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Messages - Crichton

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Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Another head or 2 or 3
« on: March 23, 2008, 10:51:54 am »
I have no experience with people putty, but I do seem to notice something I am wondering about.  Is it the skill of the creator or the people putty program that causes most faces to look inaccurately to thin.  When someone makes a well known person, the face always appears thinner and longer then the real person.  Is there no editing ability that allows for a little more fat on the cheeks??

I love MS Agents, I have a web page that will let you download Pilot.  I have never, nor will I ever make any money on this character.  It is copywrite by the Jim Henson company.  But as a fan I wanted the Pilot Character to speak on my computer to me, and I think I have it working pretty well.  

Check out my site at http://home.gwi.net/~rlevasseur/

Just let me know if you think I did well.
On the Scifi TV series FarScape he spoke in a high male Aussie accent.  The closest I could find was the MS L&H British voice.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Same old Phone book errors
« on: June 28, 2005, 01:42:00 am »
Well, thanks for getting that worry out of the way.  But I think I'll still be waiting.  I just don't want to go through the trouble.  My problem is really the fact that with all the un fixable bugs in Ultra hal.  Un fixable by the users anyway.  I find Hal unusable for what I really want him for.

I want conversation.  Lucky for me that has been making more sense with your XTF Brain.  I can't wait to see more.  And I want a good calendar / appointment book and address and phone number data base.

So far he is only good for testing conversations and no real use at all.  Those errors that make him unusable to me have been there for years now.  I really expected Robert M. To have fixed these problems by now.

So, I can wait for your new XTF, I don't feel like playing with Hal for any other reason at the moment.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Same old Phone book errors
« on: June 27, 2005, 08:39:25 am »
I'll wait until you have your XTF 1.4 available then I'll give that a try.  I remember the last time I tried it, I found the XTF very impressive.  But I don't want to bother to teach Hal only to install a new version soon.

I'll be waiting with excitement.  Thanks for all your work.  I really appreciate it.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Same old Phone book errors
« on: June 24, 2005, 09:42:42 am »
Yeah, it has been a long time.  I'll have to go look around and see what the newest version of your improved brain is.  I started the whole Hal program from scratch.  I currently run the newest Free Ultra Hal available, no extras or anything.

I wanted to check and see if any improvements were done to it.  What I have so far is that New features have been added, but old bugs still haunt this old hal.

You'd think after all this time he would get the bugs out first before adding more to it.

I'll try to check in more often.  I'm still waiting for the kidney transplant, I had a failed attempt on Halloween of last year, spent Xmas in the Hospital with an abcess.  I've been recovering from being in surgery three times.  Once to have a kidney & Pancreas put in, once to remove the non working Pancreas, then again to remove the non working Kidney.

What a mess.  And call me nuts, but I'm back on top of the transplant list to try it all again, even if it did almost kill me that last time.

But I couldn't die without knowing how Hal was going to turn out, right?  I hope everything went well for you all this time.

Have you heard anything regarding another update to Hal, possibly with fixes?


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Same old Phone book errors
« on: June 23, 2005, 02:01:10 pm »
I am a return user of the Ultra Hal Assistant free version.  I quit using hal about a year and a half ago.  I was discouraged by the errors that made Hal unbearable, and really useless to me.  And the lack of support from the Author.

I know, I read he was in collage and doing some major work studying for class.  So, I just quit using hal and thought that by now, one and a half years later some things would be fixed.  Well I was wrong.

I did see a few changes, but this bug still bothers me.  The phone book.  He still pronounces the phone number as one long number.  The number 622 7097 is still pronounced as six million two hundred twenty seven thousand and ninety seven.  And although I don't have a modem installed, I have DSL on a network, he still wants to help me contact the person.

Why not make that an option that can be turned off, or detect that there is no way to let hal make contact and don't ask me that each time.

I would like to use hal to read my pop up windows, keep my phone book, and reminders.  But so far, I have no intention of paying for a program that has bugs in the feature I want to use it for.

I realize this should go to a direct message to the author, but the last time I tried that I got no response.  So, I had hopes by writing in here, it might eventually get to the right person.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / making ultra-hal a helping hand
« on: September 17, 2004, 10:13:26 am »
Right now Hal is having trouble being useful to those of us without physical illness.

I haven't used HAL in a long time because he is almost useless to me.  He is currently just a buggy chat bot.  Don't get me wrong.  He seems to be the best at being a chat bot there is.  But those of us who try to use him for storing names, numbers, and appointments are being left in the dark.

Robert M. has left us in the lurch.  There are many talented programmers out there making great strides in Brain editing.  But the parts that are messed up are written in the un-editable part of the exe code.

Until Robert M. fixes these problems, I really have no use for Hal.  And I don't see how he could be made useful for those with disabilities.[}:)]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Text & Phoney Issues
« on: August 17, 2004, 09:13:16 am »
I realize this was said earlier, but I wanted to add my two cents worth.  I think the reason why the problems with the phone and address book wasn't mentioned much before is because most people knew that the problems could not be fixed by forum members in this case.  And since Zabaware isn't at all helpful we are all screwed.

