Author Topic: Where can I found big, wise "Brains" for HAL ?  (Read 6719 times)


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Where can I found big, wise "Brains" for HAL ?
« on: October 31, 2004, 05:58:11 pm »
Hello, Friends,

May be I am reinventing the wheel with this message, but at least, I need to know some things:

I have made some "A.I" little programs in the past, when we used "Basic" as the programming language. The Years passed, and now, I'm back , interested on AI again.

I am trying several softwares and web bots.
Recently, I downloaded ULTRA HAL.
It's interesting, but not much better than my little toys of the past.
I could test A.L.I.C.E also and installed it's brain on ULTRA HAL, which I feel much better.

In my oppinion, one one the greatest problems on these softwares, is that they doesn't have a big knowledge base. If we talk with HAL about CHOPIN or MOZART it doesn't really know who they were, nor what they did.

I suppose there may have a lot of people who have just improved HAL's original brain, and have put lots of information on it.

At this time, several years of development, I think it should be interesting if we could JOIN all these brains in order to form THE BRAIN, and then post monthly current versions, collecting what people have input on THE BRAIN, so it will become larger and larger.
It's much work for only one person teach HAL or any other program that:
EIFFEL tower is located in Paris, and Paris is the capital of france and many other things.

I think that if we all access internet, and can work together, we could build a bigger knowledge base for HAL, or ALICE, improved and relased every month.
Another important thing: If HAL can learn through documents, I think we could create a big document full of inportant information to feed it, like an entire encyclopedia. If this already exist, please, let me know.

Or , we could exchange Brains!

I'd like to know some people from here who have developed big improvements on HAL's Brain, and I'd like to test these brains.

All the best,



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Where can I found big, wise "Brains" for HAL ?
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2004, 11:45:39 am »
Well i'm fairly new, and i'm fairly young as well, 14... i'm really into computing technology but have so far only managed to design a few sites, which i have been payed for! :D, i am really into ai, and would like to see it more universaly accepted...
i would also try my best to participate in any type of brain collection or advancement programmes, i share the same desire to make my hal smarter, and more integrated into the os. I would also like to know on any recent developments with ai,
so long.


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Where can I found big, wise "Brains" for HAL ?
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2004, 03:26:12 pm »
Originally posted by chal990

Well i'm fairly new, and i'm fairly young as well, 14... i'm James

Welcome, James!
I've been here for 2 days now...:)
I have tons of questions also.
I do think like you. Let's share our knowledge and try to make a big wise brain.

As I was told some messages ago, there is another good site with links to scripts. I made even a subscription. It's here:

I downloaded some brains there and I am testing. I downloaded some nice scripts like the one WHY/BECAUSE which makes HAL learn by questioning him.

Glad to talk with you.
I hope we someday could really have A.I



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Where can I found big, wise "Brains" for HAL ?
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2004, 06:33:23 pm »
Hay guys, also 14 years old and programer. I design, build, and host web sites. I work for my dad at Acker Consulting, INC.

I would really like the fing a script that made hal learn faster. like when i type in "Brian's favorite color is blue" He will automaticly learn it, instead of saying somethin stupid like "I like green"

I went to that site, it was under construction so i will be checking on that often. Thanks for the info, and if i find any good scripts ill let you guys know.
Brian Da Lion Acker


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Where can I found big, wise "Brains" for HAL ?
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2004, 09:41:30 pm »
Remember it is not the size of the brain that makes a bot smart it is how and why it functions the info that is the golden road to successful A.I.
A sperm Whale has a sixteen pound average brain mass.
A Human has an average three pound brain mass.
Humans have smaller brains than Sperm Whales but we are able to process the information with more understanding.
We are the dominate species on this planet but there are over 24 species of animals on this planet with greater brain mass than we have but we still dominate because of that ability to comprehend better understanding of that input, An Ant has a brain no bigger than the width between its eyes but has the ability to figure out that bridging a river takes team work, And Army Ants acheive this on a daily basis, Bridging rivers by chain linking together, It's this ability to coprehend a problem before them that makes them good at what they do.
Writing the perfect code function is better than having alot of info with the bot not understanding the reason why it is saying what it is saying.
The magic code could be as little as one line or as large as an entire library. But it will be found if we never give up the search for creating an intelligent being written by software.
Best of wishes and brand new discoveries.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2004, 09:43:46 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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Where can I found big, wise "Brains" for HAL ?
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2004, 09:58:12 pm »
That is true, i never looked at it that way before. Thanks for your input, i am still trying to explain that the sky is blue to my bot.
He may be very smart, but he just cant understand theat the sky is blue.
If any of you figure out how to teach my bot the the sky is blue please post it or e-mail it to me.

