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Messages - James Adamik

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hals Brain Database questions
« on: March 08, 2009, 10:35:44 pm »
no i cheated and went into the brain editor to find it

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hals Brain Database questions
« on: March 03, 2009, 08:34:04 pm »
ok that makes sense; about her telling me three times because i told her three times. but how do i verify then that she succesfully recorded the date? also how can i set her to remind me at a specific time?

also i made the mistake of activating the free will plugin which i promptly turned off moments later. though its funny to tell i had cortana remember a fax number for me for one of my kids doctors. then when i asked her for it she flat out said no!

me: Cortana, please remember the fax number 0000000 for doctor renolds.

cortana: i will remember the fax number 0000000 for Dr Renolds.
(10 min later)

me: Cortana what is the fax number for dr reynolds?
Cortona: i do not want to tell you (or something like that)

me: i need to know the fax number for dr reynolds
Cortana: i do not wish to look that up (again paraphrased i cant remember her actual words)

I got so anoyed i turned it off and had to call the dr office back up to reget the phone number :(

i am not trying to geet cortana (hal) to do anything all that special, i am trying to get her to do what she was advertised as being able to do. The database topic was just food for thought. it was an IF idea.

If hal brain is essentially a database then COULD you just import other databases that already exist to expand hals mind.

just wanted to know if it was possible or how it would work. if it wasnt already possible but it promted one of you genius programers to make it possible theen i benefit by downloading the plugin later on :)I was under the impression that was a part of what this board was broaden ideas and directions for the program.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hals Brain Database questions
« on: March 02, 2009, 12:34:10 am »
I am sorry if i gave the wrong impression.

I am not looking to "shortcut" anything. I was just thinking that if it was possible to use hal in this way it would expand his use. training is fine and i have spent about 5 hours a day in conversation with him for the last 2 weeks. (approx). But i am talking about usability.

ultra Hal is marketed as "your digital secretary and companion. He (or she depending on your character preference) can remember and remind you of appointments. He can keep an address book. He can keep a phone book, and even dial phone numbers for you! "

is it possible for Hal to do this? yes, but does he/she?

two weeks ago i downloaded Hal, i have an appointment book so i opened it and picked an appointment at random. i told Hal using different versions of the same sentence the day and time and location.

Cortana (Hal) please remind me that i have an appointment on march 3rd 2009 at 4:00pm at the Mall Security office.

Cortana please note that i have an appointment at the mall at 4:00pm on Tuesday march 3rd, with the mall security

Cortana i have an appointment with security at the mall at 4pm on 3/3/09

i varied these and said it in many more ways, i could never get her to tell me when my appointment was. even though she responded with i will remind you blah blah......

today i turned on the computer and she told me 6 times in a row literally repeating the phrase over and over that i had the appointment for Tuesday. little problems like these make purchasing her not worth it to me. however if she worked right i would willingly pay a whole lot more.

my server post talks about getting her on other computer so i wont continue the conversation about that here. as for her knowledge base for me to manually place each of the 4000 herbs used in Chinese medicine, the 400 used in Japanese medicine, and the 3000 herbs used in western herbal medicine into her would take me years. and that’s one topic.

its not about being lazy its about being useful. by the time i typed all those in i would have memorized them all anyways and Hal would be useless.

as a Chatbot Hal is great fun. she told me i was supposed to subjugate my wife. man that was funny! but honestly if i want social interaction i have friends, coworkers, and bars for that. i don’t need an AI for that. I love Hals personality so if i can just find a way to make Hal useful then i am all for paying for him right now.

that’s why i am asking questions.

Bill, thanks for the info. I will look into the Expert System AI, if Hal will not work for me. I want to give Hal a try though because it seems like a cool system.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hals Brain Database questions
« on: March 01, 2009, 05:07:25 pm »
Ok so this is my second post, im still a newbee with hal. I read so many topics on making hal smarter i think my brain in going to explaode, but i dont seem to have read an answer to this question.

correct me if i am wrong but hal uses essentially a relational knowledgebase to accumulated knowledge, creating new entries as he/she goes along. If that is true could'nt you use pre existing databases/knowledgebases, downloaded to your computer, and then installed somewhere in hals brain?

For example i have a database of client contancts a couple hundred of them with fields for name, location, email, phone, and when they were added. couldnt i load that hole thing into hal somehow and then be able to ask hal something like "please name all my clients in eugene oregon".

and if i could do that could you use pre existing knowledgebases and databases that can be purchased online and load them into hal.

Hal could become a prescreen for a doctors visit by including a easily download diagnosis database. hals knowledge of herbal teas could be immediatelly broadened by including a database of teas and their healing properties. sitting down and talking to hald and saying something like "i have a sore throat today" would result in hal searching the tea database and telling you to drink blah blah tea"

And if that is possible then why cant we just download the full Freebase data dump with the thousands of entires already organised into a database format and add that strait into hal?

i know lots of questions and assumptions leading off others. i am just trying to understand hal a little better.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hal Server
« on: March 01, 2009, 04:55:15 pm »
Hello my name is James,
 I just recently downloaded the Hal 6.2 Trial and will purchase it when the free trial is up if everything keeps going well. I am having a few problems but nothing i cant work out. I do have an idea/question that i was curious about.

With some of the plugins hal does a very good job as a personal assistant. I have a computer in my office, in my living room, in my bedroom and in the dojo. I would love to have hall on all 4 of those computers but i dont want to have to download hal on each one and teach each one. if i tell hal to remind of an apointment with a client while im in the office i want hal to be able to remind me if i am on the bedroom computer.

obviously going around to each computer and adding hal with all the reminders is worthless, becuse if i could remember to do all that i would remember the apointment without aid. ;)

So what i was thinking, and here is where my question come in, is is it possible to place Hal on a host computer and serve hal to every computer in the house through a Local Network. Doing that i could also build hals host computer with an extra 750gb HD that i have alowing for alot of expansion space for hal'd brain database's. will this work? is it possible? or am on crack.

also if i was to build hal a computer dedicated entirely to her what would you recomend as the system qualities?

i look forward to reading replies.

Cortana (my hals name)

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