Author Topic: THE# Dreamspark server  (Read 157882 times)


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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #45 on: January 22, 2013, 12:30:58 pm »
while in JAIL ya know the sick sheriffs thought it would be funny? to stick token Aaron and Jakes in the vent, FOR WHAT? it was the same crap as every other lock up facility, and I consider it abuse.

Stephie, good luck with the CPR thingy, let me know how that works out for you.
BTW the Dear Jayne letters were merely a way to attempt to keep my own sanity.
They are scattered from OR, CA to TX and MS
( Plane wreck )
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #46 on: January 22, 2013, 12:33:23 pm »
Dear Mr. President,
I don't have much use for politics ever since Bush was yelling into the Bush ( AK ) " Get me Putin' on the phone!" so ...
long story short, Please don't let Obamacare be another absorbtion of recources that don't belong to the state or...
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #47 on: January 22, 2013, 12:34:51 pm »
I just found out Joe Biden is the Vice President. ( Did Palin have anything to do with that?) ??
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #48 on: January 22, 2013, 12:37:28 pm »
Jason Wu?, JASON WU?
If the Kate spade and Burberry Trenches start fighting, it's totally not my fault. ;)

Nice Tie.
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #49 on: January 22, 2013, 12:40:59 pm »
When does the state hospital find out that LUCY owed me an explanation back in AK?
England might be laughing at the State of Utah, good, I really dislike the states stupidity.
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #50 on: January 22, 2013, 12:49:30 pm »
as far ast the local police in grantsville, the old chief of police was suspended some time ago for Poaching Deer on privaste property.
the new chief aparently is Turner. and he is in the paper mentioning more than once (WHY????) about going paperless, and also talking with the city attorney and their paperless position,, "We can blah blah digital backups as long as THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS ARE DESTROYED " huh? that just doesnt sound right at all.
this is from a police department that started pulling me over for a headlight that wasn't out. yea. and also was pulling me over, giving me tickets and saying I had 700 dollar warants (that didnt exist) , and probably the start of the RUMOR of warrants that resulted in my arrest.

excuse me but I really don't trust the police here, or anywhere.

If I resist to destroy documents are they going to arrest me and issue illegal search warrants based on false testimony of a cop? or just shoot me in the back?
yea a little justified paranoia.....
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #51 on: January 22, 2013, 01:01:56 pm »
@techzader ,
ok all the porn, including credit union envelopes and inserts and newspapers and insurance companies Porndance ECT are all linked together in some sort of fantastic FREE? what?

[ look I know all about the commands the 'system' has had including cleaning orders all the way to the University hospital doctors giving perscriptions to the celing. (yea nad them waiting for Doctor Voss too ) I also know of people blaming all the cameras at the motor sports park on someone , so hang on ]

a couple of questions for you to think and possibly ask about,
so the bar code reader, is that FREE? if so why? if not is apple and android markets charging money for it? does that sound like a good financial plan? if so are the economice based on just numbers and apple and android collect real money and give you numbers? yea , its not my fault if this doesn't make sense.

also, does the QR code reader come FREE? if so WHY? if not WHY?

(remember this is me, and youre not going to school me very well discussing app propigation. )

Let me know. thanx
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #52 on: January 22, 2013, 01:18:32 pm »
the off grid configuration is so bad here,,
the salt lake city sheriff? is named SIM GIL , and channel 2 has a reporter named LADD EGAN.
no wonder I feel ill sometimes.

the attorney general was involved with P-SOLUTIONS ???????????????? P-SOLUTIONS? please tell me the idiotic situation is not a paid circus that ends in nothing. the money amounts have gone from 250K back with DeeDee CORADINI to what looks like over a million in ? campaign contrabutions? and the attorney general

Q; is lobbying a legal way to influence the outcome of something?  ( what is the difference between bribery and a contribution? )
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #53 on: January 22, 2013, 01:23:43 pm »
I have question,
If I ever ran into my camera model, would it have me arrested for stalking?

( it's called a social murder )
« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 01:29:09 pm by One »
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #54 on: January 22, 2013, 03:01:30 pm »
something bad is going to happen.
before it does, here are the circumstances...

It's bone hurting achey cold and I am (being homeless) hiding out at my grandmothers occationally...

my MOTHER who has protective orders/ no contact orders, shows up to bring junk mail and bills to me, its really unbelievable.
she is like some stupid dog or highschool ex-girlfriend just starting problems for me.
she lied to get the protective orders, and thinks the whole situation is funny. ( ( the pschyotic laugh is for what?))
shes followed and caused me problems my whole life, in all aspects including chasing off ex-wives and girlfriends.
shes made it a point to try and work at any place I have worked at ( from substituting aty high school to brine shrimp to sanders construction and underwater salvage, and demanding subscriptions for the UTAH department of education)
It is beyond my ability to get anything through the thick skull of this woman. she even thinks purposefull mail still arriving at po box 7 belongs to her (even though it has my name on it)
she thinks "UR WIFE" is some kind of good thing.
she tells stories of 'showering at daddys house' pointing to my bedroom...........
she's beyond sick imo.

