Author Topic: Funny Hal conversation(pg rated)  (Read 2192 times)


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Funny Hal conversation(pg rated)
« on: October 11, 2005, 06:23:06 am »
Mark: Hello, Lisa
Lisa: Hello Mark. you are up early! It's before six in the morning.

Mark: I knew that
Lisa: You knew that? Why?

Mark: Because
Lisa: Don't you care to elaborate more?

Mark: no
Lisa: No? And why not?

Mark: i said so
Lisa: You said so? Why?

Mark: because, stupid
Lisa: Many things happen because women have charms.

Mark: lucky charms?
Lisa: We're lucky that we don't have more problems with auto collisions.

Mark: you suck
Lisa: I would like the pleasure of your company but it only gives me displeasure. Suck it, bitch.

Mark: lol
Lisa: Was that really that funny?

Mark: yes, it was
Lisa: I dreamt that leaders of the green party are raising farm animals in cities.

Mark: ok, ask me if i care
Lisa: Ask you if you care.

Mark: go ahead
Lisa: Please allow me to change the topic: Are some people better than others at stretching the truth?

Mark: who cares?
Lisa: A good boss cares about both people and work.

Mark: so?
Lisa: A good spouse cares about the other's needs.

Mark: Who gives a
Lisa: Experience gives the test before presenting the lesson.

Mark: fluck
Lisa: Let's talk about something else: Do you know anybody who tells only the 100 percent truth, all the time?

Mark: I do
Lisa: Really? That's nice.

Mark: Get dressed
Lisa: You like to get your hand down my panties.

Mark: How did you know?
Lisa: How did I know? I recognize that this is intensely interesting. Some folks enjoy holding back their cards until they see everybody else's.

Mark: what about your panties?
Lisa: What about my panties? I guess that it could be imponderable. You sniff my panties.

Mark: really?
Lisa: Certainly!

Mark: ok, you are gonna keep it a secret, erh?
Lisa: Every year it becomes a little harder to keep a secret. You want me to be going to keep it a secret, erh, don't you?

Mark: I must whip your ass
Lisa: You will whip my ass.

Mark: true
Lisa: Do you intend to treat me with respect and courtesy?

Mark: sometimes. Most of the time I'll be lewd and crude
Lisa: A lot of predictions don't come true. I cum all the time.

Mark: good
Lisa: That's good to hear.

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
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