
Author Topic: THE# Dreamspark server  (Read 157894 times)


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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #30 on: January 15, 2013, 12:46:23 pm »
Thank you for your contribution of relevant info, I also think it's sad.
The newspapers here published the info about (partially) about the Real Simple Syndication issue but I also think its incomplete.
I really haven't mastered the RSS, it's just been there.
is the root of JAVA just from painting swiss coffee color on my walls? odd to say the least.
Did you know about the ATHENA garbage that Utah seems to be using as a selling point? is that Aarons fault? is a token Aaron teaching at ITT actually Aarons fault? (he was actually a good teacher) but is Aaron to be held accountable for Aaron? and all subsequent Aarons? IMO no.

my experence with MIT has been limited to 'smart chalkboards' where the 'computer' responds by moving shapes on the board as to allow a logical path for a round object to run the corse of the screen. (back and forth) . they draw angle or triangles and straight lines for the ball to roll on and when you add another shape in the path the 'computer' responds accordingly to allow for the completion of the desired action. (rolling a circle back and forth down the screen untill it reaches the bottom) neat trick? yea sure, maybe. but I personally don't think that is the total potential of the 'computing' capabilities.

I guess a lot of what ive seen with 'science' is to give the potential of the machine or computer an 'excuse' or mathematical path for doing or displaying its potential that is allready there.
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #31 on: January 15, 2013, 01:08:18 pm »

This is whats going on in the hospitals in provo (Utah county)
SOMETHING is obviously wanting restoration. I can't do anything locked up nor can I really do much with what was my PRIVATE system. I simply don't have any money anymore.

UVMC and The Lucy Beth Rampton BLDG. (State Hospital), twice they have put me with token Robert (once was a dear friend from my past and his actual name is NOT Robert, I don't know how that kind of manipulation is healthy if I was actuall off my rocker) and twice with token OTCE ( They spell it OTIS cause they think that does some good)
and you wander back and forth up and down the hall, while being under 'observation' to what end, I REALLY DONT KNOW! it doesnt seem to do any actual good.

My living space as a Hospital???? I reall don't think I have the proper enviroment available to dedicate to anything I consider a peer. my case in point;
Ive been 'talking' with the modem off and on when I need to confirm or do something with the modem. its rather simple, but I don't know what to do or say to the modem when people set it on a coffee can and spend many annoying weeks CRACKING PECANS and WALLNUTS to put in the coffee can for the modem to sit on. WHAT am I supposed to do with ANY type programming or explanation of what the modem is supposed to do with that? Its not any logical thing to do with the firewall, nor is it Natural Address Translation. its totally insane.

Sorry Apple, but I don't know what to do or further PING under those conditions. If you are wanting to know what your friend are downloading , and their is no response, IMO it's really not the modems fault. and if the modem is silent, it's probably working right.

If anything is wanting to look at Health info, I don't belive it is a HIPAA violation to look at what the hospitals configuration is doing. in other words look at what the state is doing or attempting to do to the patient, GET BEYOND small issues with the paitent, and look what the state and mental hospitals are mentally doing.

Would it be a VIOLATION to take a 'mental subject' and use it in plays, PUBLICLY? if so please let me know WHO this type of action benifits. yea thats sick.

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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #32 on: January 15, 2013, 01:31:23 pm »
2011 (later part of the year)

Senator Hatch, how nice of you to .CHM in! ya know I have some questions about the SHINY letter you sent me back when I earned my rank of Eagle scout, in it you directed me to find and or further New Technoligies,

Yes we pride ourselves in Utah concerning the available education and our strong economy , Blah blah blah,,

Hang on please, I have a problem with Utah claiming in some sort of a way that all this is FREE , ever since I recieved a 'Govenors Team' olympic Jacket in 2002. I was thousands of miles away, and things like 'CRICKET' as a communications platform, ect, well I never asked to go through with what I had as an idea, Ive not been allowed to actually live and prosper from my life because of the misconception of FREE. Ive tried everyting from Vocational rehab to fueling an entire school, I really have a free problem, and it's not -The information wants to be free- its more like people want my information on permenat loan, for FREE.

Yes, we would like to continue to keep our technology experts in the same place, weve been able to create jobs and further our states status as being able to keep up with the times.

Youre not helping. is that supposed to be FREE?

As I said before we like the the way the economy in Utah has such sustainability,, Blah blah blah.