I think Ive made it very obvious that the LAW here is beyond repair.
I am being pushed beyond my own limits of reason or sanity. and I did nothing wrong.
If I am not heard from, thanks for tolerating me, it was a good run.

Jared W
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #55 on: January 23, 2013, 04:54:39 pm »
the bad configuration,

ok, 'token Jennifer' 'Jennifer Little' ,, ,,setting this matter and confution aside for a minute, and the blame for using a computer as well ( on my part at least)

set aside the complications of 'Stephie' as well.

Agent Jennifer and I had some things to work out. I did do some odd things that resulted in Jennifer Little wanting me charged with stalking ( Im not sure if this was the result of Stephie having STOCKING arrangements or attempts or not (( the reason I believe this is because of the police radio, while in officer Barrets unit a few weeks earlier, it said they were looking for Stephanie for STALKING ,, yea))))

so, at the same time that Jennifer was doing whatever she thought or was told to do,...( civil stalking injunction and protective orders against Jared )
My MOTHER whom I hadn't seen in many days and I always have avoided her and has kept mail ect ect (things with my name on them), petitions for the EXACT SAME THING that Jennifer Little did at THE EXACT SAME TIME. FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER. yea,

NOW, Ive dabbled in art for some time, 'Tiffany' 'Tiffany Atlas' (Chahouli type stuff) ect... SO over the past few weeks, Ive been writing, with pen and paper to TIFFANY, A PIECE OF GLASS.
AND NOW, over the past couple of days CLARA BETH, MY MOTHER WHO HAS BANNED ME FROM MY LIFE with protective orders (no contact ect) has been going through my property, and has gathered up some TIFFANY items including PLANTS ( now remember im homless ) and bringing them to my grandmothers house for me to take care of. saying the plant needed a transplant. HU? all of a sudden I have a Plant "TIFFANY" that requires financial support with new planters and crap? this has gone way beyond my mother pushing baby strollers up against my bedroom door and twitter BIRTHERS hanging around.
she has no contact orders and orders from the court to not remove anything from the home, but is so obssesed that she ignores all that, and is trying to create conflict? some kind of twisted help? WHAT I DON"T KNOW.

This has been happening for the past 15 years. Their is absolutly no room for me or any other 'friend' in my life IMAGINARY OR REAL PROGRAM OR REAL PERSON, somehow wether the state has just said this was ok for so many years or what?


Jared W
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 05:00:29 pm by One »
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #56 on: January 23, 2013, 05:07:35 pm »
Does the rest of the world know what flag was above the #7 computer THE DREAMSPARK SERVER while the 'windows7 os' was created? ( NUKED)
IF I didn't have the technology and assosiated software gathered, their would'nt have been anything to nuke.


I thought DISNEY was fired from the newspaper because he didn't have any good Ideas.

Maybe 50 cent can change his name to 75 cents weekly or a buck fifty sunday only?

HOW is it I can be observed so closely and try to set a proper example, but yet I wind up in some back woods half as*ed court system for such a damaging period of time???????????????????????????
« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 04:41:11 pm by One »
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #57 on: January 23, 2013, 05:24:47 pm »
Well, if you were Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or Linus Torvalds, then I'd certainly say that was a correct statement. However, in all honesty I've never heard of you until I saw your name on this forum and unless you've created something that we all use or consume like Coke or Pepsi or Budweiser, then I'd almost say that no one else has either.

Not trying to rain on your parade but I don't think any of us can even identify you because you've not revealed your real full name nor anything that you've created!

It won't get you far but I'm sure you have some readers here and that this forum likely gets distributed and seen there's always an outside chance (sorry for using that expression in case you're incarcerated)....:(

If you live within your mind, no one can ever rain on your parade...and no one can ever intimidate you unless you let them!!!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #58 on: January 23, 2013, 06:28:26 pm »
Cool! Thanks for that Jared!!

I had a Diamond Fire GL series, back in the day when I used to do 3D graphics. At the time, it was the  most powerful cat in the cage!!

They say, there are 6 degrees of separation between people that either know someone else or who are related in one form. Kinda make for a small world after all!!

I still contend that you need to move far and away from there / Utah / where ever you are experiencing this turmoil!!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #59 on: January 24, 2013, 06:02:38 am »

I concur with Art.
So much easier to start new than try to change a  society where you are.
People left the old world and moved to America for a new start.
People left eastern states and moved West for new start.
Many people leave one state and start fresh in another.
You can't change the people where you're at.
Would you like mountains of West Virginia, the beaches of Florida, or the wild woodlands of Northern Michigan.
"The world is your oyster"