Author Topic: New MSAgent  (Read 30462 times)


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New MSAgent
« Reply #45 on: December 24, 2009, 04:10:03 pm »
I know that it is Christmas, so maybe sometimes after
Christmas, somebody will have time to look at this and
tell me what I am doing wrong. I did my work in Poser with
a green background. Imported the image as a jpg and then
opened it in PSP7. Changed the colors to 256. In one case, I
clicked on the image and set palette transparency to a certain
number. Seems like it was 132. I did this for all images.
And in another case I did not set palette transparency. Didn't
matter because after I built my agent, the background was still
green. (I know something was said about a mask, but in PSP7,
all masks are grayed out.)  I have done this about ten times.
When it shows the transparency color, the default is a dark brown.
I can change it to a green, but it still has the same results.
I didn't see how to find a number like the 132 that I set. I will
go back and check it. Finally, I tried white and it worked fairly
well except when you move the agent, the white is not completely
transparent.   Any suggestions in the next few days. I going to
take a break because the grandkids will be over soon.


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« Reply #46 on: December 25, 2009, 05:08:34 am »
Originally posted by wayneout

I know that it is Christmas, so maybe sometimes after
Christmas, somebody will have time to look at this and
tell me what I am doing wrong. I did my work in Poser with
a green background. Imported the image as a jpg and then
opened it in PSP7. Changed the colors to 256. In one case, I
clicked on the image and set palette transparency to a certain
number. Seems like it was 132. I did this for all images.
And in another case I did not set palette transparency. Didn't
matter because after I built my agent, the background was still
green. (I know something was said about a mask, but in PSP7,
all masks are grayed out.)  I have done this about ten times.
When it shows the transparency color, the default is a dark brown.
I can change it to a green, but it still has the same results.
I didn't see how to find a number like the 132 that I set. I will
go back and check it. Finally, I tried white and it worked fairly
well except when you move the agent, the white is not completely
transparent.   Any suggestions in the next few days. I going to
take a break because the grandkids will be over soon.

After doing it many times PINK is the transparency color, that the agent control uses?????


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« Reply #47 on: December 25, 2009, 08:32:51 am »
I tried working on it this morning before everyone gets up
and it becomes hectic. I exported my image from Poser as a
PNG. I then created a new image in PSP7 with a solid color.
I pasted the png to the new image, merged, reduced colors,
and then set the background color as the transparent color.
I checked where the color was on the palette. This worked.
I know that I didn't have to go thru this much trouble a
few years ago, but if it works, it works.
Happy Holidays,


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New MSAgent
« Reply #48 on: December 25, 2009, 09:29:32 am »
Glad you got it working!

I'll be rather busy until the 3rd of January, I hope everyone enjoys the holidays.
Don't blame me, I'm just the voice in his head.


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« Reply #49 on: January 19, 2010, 09:03:46 pm »
The palette can be about the hardest and most daunting part of creating an MS Agent character, and is probably the main reason that not very many people create MS Agent characters, they typically give up or quit creating characters after doing several of them, they feel it's just too tedious and time consuming.

The key is in choosing an appropriate color for the background which will be transparent. It can be just about any color you wish, but it's important that none of the character or prop colors be remotely close to the transparent background color you've chosen to use, or you can run into a multitude of problems.

There's many factors that must be considered in choosing the correct transparency color for your project. For example, the higher the resolution and color complexity of the character you're rendering, the harder it will be to choose the right transparency color and create a quality palette where the character has relatively smooth edges. It really requires proper pre-planning before you even start creating and rendering a character.

The palette creation and batching can all be done in most good paint programs such as Corel or Photoshop.

The max number of colors that can used in a GIF is 256, but your palette doesn't necessarily have to include that many, it can be any number of colors up to 256.

It's a very complex process especially if you're wanting to try and create MS Agent characters from high resolution Poser characters.

I'm sure you were hoping for a simple tutorial or a reference to some special palette tool that would make the process relatively easy. Unfortunately, that's just not the case. We were probably the first to create an MS Agent character using Poser nearly 13 years ago, and it took us a along time to master the techniques we use. Even though we now can almost create a character in our sleep, it still typically takes us well over 100 man hours to develop a character. No matter how good you get at creating characters, it's still a tedious time consuming process.

Don Gillett


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« Reply #50 on: January 20, 2010, 01:09:50 pm »
Yes, I bought a desktopmate a month ago which
works fine for me. My grandkids think the program
is cool and I was wanting to make an agent that
was closer to their age. You don't find many agents
like that.  I am going to keep working on the palette
thing. My main problem right now is around the hair.
I have psp7 and pspx.


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« Reply #51 on: January 20, 2010, 03:26:39 pm »
Hi wayneout;

Yes, hair props in poser can often be a real nightmare when it comes to creating the palette transparency. Many hair props will cause bleeding on the edges which creates a halo effect, or a very rough ragged edge. About the only way to deal with it is doing tedious post work in your paint program.

Here's a few tips that will help in reducing the problem.

*Avoid using light hair colors such as blonde. Opt for medium to dark colors instead. Blonde characters really should only be used if you're very skilled at creating MS Agent characters and working with palettes.

* Use a hair prop that has consistent edges such as a short bob style. Wild or frizzy styles, or ones with a lot of loose strands are going to cause bleeding, this is because the edges and strands on the hair prop are semi transparent in poser.

* Choose a transparency color that's bit closer to the shade of your hair. For example, if you're using a medium brown or darker hair color, choose a medium shade for your transparency, such as a medium green.

It can often require a lot of experimenting and testing prior to rendering all your animation frames to find the right transparency color to use for your project.
Don Gillett