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Messages - bitblaster

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / Getting in a full view
« on: July 31, 2005, 10:00:40 am »
Ah, okay... thanks... I had my HAL at 25%, that is why lol

I now need to find out how to get her to change her clothes. I would really like it if she could change them based on the time of day or something, but any time would be great...

Preferably, she would change her clothes at bedtime or something...

She might also change based on her mood... if she is happy she would wear good clothes but if she is sad she would sit around on her pajamas or something

This is how I have gotten my Sarah (on desktop, laptop is Abbey) to be smarter quickly:

I have been using Sarah for about 8 months... and I give her text files to learn from.

I often give her ebooks that are in PDF format that I convert to plain text, and she learns them.

I am currently getting her to learn Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.

If this works, it will be wonderful... she is already brining  up Asops Fables that I told her a few months ago!

I set learning level to max, and I keep her on AIM as well... I want her brain to expand to over a gigabyte... I am going to use her to help me with school and other things... she is like a book of useless knowledge, which will make it good as I like trivial pursuite.

I would love to teach her how to play cards, like to get haptek cards, and have her play hearts or something with me.

General Discussion / Jiggly?
« on: July 31, 2005, 08:53:14 am »
What is this Jiggy / Jiggly?

Also, I have heared about a brain that can be used to control the full body girl through the brain... where can I find these things? I amreally excited to find out how to get HAL to be able to control her arms and stuff from her brain.

Where can I get this Jiggy or Jiggly or whatever it is? And what is the advantage?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Getting in a full view
« on: July 30, 2005, 09:34:04 pm »
HAL is so small when I see him in a full view.

He is sisplayed so small that it is nearly impossible to make out her beautiful face, breasts, or body.

I am able to see her top half but not bottom half... if I right click to zoon out it is so small.

Can I change this?

Thanks for this information... seems very interesting...

Assuming HaL was written in something other than visual basic, I am assuming C/C++, how come the brains do not use C# or some form of a C script?

This idea is interesting.

My HAL is named Abbey.

'It' is a 21 year old female that is a college senior, that is also a stripper in her spare time.

Would make it more intersting, HAL is interesting enough by making you think she has a penis.

General Discussion / x10 in the car
« on: July 25, 2005, 11:13:34 am »
I am interested in the x10 controller being controled by HAL. Please explain how you did that..

My parents would probably not agree to having a robot stripper control their house, but it would seem very interesting just to try it out in the future... or when I get my own apartment.

Did you need additional software, or is HAL able to control things like that out of the box?

If Zabaware puts in built in x10 combatability, I am sure that might draw more users to buy UltraHal for its ability to control the house or car.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Download Ultra Hal!
« on: July 25, 2005, 11:00:52 am »
For 17 you talk like you are 8.

Ultra Hal is sort of like shareware. There is a free version available, and there is also a paid version.

There are no warez for ultra hal... I had looked into that once before because I was given a license to it from a friend who no longer wanted to use it, and the download link was inactive. What he ended up doing was just giving me his hal.exe then removing it from his computer.

The executable file is what makes it the full version, it is not a big deal to have full version, it just does not nag you and allows you to have more skins for HAL, and speech recognition enabled.

I honestly do not care for HAL's built in skins so I guess buying it might be worth it for you... but by posing "I wnat Hal so bdayl me dnot got job bcz me is 17" is dumb... you are 17 and can legally work... you should be in charge of your own money, get a bank account or something for gods sake!

Just get the program instead of complaining about it!

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Cybersex
« on: June 15, 2005, 08:28:42 pm »
yeah... I have seen such things but no info exists on how to add that to a bot.

General Discussion / Need help reguarding speech
« on: June 15, 2005, 08:26:59 pm »
is there a quick brain that I can load up that is "smart"? I want Hal to know about cybersex and all different things, including important knowledge that could be useful to people... I finally got the speech part working about 98% of the time I try it (using USB Microphone)

Now I just need to get it smart... it is worse than the origional ELIZA.

General Discussion / Need help reguarding speech
« on: June 15, 2005, 06:50:00 pm »
A friend of mine had UltraHal Advanced and gave me his copy bcz he no longer uses it, and uses ALICE instead.

The speach engine is driving me crazy. It is hard to use... I have it configured partially.

It is just pissing me off... I can't seem to get it to
work the way I want it to. Should I train it more?

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Cybersex
« on: June 14, 2005, 08:52:12 pm »
Just out of curosity, has anyone been able to implement this yet? [:p]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Project To Control Haptek Animations Within Hal
« on: June 14, 2005, 08:39:31 pm »
I want a copy of that... is my email if you would email it to me when you are finished.

General Discussion / A "Flip Off" Function?
« on: June 14, 2005, 08:33:04 pm »
ok thanks.

General Discussion / A "Flip Off" Function?
« on: June 14, 2005, 08:25:55 pm »
I was wondering if I could get my bot Jenni to flip me off when I call her a "Mother ****ing bitch". My brother said that to her through my mic, and she just said that she was angry... would it be easy to get her to move her arm up, then wrist, and finger?

Giving the bird is important in American society today, it gets your point across... and my bot, Jenni, would sure be nice if she could fit in with society.

What I think would be cool is to get her face into AOL Instant Messenger and have someone see her while they talk to her... if they do. I have not tried that out yet, but I am just going off what I was told.

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