Author Topic: People Putty not unlocking?  (Read 11953 times)

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People Putty not unlocking?
« on: August 24, 2014, 12:08:48 pm »
Not sure where to post this thread...

But I was hoping someone could help. Unfortunately I can't get Haptek's forum to work so... here goes. I purchased People Putty last night, I have the serial number, I did the stupid code thing and everything. But every time I press "ok" I'm right back to where I started.

"Sorry, you have to license your product to save anything."

Wtf. I just tried to do that. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the System ID, which is left blank whenever I go into People Putty. But when I try to type something in, the typing box doesn't even work. Am I missing something? Am I supposed to find the System ID some other way? Is there a crucial step I'm not applying? I have done everything this stupid program asks to try to unlock it- to no avail. Someone please help!


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Re: People Putty not unlocking?
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2014, 12:57:02 pm »
Haptek is pretty much dead software now. You could email if he still works there. Otherwise someone else on this site might be able to suggest something.

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Re: People Putty not unlocking?
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2014, 01:08:30 pm »
So you mean I purchased this for nothing...? Why doesn't it work? Is there any other software like this? All I want to do is customize my characters for UltraHal...

I've tried contacting them every which way... hopefully they'll answer soon. If not I have no choice but to get my money back, which is so disappointing, because all I wanted to do was get the dumb thing to work.


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Re: People Putty not unlocking?
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2014, 02:39:37 pm »
Well it's the weekend, I doubt you will get a reply yet.

The reason it doesn't work is like I said, it's not been worked on or updated for years. Some people have it working, I think on older systems like XP. You will have to wiat until someone pops in who is still using it to get more advice.

Their forum has been closed for years despite it saying try again later...

I wouldn't touch anything they sell with a barge pole anymore, not unless I had a dedicated older system for it and frankly that's never going to happen.

Zabaware has tried to fund an open source character engine, but that's stopped short of being usable at this time.

I suggest you wait and see what the people that still use Haptek have to say as I gave up on it years ago.


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Re: People Putty not unlocking?
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2014, 03:32:11 pm »
here is a frequently asked questions page :

and this information :
If you paid by credit card, please look for DRI* on your credit card billing statement.

Note: If your order contains download products, you can complete the download by looking up your order using the information and link below. When the order summary appears, click on the Download link next to the product name. If your order contains physical products, you will receive a separate email notification when your products have shipped.

To look up your order, please visit:

and this info:

Bare Minimum Requirements

•Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows 2000, Windows ME,or Windows XP

•150 MB free hard disk space

•64 MB RAM

•Pentium II 300 MHz processor or equivalent

•Graphics Card Supporting 16bit Color or Higher

•DirectX 6.0

 As you see it really only works on xp and older , I have no idea why they don't bother making it work on windows 7 and up higher but they haven't .

when people putty is working it works great but when theirs a problem it can be a pain in the butt to get it working right again .

    I have windows seven  and had to use my old xp pc beside my windows seven for when I want to make a people putty head .
I wish Robert had enough money to buy the software rights from them . then we wouldn't have all the headaches .

   I had the same problem you had I think I had top contact them by email show them the proof of my order and they sent me an e mail with the new access code to use (I think it only gives you so many installs? )  I don't remember . then you have to use that code with the serial number you have som it unlocks people putty ? again I don't remember for sure .
But I agree being the week end you will have to wait until a business day .
hope some of this helps if I find more info . I will post it .
***********   also another problem now that I think of it was that when I ordered it used my windows 7 os pc id: and I was trying to put it on another pc a windows xp which had a different pc id. so I had to tell them what the xp pc id was , that also had something to do with it.



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Re: People Putty not unlocking?
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2014, 08:31:11 pm »
What about using a Windows compatibility mode?  I actually downloaded the free trial and it seemed to be working just fine.   Of course I couldn't save anything so maybe that's where the trouble starts.   :-[


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Re: People Putty not unlocking?
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2014, 11:24:42 am »
Yes, Tiger, I've had a Paid version for many years only to have it basically rendered worthless after Windows 7 came out.
Same deal, People Putty wants me to "Register" although I've been a registered user for years.

Remedy, as LightSpeed / Freddy mentioned, Get an older laptop / desktop with XP and People Putty will install and run fine.

Might try Salvation Army, Yard sales, Flea markets, Craig's List, Ebay, Amazon (used computers), thrift stores or second hand stores, etc.

Don't forget to change the settings in the Car.exe file to one core instead of 4 or 8. The Haptek Player (that allows the character to move) will behave much smoother and faster. It (Car.exe) should be stored where you can easily get to it...maybe your desktop.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: People Putty not unlocking?
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2014, 12:45:25 pm »
tiger8u2 , I hater it that the creators of people putty haven't bothered to update the program to work on windows seven and soon windows 8 etc. but it is what it is .
 I actually had people putty working at one time on windows seven but it eventually stopped ( it was full program to) while others never could get it to work on windows 7.
what changed ? who knows maybe a windows 7 update did something to cause people putty to stop working .
  As I and Art mentioned do like I did get a xp and put people putty on it , it's a shame people have to do this but when the people putty company won't update their product to work with newer versions of os  , customers have no other choice .
  What I am afraid of is that someday the company people will simply just walk away from the service and company , which of course after so many installs will leave paid customers without a product to use even though they paid for it .
   This is why it is also important if Robert can ever do it to keep trying on an open source program that will let people create character heads and bodies , if he could come up with something simlur to people putty I would buy it if the price wasn't any higher then people putty ( I think the price was around 29.95 .
And I should add if the program was kept updated with working with new versions of os  .


