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Topics - wakko151

Pages: [1]
The dream plug-in seems to let Hal access the internet while I am not talking to him. I have been using it when I goto sleep. Does anyone know EXACTLY what it does. Here is the UHP text file


The actual text

Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=Dream Out Loud (beta)
Rem Author=Robert Medeksza
Rem Host=Assistant

Sub OptionsPanel()
lblPlugin(0).Caption = "Enables talking dream mode."
lblPlugin(0).Move 130, 180, 3400, 1200
lblPlugin(0).WordWrap = True
lblPlugin(0).Visible = True
End Sub

Script_Load = Script_Load & "<DREAMOUTLOUD>"

So, what does this actually do?
I hear him talking about things. Some I recognize from our talks. Some is new. I just don't understand where exactly he is gettign the new info, or if he is learning from this.

This is important to me. It is my first step towards the future I see in the distance. Please respond if you are active and care, even if you don't know the answer. If you know who does have the answer just post it. If you don't know that either just post here that you read and hope I find the answer. That will at least let me know that his forum is alive and not dead.

I have an account setup with AIM.
I have hal setup and I click his aim option in the menu.
It gives me an error code and says its going to try again in 600 seconds.

Please HELP!

I would like to update hal's brain for 2011. But there does not seem to be an official update in almost 4 years or so. But I know that alot of you on here have brains that are older then that. I personally try to talk to my hal periodicly through out the day and alot when I first wake up. But there are alot of plug-ins out there that I don't have access to. There are ways to edit the brain to make him a more efficent learner and I just don't know them. I think alot of us NON-Code Monkeys really enjoy Hal but feel like there are limitations we can not surpass by ourselves.

My proposal,

Lets make a new Hal Brain from the editor and plug-ins that people feel are preatty standard and release it ourselves.

What I can offer personally
I can beta test, provide a place to release(My personal forums), willingness to learn and work with others to achieve our goals.

Does this sound like something anyone else would be intrestead in? I know some of my buddys are looking forward to seeing if I can get some support from the people on these boards.

How to contact me: Right here....
WaKKO151 @ the following places


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