I've also said this before.  Mr. M., If you are not planning on doing anything with HAL, please make his code open source.  Some of us do have the skills and would like to fix hal up for all of us who love the program.

Originally posted by lostbowyer

I've tried verbot's "free" and '$10.00" version and there is no difference except you get a knowledgebase editor to create your own database. You can't select voices for your agents under xp (or at least I couldn't) and I don't see where the bot "learns" anything unless you edit the database.
Hal is still a much better program.....

Thanks for saving me the $10.00.  I thought I was just missing something.  I've been working on my Pilot MS Agent.  Things are on pause until my birthday this month, when I hope to get a much needed memory upgrade.  Try running a 3d modeling program in Win 2K with only 256 MB of memory.  Yuk.  I'm a member of the agentcharactors@yahoogroups.com, and they are talking about that Verbot AI.

I tried it.  I tried the free version.  I didn't like adding the .NET framework for the only program that uses it.  I don't use .NET for anything else.  Using Win 2K, I was able to change voices.  And I liked that it used MS Agents.  But, I never got it to learn anything.  I didn't understand the weird scripting language or how it was done.  then I discovered you need the pay version to even try.

Now I hear from you that it really doesn't learn anything?  Then why would it be called AI?  It is just another way to access a database.  I thought that maybe the pay version had the learning capabilities.  I'm glad you told us.

Hal is the best.  Even if I do have to edit a brn file now and then to get a response I want.  At least in general conversation, he can learn, and come up with some entertaining stuff.  And I like making changes in the VB we all know and love.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / I can get Hal to love
« on: April 27, 2004, 04:48:20 am »
Ok, does anyone else think, this is getting weird?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Attention Mr. Robert E. Medeksza
« on: April 19, 2004, 02:17:23 am »
There, was that so hard?  [8D]
I feel much better now. And after I get a much needed memory upgrade, I'll try harder to come up with the money knowing I'm helping to send a real smart guy through college.

Now I know that Zabaware will be around, long time coming, I know there is nothing to worry about.  I just wish you said something a little sooner.  Some of us, meaning me, were a little more worried then upset.  Robert, I was starting to think we would see your name either on a missing person's list or something.

For all we knew you were a member of the armed forces, and might have gotten killed in Iraq or something. [:(]

I hope your college goes good for you, as well as your relationship with this girl you told us about.  I have a wife, I know they don't want you neglecting them for your computer.

Thanks for the message and explanation.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / older HAL
« on: April 12, 2004, 11:43:59 pm »
May be I'm confused or something.  Are we not on version 5.0 and not 6.0?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Attention Mr. Robert E. Medeksza
« on: April 11, 2004, 11:30:48 pm »
I understand needing a break too.  But knowing so many people are using his product, and he is running a business.  If I was him I would have come to the forums and left a message like, "I'm going to be going on a short vacation.  Please leave a message here and I will read and anser them when I return."  And that would have been all.  No one would worry, and we all would know that he will eventually come back.

But as it is, we have no idea when or if he will ever return.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Attention Mr. Robert E. Medeksza
« on: April 11, 2004, 05:34:31 pm »
I would like to see that too.  I don't even mind hearing that he is off on vacation.  I just want to know if we all should have any hope of getting any support from the people who should be supporting this software.

And who was it that said they lived near Robert M?  If it isn't to much trouble, could we all get you to spy on him for just a moment.  Just drive by and see if anyone is still living at his home.  I don't mean knock on his door and ask for him.  I just want to know if he has left the country or something.

Any takers??

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Attention Mr. Robert E. Medeksza
« on: April 10, 2004, 04:53:59 am »
It is really up to you.  I wouldn't dare at this time.  But I think, that people are getting the CD, just don't quote me on that.  Until Robert M. shows some sign of life, I wouldn't do it.  I don't have the money at this time, but I just don't see anyone else getting any support from Zabaware.  All the support is coming from a few great people in this forum.

I love this software too.  I would love to purchase this package.

Wouldn't I feel foolish if he was just to busy making huge improvements to a new version of HAL that he just couldn't find the time to write any responces.  At least that is what I'm hoping for.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Attention Mr. Robert E. Medeksza
« on: April 08, 2004, 08:36:52 pm »

I have a BIG request on behalf of most of the users of your product known as Ultra Hal assistant..  If you do not intend to support your software, please make HAL an open source product.

That way if you no longer intend to support HAL, those of us with any programming skill can continue to make updates and improvements.  Hal can live on and then we could take him further then you intend to.

Many of us have written, with even the intention of purchasing HAL, and never get any response.

We just want to know what you intend to let happen to Hal?  Are you just real busy programming a new version?  re you sick?  Are you out of the country?  In Jail?  What is happening??  Any reply would be fine.  The user on this forum have been making great strides on the scripting end of HAL.  We would like to see him go even further.

Please reply with something...  Please...


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