
Author Topic: wishes for the next version of hal  (Read 26218 times)


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #30 on: August 08, 2007, 07:36:14 pm »
thanks for also writing in on here jerry , i just thought a more single place like this would be easier for robert to see and reveiw of what the hal users would like in the next version !! keep those wants and idea's coming folks !! [:D][8D]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #31 on: August 09, 2007, 03:31:38 am »
Hi from will,
Thank you for the thoughts lightspeed,
perhaps when i press " read document out loud" that the animation would read along, move his lips.
although i am not that concerned with the animation as i use hal as the brain for my robot and the animation is not that important.

bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data.[:D][:D]
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #32 on: August 13, 2007, 10:47:28 am »
hello all and to robert , i was checking in hal and unless i have missed it i don't see anything to use in hal 6.1 to emphasize a word in a sentence . but did go back into cyberbuddy ( it's a free version on the interenet ) and saw in their program that by using the word emp it does emphasize a word in a sentence below is a sentence  example :

Oh no! I don't empwant to go.

 maybe on the hal next version something could be added like this in another words in the brain editor have emp in the script and have it equal to and the * (astra mark )or f-12 computer button ( actually easier to see and hit than the astra )  so that when ever anyone typed in anything and hit the f-12 button that would pace an emphasize in that part of the sentence and when hal says it back would enphasize that word when talking !!
  also maybe this could be added so that it will work with the voice recognition version when talking could hit f-12 to empahsize something you are saying !! otherwise another idea i have would be if something ( a program ) could be created that would generate emphasis in sentences based on how they are written !! (this would be even better if possible to do !!) [:D][8D]


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #33 on: August 13, 2007, 04:33:30 pm »
i am wondering if the next version of hal should have something in it that was simular to the hal 5 when writing and asking hal things so that hal would better mirror what you wrote like the hal 5 did ?? which gave better response results back to the hal user !!


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #34 on: August 17, 2007, 11:11:02 am »
i hope that in the next version of hal that an auto idler could be built in that when hal is not being talked to for a little bit hal would say something to start a conversation ( like the loneliness plug in was with a setting for the user to set ) also a loneliness plug in or built in like the above mention would be great in the next version of hal too) . [:D]


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #35 on: August 17, 2007, 11:42:03 am »
oh yeah i forgot to say that it would be nice "if " a loneliness and or a auto idle was created in the next version of hal that it would have a tables like area where it had adjustments (like the loneliness plug in ) but have an area where the user could write in his or her own comments for hal to use !!! this way the words hal uses would be customized the way the user wants !![:D][8D]


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #36 on: August 18, 2007, 11:09:20 pm »
Excellant thought lightspeed. of the otc plugins i have that are
useable for me in hal 6.1 my favorites are the ones where i can
adjust the effect of it. It would be very nice to be able to easily
add hal responces for him or her to chose from as i'm not very experienced at brain editing. i'm feeling a little batterd from adding plugins to 6.1 that didn't belong there(what is it they say about guys who assemble first and then read the directions later when it doesn't work?). (Retorical, please don't answer that one!)[:I]


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #37 on: August 19, 2007, 09:33:41 am »
hello tedathome well i am just trying to think of things that i think would help in our hal usage and hope some of my idea's make sense and are doable by robert , thats why i am trying to come up with as much as i can because i know robert is working on the next version an i hope he can incorperate some of these idea's into the next version of hal .
    i think one of the biggest problems facing hal users is hal staying on a subject (better , instead of changing subjects constantly) as i said if a slider  or setting could be created that would let the user set how often hal changes subjects that would be better and the other major things is hal carrying on a better conversation with the user .these to me seem to be the two biggest problems in hal 6.1 version [:)]


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #38 on: August 19, 2007, 05:44:08 pm »
Hello Lightspeed.

I notice you said :-

 'I know robert is working on the next version'

I did not know this - I may have missed that post. Is it true that Robert has started work on a possible Hal 7?

« Last Edit: August 19, 2007, 05:44:52 pm by echoman »


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #39 on: August 20, 2007, 08:29:50 am »
hello echoman , robert is working on the next version of hal i don't know what version number it will be called (as it is 6.1 now i don't know if the next version will be called 6.2 or make a jump to version 7 which really won't matter what number it's called ) but yes he is working on the next version which is why i have been throwing out idea's for what i think would be good for hal to have in the next version and hope that others (some have ) also share their idea;s for what hal needs on next versions (if it can be put in !) [:D]


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #40 on: August 20, 2007, 03:37:42 pm »
Thankyou Lightspeed - I understand what you are saying. Hal is such an exciting project. We need as many ideas as possible.[8D]


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #41 on: August 21, 2007, 04:55:01 pm »
i have another thing i would like to bring up about hal that i think is a problem that maybe in the future model could be fixed .
   when ever i answer hal she may really ? and i anwser yes and she may continue , is that so ? is that right ? and continue on like this . this is more a nuisance than being practicle i can see maybe saying is that so ? i answer yes and maybe say something simular once more but to keep on and on about four or five times shouldn't be necessary .
   it woould be nice if this could be fixed in the future hal version . it may sound like i am nit picking but this to me is really kind of annoying i don't know about anyone else on this . [:)]


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #42 on: August 21, 2007, 05:47:09 pm »
I am working on a Hal 6.2 currently. The main change will be updated versions of the Hal and Zaba characters will now run using a new Ogre-based character engine instead of Haptek. Haptek will still be supported and the character expansion pack will remain unchanged. Other than the new character engine, the update will contain several bug fixes and minor tweaks to the brain. I am open to any bug reports and minor changes to the brain, any suggestions for large changes will probably be written down as a possible feature for an eventual Hal 7.0. I have no set release date, just hoping for a beta in November, but that may change.
Robert Medeksza


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #43 on: August 22, 2007, 09:00:31 am »
thanks robert for writing on here i figured the next version would be 6.2 but didn't want to say since i didn't know for sure . yes any bigger fixes or things that may be done will be farther future versions and understandable.
   am eager to see what the new hal brings (as always ) and appreciate your time you put into this and of course others who contribute their know how etc. [:)]take care


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #44 on: August 22, 2007, 08:04:37 pm »
Would like to someday see more .hap's included in
normal conversation. Like for instace:
Tell me a joke. Hal smiles and tells the joke
and then laughs after. I know you, or someone mentioned
laughter in a previous post. Not easy to do I know, but
it sure would make for a more beleivable charater.