Author Topic: a question for don  (Read 3628 times)


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a question for don
« on: March 24, 2004, 02:51:09 pm »
Don,(or to whom would like to be an official zabaware spokesperson other than anybody of the general public who does not fit the criteria) I was just wondering, seeing as you appear to be a senior member forum spokesperson on here and appear to post quite frequently on these forums, answering peoples querys..could you perhaps enlighten us on whether robert still exists or whether hes deserted us all??!!!..and please do not give me the usual excuse that I seem to hear on these forums that zabaware is a small business and its a matter of being patient....

If the public have spent good money on a product where zabaware is concerned, then at least we the consumers  should have the courtesy of being owed some explanation of why consumer demands are not being met. So can you if you know that is, give us the explanation , as you appear to be an "ambassador" on these forums for zabaware..I think we'd all like to be enlightened..don't you????(or anyone else on here who is a representative of zabaware for that matter), as I'm sure we'd all be enthralled to hear an actual reply by an official zabaware team member because lets face it, nobody ever seems to get replies here other than from from silly tolerant "so called angelic patient get no where customers"! can you possibly if it is within your ability reply..thankyou...

Don Ferguson

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a question for don
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2004, 12:41:58 am »
Hello Skyye,

I am a fan and contributor to Ultra Hal.  I have corresponded with Robert Medeksza by e-mail for over five years.  I have not yet met Robert in person; his home and business is in Erie, Pennsylvania, and my home and business is based in Rockford, Illinois.

There have been times in the past when I haven't heard from Robert for many weeks at a time.  I understand that Robert has relatives in Europe and sometimes goes to visit them.  To what extent he stays in touch with the website during those travels, I don't know.  At other times, I have supposed that he immerses himself in programming, postponing his correspondence.  Whether that's the explanation right now, or some other issue has him away, I don't know.

It breaks my heart when people are angry and frustrated for reply, because I understand how they feel, but I also think Robert is a tremendous talent and he has created a fabulous product.  Part of my opinion is because Robert has always been polite, cordial, and honest with me; part of it is because I'm selfish... I want Ultra Hal to continue to be available for a long, long time!

If I find out anything I will be happy to share it.  Unfortunately, since I am not an investor or an employee of Zabaware, that's the limit of my knowledge.  I sincerely hope that everything is okay and that all will be well in the future.

In the meantime, when questions come up that are within my experience, I try to help.  

I certainly learn a lot from all the other excellent postings from the other helpful and generous members here on the forum!

Sincere best regards,

« Last Edit: March 25, 2004, 12:43:38 am by Don Ferguson »
Don Ferguson
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a question for don
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2004, 03:02:13 am »
    Many thanks for your informative post and for your honest reply. Although I appreciate your comments regarding the helpful people on this forum, no doubt that they are, however, my situation unfortunately cannot be solved by forum members. It can only be solved by Robert and the Zabaware team alone.You see, in the past,I purchased a full version of ultrahal assistant and I would like my free update of version 5.I have witnessed others here on the forum being issued their free update, so why not me. I have sent countless emails to zabaware(including my proof of purchase details) and have left numerous posts for them to respond to my query on this forum..alas, I have been given no reply as yet. My email address that I used to purchase ultrahal with is not even registered in the zabaware database and I also contacted them, wishing for them to update this also. Still, no reply on that either. All I wish for is my update, which as a paying customer, I strongly feel that I am entitled to..If Robert is away then he is away, but,as a customer, I would not like to think that my emails or my queries are being ignored, I do not think any of us would. I would be very grateful to receive an answer to my emails and consequently my update. Yes, by all means Don, If you do hear of anything, I most certainly would appreciate  any updates from you.  Many Thanks for your polite,courteus reply.. Regards, Skyye...