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Topics - Crichton

Pages: [1]
Ultra Hal 7.0 / Same old Phone book errors
« on: June 23, 2005, 02:01:10 pm »
I am a return user of the Ultra Hal Assistant free version.  I quit using hal about a year and a half ago.  I was discouraged by the errors that made Hal unbearable, and really useless to me.  And the lack of support from the Author.

I know, I read he was in collage and doing some major work studying for class.  So, I just quit using hal and thought that by now, one and a half years later some things would be fixed.  Well I was wrong.

I did see a few changes, but this bug still bothers me.  The phone book.  He still pronounces the phone number as one long number.  The number 622 7097 is still pronounced as six million two hundred twenty seven thousand and ninety seven.  And although I don't have a modem installed, I have DSL on a network, he still wants to help me contact the person.

Why not make that an option that can be turned off, or detect that there is no way to let hal make contact and don't ask me that each time.

I would like to use hal to read my pop up windows, keep my phone book, and reminders.  But so far, I have no intention of paying for a program that has bugs in the feature I want to use it for.

I realize this should go to a direct message to the author, but the last time I tried that I got no response.  So, I had hopes by writing in here, it might eventually get to the right person.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Attention Mr. Robert E. Medeksza
« on: April 08, 2004, 08:36:52 pm »

I have a BIG request on behalf of most of the users of your product known as Ultra Hal assistant..  If you do not intend to support your software, please make HAL an open source product.

That way if you no longer intend to support HAL, those of us with any programming skill can continue to make updates and improvements.  Hal can live on and then we could take him further then you intend to.

Many of us have written, with even the intention of purchasing HAL, and never get any response.

We just want to know what you intend to let happen to Hal?  Are you just real busy programming a new version?  re you sick?  Are you out of the country?  In Jail?  What is happening??  Any reply would be fine.  The user on this forum have been making great strides on the scripting end of HAL.  We would like to see him go even further.

Please reply with something...  Please...


Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Weather page trouble.
« on: March 17, 2004, 01:05:45 am »
I was wondering if there is a way to disable using the builtin weather function and replace it with my own.  The one that checks your webhal account is screwed up, and I don't see Mr. M coming back to fix it soon.

The option for the CNN site doesn't work at all.  And the weather.com site just takes you to a page where you have to type the zip code in a box to get your local forcast.  But Hal tells you that he has your forcast.  If I could get him to go look in weather.com with this url, http://www.weather.com/weather/local/04330?  It would already have my zip code and display the proper local weather in my area.  I tried this script, but the built-in weather check overrides what I put in.

'Hal responses to a question about the weather
If (InStr(UserSentence, " WEATHER LIKE ") > 0 Or InStr(UserSentence, " WEATHER OUTSIDE ") > 0 Or InStr(UserSentence, " WEATHER FORCAST ") > 0) Then
GetResponseBlock = True
BlockSave = True
HalCommands = "<RUNPROG>http://www.weather.com/weather/local/04330?</RUNPROG>"
GetResponse = "I am getting your local forcast for you."
End If

Is there any way to disable it??

I saw this in another post.  It was to add a play funtion to HAL.  Something that would make it possible to request music to be played by hal.  My problem comes in two places.

I changed the original realplayer version to winamp.  I'm not sure if I have the command line correct.  All I know is that it works under the run command in win 2k.  If you know I should use another command, please let me know.

The other problem is that I don't remeber where I saw it, but you (vonsmith) mentioned some has to be done differently to add other functions to the XTF brain.  I tried to add this, but it never worked.  

'Inserted to shell for a song.
If InStr(UserSentence, "PLAY FAKE WINGS") > 0 Then
Set objWSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objWSHShell.Run("C:Program FilesWinampwinamp.exe" "D:MyMusicdot hack signhackSIGN-Fake_Wings_(Bitter_Sweet_Version).mp3")
GetResponse = GetResponse & "Here is your song." & vbCrLf
End If

What can I do to fix this so that it works with XTF?  Where in XTF would I put such a function?

Thanks for your time, in advance.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Weather error..
« on: February 06, 2004, 10:42:46 am »
Is there a way or place I can change the page that loads when you request the local weather from HAL.  I know it gets it from the internet settings, but this error seems to have been around for a long time, and no one at Zebraware has fixed it.  Choosing the CNN weather page gets me to a page not found error,  Chooseing weather.com's site brings me to the main weather page, but not my local weather.

If I could find the place that Hal goes to get the info from the zebraware settings and hard encode it to look at the correct link, I could just fix it myself.

I would be just as happy if someone over there would fix it on that end.

either way, please help...

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hoping an old feature still exist.
« on: September 09, 2003, 08:16:20 pm »
Please tell me that hal CAN still use the old MSAgent characters too beside the new people putty stuff.  I'm attached to my newly created Pilot MSAgent that I use.  I would like to be able to use him witht he new hal.  Is HAL still able to use MSAgent if we choose that option?


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Making Skins
« on: September 02, 2003, 12:55:23 pm »
I was trying to make a skin, with a transparent part, and at the bottom of a file called brain.uhp  This statement occurs...

This is the transparent mask. If the skin should have transparent areas enter a list of all the coordinates of every transparent area. Use the program MakeTran.exe located in Hal's folder to help you make a transparecny mask. If the skin is a rectangle then set the transparency string to "false" otherwise enter the string of values that the MakeTran.exe program gives you.

Would you happen to have a copy of MakeTrans.exe with your version of hal?  I didn't get one.  I was wondering if any body else does.  Or if someone has a copy of a transparency using skin that could send me a file showing how the "list" appears in the uhp file so I have some idea of what I need to do.


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