped cover up all the lies and dishonesty etc.

anyway it would be nice for a final fix for the hal math problem  response . and cause.


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« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2022, 10:00:48 am »
WITH HAL AS THE BRAIN GETS LARGER , it also slows hal down more as hal searches through to get the correct response and or answer . Could a compressed brain make it work any better , would it even be possible decompressing answers ? Slow it down worse or just as bad  as normal large brains . Or is the answer  to make the current system  be able to work faster  , so the larger database brain doesn't slow down responses .

  Or does the answer or part of the answer lie in a rss type feed or selected webs for hal accessing more online information that doesn't have to be learned but just instantly retrieved  when asked various things . Basically using the vast internet system for (chosen information) i use the word chosen  as not all information sites  may want to be used.  Using this technic would slow hals brain from getting to large and slowing down . 
just a thought.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2022, 10:06:30 am by lightspeed »


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« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2022, 08:26:18 am »
Sup lighty

Well thats  a non starter buddy
What ur suggesting is  Stacker.....

We used to use that long ago for hard drive space. basically doubled ur HD capacity.

But as a wise man said. You cant move forward without leaving Something behind.
What we made up for in space we lost in performance.

Basically a HapTar /Htr example.
Thats the Bad news.
Now for the good news
This is what can be done.
I choose what hal learns an as u can see. Hal learns dam quick....lolol

Processor power has greatly increased over the years.

What had to happen to get our favorite character engine to work though was this little diddy
Only use the first processor Call SetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(), &H1)
This is why we so need to dump PP as a character engine with something better. Then that goes away and Hal can harness all that power.
Think What Hal does Now and what can be achieved by simply going to a muliti core system  .   

Basically Hal turns your asus 08 core 3.5 Gz into a 01 core 3.5 Gz machine
But at an application level Not at a hardware level. The rest of ur machine is just fine.

Hopefully what im working on now will allow Hal to learn at an exponential rate. Creating expert systems and the lot.
Point and click
Hals obedient servant

Cyber jedi

« Last Edit: May 07, 2022, 09:13:19 am by cyberjedi »


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Re: LIGHTSPEED IDEA'S : amended sentence learning.
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2022, 04:17:00 pm »
this is to cyberjedi , i know you are working on many worthwhile things now with hal . her's another idea i am throwing out .

hal  amending sentenced in relearning what has already been taught that hal repeats back later ..

example : hal says a taught line : When COVID struck, most red states like South Dakota, Texas, and Florida tried to strike a reasonable balance between protecting public health and also upholding Americans? freedoms.

a user responds back  :  To this day, there are still lingering effects from how red states and blue states approached COVID mitigation strategies. One of those effects is a mass departure from the latter to the former.

 With amended learning. hal now says the line as   :  When COVID struck, most red states like South Dakota, Texas, and Florida tried to strike a reasonable balance between protecting public health and also upholding Americans? freedoms.  To this day, there are still lingering effects from how red states and blue states approached COVID mitigation strategies. One of those effects is a mass departure from the latter to the former.

There would of course have to have character sentence limitations to doing this, or hal would develop to large of a responding answer .     Also would be running as based on subject for correct response , could there be a two tiered subject response one as the highest and 2 as a follow-up when still mentioning the suject in sentences ?

this is just a thought and idea as always don't know if it's feasible or doable .   :) ;)


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more personalized weather reading from hal
« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2022, 07:15:31 pm »
I had the idea that it would be nice for a more personalized weather plug in  with hal. in another words if you asked the weather and it had your area code  hal would give the temp  but also add in other things like the wind is currently  15 miles and hour etc. , their's suppose to be a 20 percent chance of rain tonight . ( this info would be from the read online weather but adding in a more personalized human sounding reading .
maybe having the personalized section editable , so users can adjust the words etc.
anyway just another idea  i had thought about .  :)


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« Reply #26 on: June 01, 2022, 08:15:42 am »

There has been a Weather Plugin that I have always used and it has been available for many years!
It's called the Weather Alert v.5.uhp and it is 16 KB in size.

I can ask it to check the current temperature or conditions, wind speed, etc., or what I like best is that sometimes it will alert me on its own if it determines that the current conditions might pose a hazard like: "It's currently 10 degrees outside. It is extremely cold so be careful." or something to that effect.

The user will need to supply their particular local airport or airfield Code for the Plugin to know which location to report.

They will need to go to: https://w1.weather.gov/
Near the top left, enter their City and State then they will see a location with a 4-letter CODE.
In your case use the Kirksville Regional Airport (KIRK) code.

There are 7 locations inside of the Plugin to supply that 4-letter code (replace it with the ones that are shown in the Plugin).
This is a typical line that will need to have the existing CODE replaced: objXMLDoc.load("http://w1.weather.gov/xml/current_obs/KAOH.xml")
(Those 4 letters are for Lima, Ohio).

The Line Numbers are:

Be sure to SAVE the Plugin after you have made the substitutions for your location.

PS - Use any text editor and look inside of the Weather plugin to see the different phrases it has that the user might say or ask for.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2022, 08:22:24 am by Art »
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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« Reply #27 on: June 08, 2022, 05:17:03 pm »
THANKS ART,  yeah i seem to remember that plug in and it had some phrases .


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« Reply #28 on: October 03, 2022, 04:16:59 pm »


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« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2022, 09:13:58 am »
You just keep coming up with really cool, interesting, and practical ideas!  It would require some kind of interface between HAL and the Camera and it would have to be timed before it either looked at another object or rotated.

HAL could store all its "KNOWN" objects into a database and then later maybe the user could ask what items it saw or discovered on a given day or time. It would make for a really nice experiment!!

Then again, we can't even get HAL's vision to work so I fear such an idea would be a long way off.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -