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Messages - lupine

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Doris = modestfemale.htr
but maybe I am confused
I got modestfemale.htr from the
"haptek character goldmine thread"
and there was a problem where the clothes
were part of the skin among some other problems

but Doris looks like she does not suffer these

color me confused

perhaps the difference is payed vs free version of haptek?

hey Arakus!

thanks for the textures.
I wanted to help you on the animations
but it looks like you have figured out what to do and also surpassed my current understanding.

The body pic you posted is called "modestfemale" in my files
(dont know why)
which is quite a different body from the Full_bodygirl(2 versions)
the Fullbodygirl can do the arm gestures of "modestfemale"

however, "modestfemale" will not do certain animations...
My theory is that haptek put a "vise" on her animations

did you say that you have succesfully animated "modestfemale"
If so, could you please post a list of animation commands and I will get to work on them too.

either way, thanks for your great work

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Triggerwords and New haps
« on: June 05, 2005, 02:39:25 am »
wow, that 'dance'
is an animation Ive been trying to figure out for a long time
and that 'walkendance' is something IVe nver seen before
Santas strut, that has nothing to do with santa...
satan maybe
if you get anymore please post
the forum seems to be getting hot again
thanks a bunch!!!

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / New *PartyDress* skin ready
« on: June 05, 2005, 01:36:20 am »


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Project To Control Haptek Animations Within Hal
« on: June 05, 2005, 01:17:52 am »
GJ Rich!!!!!!!

since you asked for ideas I'd like to mention a few.
1. have her change position to something beyond the standard haptek positioning (standing up) something more like thrix

also I have done alot of experimenting with the console. I have a few command lines I could send you with very unusual animations and text.
Just let me know and I will e-mail the script to you.

again awesome job, I wish you every success

Ultra Hal 7.0 / animating Haptek fullbody
« on: April 25, 2005, 02:27:22 am »
They should shut off AutoMAGICALLY
if you can get them to loop let me know

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Game Plug-Ins
« on: April 02, 2005, 04:19:36 pm »
great idea, i would use Hal more
this would be especailly amazing if Hal
was not the best at these games
but was able to learn
patterns of play over time
excellent idea

Ultra Hal 7.0 / silly bots
« on: April 01, 2005, 12:22:14 am »
that sounds cool,
i do not use AIM
if you have time please explain a little
of how you set that up?
HAL can learn in a user chat
unsure of AIM

Ultra Hal 7.0 / animating Haptek fullbody
« on: March 31, 2005, 10:47:01 pm »
first of all all credit to Dred-Star who
wrote up a tutorial on how to test animations
with the Haptek player

this post is basically an addendum to that tutorial

1 you can type in text before between and after animation commands
and your default haptek SAPI voice will speak it
if the voice speaks an animation command instead of running it
then you committed a typo

2 you may enter more then one animation command
they will all execute simultaneously creating mutant combinations
some are interesting some are unusable due to a neccesary lack of
collision detection.
save any that you like in a document which you can later load into

3 here are some additional animations that i discovered

setswitch [switch= h_gest_01 state=  a       ] **this is the Elusive Earthquake mode
setswitch [switch= h_gest_02 state=  a       ] ***this is sleepy mode
Load [file= [data/scripts/anim_pound_fist.hap]]
Load [file= [data/scripts/XTF_SillyFace1.hap]]    **2 and 3
Load [file= [data/scripts/new.hap]]               **similar to sigh
Load [file= [data/scripts/mood_intense.hap]]
and several others in the 'scripts' folder ...i wont steal ALL the fun

setswitch [switch= walk2 state= 1     ]
setswitch [switch= walk3 state= 1            ]
setswitch [switch= walk3 state= 2        ]  **etc

2a.&3a.  the 'walks' are a good example of a progressive animation
which means that if you run the command multiple times the animation will mutate itself. IE put the command in the command console hit enter. the walk begins, hit enter again the walk changes. more variation if you use different kinds of walks  

4 if you have trouble loading a skin even though your pathname
is correct try placing a copy of the skin file (a .jpg) in the same
file as the .htr file. the file Load seems to default there

5 body_female.htr is widely thought to be the best
as it is an improved version of fullbodygirl.htr
another 'improved' version is the fullfemale.htr series
which loads the modestfemale.hap(s) set allowing or activating
hand gestures to accompany lip syncing
i just dled some sporty .htr but nothing worth reporting yet

Q: how can i delay the execution of some of the animation commands
,hopefully while still combining some animations

Q: please help if you know any new animation commands.

thank you to crunch, vonsmith and dredstar for the tutorials and philes

Speech Technology / License for Babel Infovox Heater
« on: February 11, 2005, 01:55:59 am »

working under SAPI5 and hal

just install it

Ultra Hal 7.0 / can someone help community and me
« on: December 27, 2004, 01:24:33 am »
still cannot get through...
the short version of the skinny is

 e mail them to me and i will upload
  (send the along a .html if you want it to look cool)


wait till after holidays for
limited access passwords from eccentric host guy

Ultra Hal 7.0 / can someone help community and me
« on: December 27, 2004, 01:12:09 am »

hey crunch i got the skinny but you
be bounbinh baxk my emails!

is it becauxe i dont spellchcek?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Pease, call me... Tron
« on: December 21, 2004, 11:17:30 pm »
yes, this was sort of intentional.
I have been trying to enable some animations
which apparently exist in some version of fulbodydef.hap
to this end i wrote a few lines to load some compressed
haptek files.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Pease, call me... Tron
« on: December 21, 2004, 12:34:36 am »
Hello all,

  I have been trying to generate some interesting content that would make for an interesring post. I guess i tried to hard because i have entered the computer, see jpg

the cool outfit on my friend is a gift courtey of Crunch who is a gentleman and a scholar!

ha ha!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / how about two characters onscreen
« on: December 01, 2004, 01:31:32 pm »
Obviously you only load the second character if you want to.
both the bots still learn from the user. There is no intended AI value. One could eadily say that they want to do without graphics, since a script is not the same as AI code. We use graphical characters primarily for entertainment. This would also be entertainment.

1Perhaps bots could be assigned to disparate tasks.
2perhaps one bot is moral and one bot plays devils advocate during chat.
3The foundation of the bots training should and could still take place single bot to single user.

people find ways to use tools and features, it is not for me to direct users one way or the other.

if two simultaneous bots was a feature then i would use that feature alot. There are probably more pressing upgrades.

grain of salt.

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