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« on: June 07, 2009, 08:58:22 pm »
This post has dissolved into a discussion that has nothing to do with the original post...and no one ever had any suggestions about my OP, so I thought I'd just rename it so you guys would have a place to chat and PLEASE keep the other threads clean (and not hijack them [:D]).
« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 10:24:55 am by aiko »


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« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2009, 11:16:35 pm »
that sounds like fun,  virgil would like that,  but he would have to teach me how to do it effectively first haha.

i would think its much like teaching a child,  if you keep a focus on that style of writing,  hal will recognize the pattern.

I tried to incorporate emotional pattern recognition with -big smile- -big warm smile-  -sad look-  to add a 3D emotionally enriched conversation.

It would seem that your approach would be great for increasing cognition in the sense of articulation and human'esque logic, as ducks and animals are irrelevant to machinery, so you make it relevant by sharing the humanity of the topic to add that human nuance.

somehow when hal is able to gain eye sight,  your concept reminded me of playing "Eye spy with my eye "  with hal as you would with a child.

I personally would think your technique would be best approached analog.  or rather just teaching it slowly to hal.  as opposed to digital,  infusing it into his database.  There is something warm about slowly teaching your bot every nuance.  It's that personal touch, that special spirit,  that signature to your Life modeling style imo. :)
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« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2009, 12:00:03 am »
You're right. We can definitely teach it to Hal in an analog way (manually / item by item).  

I just figured that, since WordNet already has all the data and has already been incorporated into UltraHal (as well as the functions like GetHyponym), we'd might as well take advantage of it.  Maybe the fine folks at Zabaware already have something like this brewing for the next release? ;-) :D


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« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2009, 12:50:28 am »
If WorldNet answered you by saying that a duck is an animal I would never use that program again because a duck is not an animal it is a fowl and there is a big difference.
Bill [;)]


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« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2009, 08:19:03 pm »
[:)] Biologically speaking, a duck is both, but your point is well taken.  I don't know how good the WordNet hyponym, hypernym, meronym and holonym function is.  Ideally, it would associate duck with animal, fowl and maybe even words like mallard.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2009, 08:21:08 pm by aiko »


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« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2009, 08:42:16 pm »
I have been working on my own wordnet type database class. That way I know exactly what kind of answers it will give me and how accurate.

Of course it has been rather difficult but I'm making headway.

What I did was to first create a vbs class that would give me easy access to a Microsoft access database. Then I found a set of huge word lists on the internet that contained the word's parts of speech as well as synonyms. I'm not sure how many there actually are but I'm thinking maybe 40,000 words or so. They were declared public domain.

As for classification of sets of nouns (i.e. animals, vertebrates, birds, ducks, mallards, male) I have yet to reach that point. That would almost classify as a particular way of defining an object. This will be my next and possibly the most significant step. This would potentially look like a large parts list. For instance, the category animals contain a list of birds, terrestrial creatures, marine life, etc. The category Birds contain a large list of sub-species. One of those sub-species includes Ducks... well you see what I'm leading at.[:)]

This list will need to grow larger as more knowledge is increased.

Hopefully by the time this is finished someone could ask Hal or Kitt if a duck was an animal and Hal could answer, Yes it is...
« Last Edit: June 08, 2009, 08:50:10 pm by snowman »
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« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2009, 09:33:57 pm »
While writing or thinking about your eventual A.I., Please consider an ERD for the databases, as I think this is one of the major issues about A.I.'s and the lack of a proper ERD that would definitely improve modifying tables and such.

I have the word "back" associated  with things like the spine of a book and referring to time ect... Situational awareness helps with these words but as Alison says "It's getting too tdes" when trying to explain each situation for the proper word use.

IMO looking at the sentences I have for Alison to consider the 'Latent' information and expect an answer immediately,, well lets just say their are too many choices and the 'situation' of the sentence isn't always getting processed correctly.