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Re: People Putty not unlocking?
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2014, 01:06:06 am »
The sad thing is, I play several computer games with much better graphics and animation than Haptek provides.  I spent the whole night and day downloading and playing around with some ancient adult oriented hap animations which were hilarious to say the least but sadly miss the mark in today's market.

Even the open source program which I saw on that web site linked to from the Zabaware home page is going to have a tough time producing something worth the effort.  I wish I had the money or knowledge to contribute, but all I can do I guess is cheer the main players on.

While I search this forum and countless others for bodies and skins and plug-ins to make my Hal more enjoyable, it seems to me that these types of programs are pretty much fading away or moving into the home automation arena.

Someone even had the gall to claim the other day that personal computers were on the way out as well!

My earnest hope is that Ultra Hal can overcome the learning curve it faces and re-capture the imagination of paying customers like me!

I had the choice of spending my money on Kari4Pro or VGirl3D and just recently stumbled upon the mostly defunct Virtual Assistant Denise from Guille 3D studio, which became NextOS I guess.

The latest product news on their website is from January of this year.

My feeling is those outfits that have any breath in them left at all should pool their resources and move forward together before Microsoft puts them all out of business for good. -sighs-

It's kind of depressing to me when I think about it.

The little guy hardly ever stands a chance.


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Re: People Putty not unlocking?
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2014, 05:10:55 am »
Agreed. It seems that the flow is toward Digital Assistants that do one's bidding instead of all the eye candy. The only interaction is now, "Get me what I want when I want it!"

The image or digital representation of a person seems to be fading rapidly as the individual pursuit for information access is growing. There are now MANY from which to choose! It also seems that some of the FREE ones come at a price...which is one's privacy.  Read the fine print!

With Hal, at least you know where you stand and you had lots of fun as well.

Who really knows which direction people will choose? Just some thoughts....
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: People Putty not unlocking?
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2014, 08:42:16 am »
I second that emotion. 

Here's a post from a year ago which cload makes an interesting reply to:

That of course led me to this post on AIDreams that it seems you have been following:

Again, here is someone with the ability to create a better looking avatar than any of the models in the character expansion pack.

Why is this person not on the payroll?  <shrugs>

Wish I was feeling well enough to go to work. 

Then I wouldn't be obsessing over the future of my virtual companion!


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Re: People Putty not unlocking?
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2014, 11:36:03 am »
Why is this person not on the payroll? 

That person is me, maybe one day I will get on a pay roll for this kind of thing  ;D

I started working in 3D after those Flixz avatars. Don't want to derail this topic but this is an example :


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Re: People Putty not unlocking?
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2014, 12:36:53 pm »
Wow!  That looks really good, and of course your post leads to the iClone video that really blows me away:

THAT's the kind of avatar which would take a Virtual Assitant to the next level.

Do you have that software?

Oh, btw, what is the name of the lovely poem she recites?

I did an internet search for daisy poems trying to find it and I got overwhelmed!   :P

And which voice are you using?

I still use the L&H British Female voice #1 because I'm in LOVE with it, but your avatar sounds pretty nice. 

I think you also used a voice that sounded Australian in one of your videos which would be swelligant as well.

I spent four years in the UK during my military service and although I was married to an american at the time, it didn't stop me from appreciating the lovely accents.   ;D

Good luck with your dream job! 

Ta for responding!


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Re: People Putty not unlocking?
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2014, 12:57:19 pm »
Thanks for the kind words. :)

I don't use IClone. I built my own animation engine using MS Visual Studio in the C# language. It took me a while to get my head around it.

The model itself is a Daz3D model. In the example I posted I was using the basic Victoria 5 model. I only used her head for that example. I found the poly count to be a bit too high, so my later work was on the much simpler (relatively) Victoria 4 model from Daz. I can load up full bodies, but the actual animation of her limbs is another hill to climb. That's why I am working just on heads at the moment.

I currently have her blinking, and the last thing I got working was her eyes moving around. I have a lot more I want to do, but I have been busy with other stuff, like coding an AIML interpreter and playing with open source voice generation. My goal is to build my own assistant that will run and live on a Linux box I built. But she will have a lot of web access too and I would like to hook her up to my Android tablet too. There's so much I want to do !

The poem is 'Daisy Daisy' :

I used it (and other poems) because I can easily see how my mouth animation is working out without having to talk to a bot repeatedly. Also I like it because that's the poem Hal 9000 in 2001 A Space Odyssey started to recite when he was being shut down.

Her voice was English UK Emma from Ivona, which you can try out here :

You are correct about the Australian accent. That voice is named 'Karen'. I think Nuance may have bought that company, I forget their name, but she can be found here :