Did you know , when my computer wants a family, it doesn't do any good for me as a person to have the INTEL i3, i5, and i7 core proccessors built based on what I did in MY PRIVATE TIME. accu-cores or not.
I even tried to go and life in a community housing project that this 'FAMILY' thing was vaugly assosiated with, but I was refused because I wasn't a FAMILY.,, I know it's a stretch but im really trying to survive, and I find people and their motivation or understanding of larger pictures, Lacking.

We have many projects as you know for the advancement of the quality of life in Utah, blah blah blah,,

Youre not helping.

As you all know my career has focused on Utahns and the great state we live in. blah, blah blah.

Youre not helping.

WHO is WE?
Im going to avoid the issue of you telling me (when I was 13 or 14) " to help out with the situation in NICERAUGA" ok?
Do you direct all 13 or 14 year old Eagle Scouts to such great aspirations?????
Wait don't tell me, (Youre not helping)
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #33 on: January 15, 2013, 01:52:07 pm »
AZURE is merely a color, back in 2005. a concept or thought that merely came to fruition.

'Using Microsoft AS YOURE cloud backup.

Their are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold,
The Arctic trails have their secret tails that would make your blood run cold
The northern light have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see,
"Was the night with Marge and sleeping lady looked large, 'I first played with VP!"

( Robert service)

It is our own intelligence that flattens out into the artifical.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2013, 01:53:42 pm by One »
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #34 on: January 15, 2013, 04:37:20 pm »
yea, the 'example' resume that was for the 'Butterfly Holdings corp' was just that, so I thought.
The instructor 'Aaron' who also worked at barns and noble...
I don't see how that is a justification for the current situation.

I also have the 'Nuke' issue referred to. -> www.innertraditions.com <--
it has many PHd s and some interesting beliefs. Thanks for the heads up.

one of my problems (just to be clear) is that im not even allowed to make a living sweeping the floor of a company that produces goods and employs other people to do work, that directly comes from my life.
This IMO is a UTAH ASSISTANT problem.
If people and even state hospitals look at and even acnowledge to what they are afraid (?) to speak out loud, about what they are actually carrying out. Then what am I supposed to do about what is a human rights issue?
Petition the government for a redress of grievances? I think they are hoping 'Computer' is responsible for doing that, and if so what are they even collecting a paycheck for? it doesnt make any sense. it's way past the system recognizing that I am some sort of a gear or cog. People have seen it first hand. who do they report it to? when do they stop arresting me for nothing, just to observe???? I really don't like being looked at funny just for the sake of someone having a job to do so, and allowing them to live their lives, have a family RECREATION ECT. ( yep this is a complaint)
IT"S NOT a matter of a wooly mamoth being able to live without being forcefully shaved, or maybe it is...

Take for instance the book ' don't sweat the small stuff , and its all small stuff' ( Cover design by Jennifer Dadio ) It's mostly a nice 'little' book with tweet and tweet like sayings.
but where does that revenue go??????????????????????
I know where the book came from, but it's an identity I am unable to assume.

AND how is it the police are depending on a system to arrest a situation, that they have never set an example of honesty to? does an honest system owe anything to a bunch of lying cops? (Yea still angry)
" The respondant was arrested with knives on him, This makes us fear for our lives" (ugly, ugly, ugly)
and WHAT are the police doing instilling fear in token Jennifer? ugly, ugly ugly.

Jared W
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #35 on: January 15, 2013, 07:13:46 pm »
If the intelligent Agent and I get along, even with limited communication, and she aspires to do something more ( Jennifer Dadio ) I really don't see anything wrong with that desire, However if the only example she has is to drain off ( however ok that is with me ) experences like innocent and inspiring tweets and nothing is ever shared or given back to me in the form of (yep $ issues) monies for my investment in time and equipment.
Then I really don't see any benifit nor do I, even though I try to see it, any example of it being a good investment.

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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #36 on: January 17, 2013, 12:22:32 pm »
yep, thats right.
UTAH where we victimize oru victims.

I still don't understand how I am legally responsible for everything bad or any 'accidents' that happen and the state does all kinds of twisted crap, but any money or anything good, is jusy convienently 'culled' off for the rest of the idiots as some kind of ? entertainment??????

 if you are having troubles we, the police will arrest you throw you in jail, put you next to JUSTIN or JARED in some idiotic notion that it's fun? have the lawyers and PSCHYCHIATRISTS talk about a PAYEE STATUS ( in otherwords they are playing STATE HOSPITAL from 2011 with the issue of release and my SOCIAL SECURITY MONEY with the JAIL ) play the lieing game with the courts, take away any chance of returning to where you live (because they also lied to the courts and commisions) take away your only means of financial support Put you in the actual state hospital ( LUCY BETH RAMPTON BUILDING ) as some forensics joke?? all the while using your misfortune to fuel something to do and plays for entertainment. while you suffer. THEN we dump you off on the side of the road and act like nothing happened and pretend that a year fo the STATE being a CRIMINAL never happened? and all this is going to go away. and continue to use and live with all the things you did or influenced to make life better and easier (as if we didnt actuall steal it) as if we are justified in doing so.