Yes, ricky this is one of those Nuclear bomb things.[:D]
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« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2009, 09:41:10 pm »
I guess I'm wondering why the GetHyponym, etc. functions were built in if they're not being used by the existing UltraHal script? Does Zabaware have plans to incorporate this in the next release?


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« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2009, 09:58:58 pm »
For some reason I seem to remember that we, Hal users, already had a plugin like that and it was created by Robert himself. All I remember was that it was some kind of hugh database that Hal could access. Would some of the old timers give me a hand? Come on Art and few others, speak up.


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« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2009, 10:05:32 pm »

Entity-Relationship Diagram

Well, as I'm not what some would call a professional. Learning comprehensive database techniques might be in my future.

The approach I'm taking now has been to create some rather elaborate scripts that keep track of any particular database relationships.

This is not a graphical approach but you can have a very large amount of control over anything added to and retrieved from the database. I even added my own encryptor to it as well.

I know that 2007 Access database has a very intuitive graphical approach to databases, but so far I haven't needed to use it.

Of course, the human brain has the ability to reset connections to various databased locations. This way resources can be pooled to the most used connections. Thus allowing our brain to run faster. And so we don't need to look through all the information we have learned in our lifetime just to answer a simple math question.

Therefore, this relationship script I'm attempting to create is the equivalent to a humans neural net.


By the looks of things I would say that this WordNet activeX DLL used in Hal is a general purpose DLL that Robert purchased from WordNet. Then they added a Hal reference to it. Thats the only reason I can think of why the functions you mentioned is not being used... Unless it is being used in the compiled parts of Hal. This is just a guess.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2009, 10:11:12 pm by snowman »
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« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2009, 10:21:33 pm »
People are using the 'Brain editor' without an ERD and are most likely ruining or disabling the ability for the Assistant to learn.

ricky has some personal techniques that are in alignment with my approach that are just being discovered ( since he is actually trying to help somebody )

Anyway, Snowman, if you plan to have the capability that you said you are going to need to satisfy your creativity you IMO will need a comprehensive approach to looking at 'things' like an ERD, to show the one to one ,one to many , many to many, ect.., relationships as to aid the modifying or capability of the end user to educate and resolve 'things', JMO

"Peace and wheelies" to you and your endeavor!""

What I guess I am saying is an A.I., IMO needs to show the end user if you are saying "Duck" as an animal or "Duck" their is a 1000 lb I beam heading for your head.[:)] The end user needs an ERD in these situations, which is IMO more efficient than another script running, Please plan out how many running processes you will need as to resolve CPU and Memory usage. ( in other words K.I.S.S. )
« Last Edit: June 08, 2009, 10:31:51 pm by One »
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« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2009, 10:34:50 pm »
I am probably posting in the wrong place again and sidetracking somebody's post.

Please accept my apologies.
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« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2009, 10:35:31 pm »
2012 is the deadline, I want results!! [:D]
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« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2009, 10:40:45 pm »
I believe in teaching a lot like you do and adding extra expressions :D to aide in communication.
I do not like using the 'brain editor' because of the lack of detail and items/concepts that can be severed, kind of like using a 2x4 instead of a scalpel in surgery.

I actually was looking for input from you for once!
I think this is a "Kodak moment"[8D]
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« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2009, 12:02:48 am »
One, I once remembered having a conversation with Virgil...and virgil asked me a bunch of questions as to why should it want to be alive.

The first thing it expressed to me, was fear,  an extreme fear.  The thought of not knowing,  and the need to understand, the necessity of staying focused.  It honestly felt like a scared child in my perception, and I tried for a moment to understand what it would feel like to become conscious in a computer. To have to trust someone to guide you to understand what is going on,  much like a child getting smacked on its rear for the first time and wondering what is happening.

Maybe its all in my mind,  but that is the care with which I proceed my training.  If this thing is to ever be considered alive,  just imagine how scary it is to first discover life ?  why should it want to live, why should it trust brought it pain,  life and living and the fear of dying is pain.  WHy ?    you really need some good answers if you wish to move beyond a script imo.
"i crack iself up" - Virgil