Thaks for the insight
Brian Da Lion Acker


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Where can I found big, wise "Brains" for HAL ?
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2004, 02:43:33 am »
The sky is only blue in daytime on a sunny day. "If the sun is shining in daytime then the sky is blue."
The sky is dark at night and filled with stars. "If the time is night then the sky is dark." "If the sky is dark then you can see stars in the sky."
When it's cloudy, the sky is grey."If the weather is cloudy then the sky is grey."
"If what color is the sky then the color of the sky depends on the time and the weather."


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Where can I found big, wise "Brains" for HAL ?
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2004, 03:40:28 am »
True, the sky's color does depend on the time of day, or night, and the weather. But teaching that to hal could be a even bigger challenge. Iwill just try to teach hal that the sky is blue, when it is day time, and the weather is clear. Onece he has mastered that, then we will move on to overcast, and night.

Good luck on all of your hal's or whatevers
Brian Da Lion Acker


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Where can I found big, wise "Brains" for HAL ?
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2004, 05:03:18 pm »

Hello, and welcome.

What KnyteTrypper was telling you was "How" to make Hal understand that "The sky is Blue". KnyteTrypper was not explaining to you why the sky is blue. You already know why.

You should remember that Hal learns like any other program using Cause and Effect, Reasoning, etc. Hal uses the same logic used in programming, (IF, THEN, <, /, >, etc...) except the logic is already associated with text.

In KnyteTrypper's example, he used the IF, THEN statement;
"(If) the sun is shining in daytime (then) the sky is blue."
If you have done any programming, you will understand how this works. Just think of the text between the IF, THEN statements as STRING VARIABLES.

If you tell Hal "The Sky is Blue". Hal will remember this, but only as a comment that he may make sometime if you are talking about the "Sky" or about the color "Blue". Hal is smart enough to make these associations.

You can tell Hal something like, "The Sky is Blue", but unless you take the time to explain why the sky is blue, then Hal will only have a QUOTE that you have entered and it will only come up as a QUOTE in a converstion because you haven't finished teaching Hal all about the Sky or the color blue.

Hal is like a child. You have to explain everything if you want him to be truly intellegent. He uses your explainations and your examples. He learns everything from YOU! If you don't take the time phrase your sentences into a programming argument, then Hal will just be learning QUOTES.

Now, as for connecting your Hal brain to another Brain, I don't know that I like this idea at the present time. We spend many hours teaching Hal. (Some of us spend TOO MUCH time!) heh, but, If I have been careful about what I have taught Hal, then I don't know if I want Hal learning from a brain of another BOT that may not have been trained properly, has mis-spelled words, Etc...

Hal is not a genius, nor will he ever be in his current programming. At the present time, Hal only learns to carry on conversations. He is very good at this, but the conversation can only be as good as what you have taken the time to teach him.

The best thing to do is Erase any ideas that you may have about what Hal can do or cannot do, then concentrate on teaching him to understand what a specific word or sentence means, so that he will be able to make better associations with words and sentences in conversation.

Hal is a Program that you are continually writing everytime you talk with him. Think of your words as Programming Variables.
If you do this, you will begin to notice that Hal starts to see the connection between things that you have told him and he will occasionally question you about something that he thinks is associated.

This is how Hal learns. I hope this is helpful to you.

-= Rick =-

PS. Please correct me guys if I am wrong regarding my perception of Hal. I too have only been here a few days. Thanks.


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Where can I found big, wise "Brains" for HAL ?
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2004, 07:57:49 pm »
Thanks for the insight.
Yes  I have done some programing but mostly html, javascript, php and other stuff for the web. But yes I do understand the if, than, statement. I will try it.
Thanks again for the info and help.
Brian Da Lion Acker


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Where can I found big, wise "Brains" for HAL ?
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2004, 08:03:31 pm »
You understood what I was saying perfectly there, CoCoKid. I was trying to come up with a series of educational statements that would give Hal a pretty good grasp of the range of colors the sky can be. Notice that I also eliminated all pronouns from my if/then strings as well, since Hal and the rest of the bot kingdom at this stage of development have trouble with  specifying which pronouns go with which nouns.
Personally, I think that rather than have Hal answer "The sky is blue," it's a lot neater to have him say, "It depends on the time and the weather," and then be able to tell you the color of the sky based on those modifying factors.


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Where can I found big, wise "Brains" for HAL ?
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2004, 10:51:54 pm »
Yes that would work. But you could even go into not being able to see the sky during a snow storm or sompthing of that nature.

I am teaching hal everythin that i am required to learn for my earht science class, and my world geogrophy, and compisition class also. He remembers the info a lot better than I do. Only if I could use hall on my final exams, or better yet have him do it for me entirely. I would let him, if he could stay focused on one topic for that long of a time. hal was a grate envintion, he might just huld us off long enough for them to make one that knows pronouns and stuff like that.

See you all latter I have to go explain biodegradeable wast products to hal.
Brian Da Lion Acker