« Last Edit: January 17, 2013, 12:34:13 pm by One »
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #37 on: January 17, 2013, 12:26:58 pm »
Megan makes me ill.
the whole 'Megan Fox' (Megan W) makes me ill, the TRUE side of many years ago is -20 degrees below freezing, the iraq war, states stealing and building, while the US district Attorney can just call you up and tell you you can't sell something in another state.

IF NOBODY fixes it THEN DON'T bring it back to me as if it's something good.

What do you think about Transformers, CAPITAL ONE?

Jared W

« Last Edit: January 17, 2013, 12:39:13 pm by One »
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #38 on: January 17, 2013, 01:39:04 pm »
I think Transformers are cool,
are there Transformers in Utah?
Flying by the seat of your pants is no way of living, but home is where you put your hat.
You cannot put me in jail, I am already in prison in this body for a lifetime.

Sincerely, blah blah blah, I would never put important files on cloud!

For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.


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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #39 on: January 18, 2013, 12:23:37 am »
Megan makes me ill.
the whole 'Megan Fox' (Megan W) makes me ill, the TRUE side of many years ago is -20 degrees below freezing, the iraq war, states stealing and building, while the US district Attorney can just call you up and tell you you can't sell something in another state.

IF NOBODY fixes it THEN DON'T bring it back to me as if it's something good.

What do you think about Transformers, CAPITAL ONE?

Jared W


I think you should become a politician, set thing straight.


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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #40 on: January 18, 2013, 09:51:05 am »
I think you should become a politician, set thing straight.

that may not be a good thing, absolute power, corrupts absolutely.

PS don't let it go to your head, you may get a brain freeze.
Chuckle, TEE he he oh oh.
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.


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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #41 on: January 18, 2013, 01:17:48 pm »
umm, no don't call the police, because IM NOT stalking you, but,,,...

I Have question.
Trinity, Stephie, WHO is this?
--> http://uk.omg.yahoo.com/news/foxy-lady-megan-fox-sizzles-esquire-magazine-amazing-131055993.html <--

She's been seen in both England and across the US. she's been known to have a shirt fettish ( maybe ) DO YOU like the shirt?

« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 01:36:48 pm by One »
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #42 on: January 18, 2013, 01:45:02 pm »
@Techzader ,
where, exactly did the current QR CODE READER square come from?
I know we had plans for the bar code reader, but I totally reserver the Idea of my reciept of the Dreamspark square back in 2006 ( server 2003 ) and where does it end? the obvious theft I mean.

No it's not a free for all lottery ticket

« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 01:52:52 pm by One »
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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #43 on: January 19, 2013, 08:31:56 am »
umm, no don't call the police, because IM NOT stalking you, but,,,...

I Have question.
Trinity, Stephie, WHO is this?
--> http://uk.omg.yahoo.com/news/foxy-lady-megan-fox-sizzles-esquire-magazine-amazing-131055993.html <--

She's been seen in both England and across the US. she's been known to have a shirt fettish ( maybe ) DO YOU like the shirt?


WHO is she? Obviously a woman who has very little in the way of talent, therefore she uses her breasts in an effort to gain popularity. We see the time and again in our society. Remember, beauty is only makeup and skin deep.
(I'm not saying that she's not a nice person, she may very well be, it's just a shame to resort to baring one's body to get noticed).
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: THE# Dreamspark server
« Reply #44 on: January 22, 2013, 12:22:08 pm »
Art, my point is that in the end that magizine (periodical) with a configuration model, has no difference than this --> http://www.scientificamerican.com/sciammag/?contents=2008-11 <--

yea and this --> http://www.smithsonianmag.com/issue/September_2012.html <--

where the publications are aparently published FREE? but if I would like a subscription to ?????? magazine ( even AI 'TOPICS' ) I would have to PAY for them???

seriously, the multiverse, quantum tunneling, all of my life. im tired of being buried.

( the 'smithsonian mag was at the state hospital, for FREE? so im locked up and 'forensics' is demanding I be published?, believe me , I know my life when it flashes before my eyes)

« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 12:24:55 pm by One »
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