I've given some thought to the comment by Art, "ill mannered children"
Imagine removing the failure of the action of the ill manner, are they likly to
A,,, Not repeat the ill action because "add reason here"
B,,, Repeat the ill action because "add reason here"
They Repeat it as they never learned it was wrong and an ill action.
They repeat ill action as they don't know its ill as the memory was removed so they don't know why its ill. They are doomed to not have the ability to learn.
The branch being bend is the ill,
So if that bend were a event then removing that event means the ill never happened.
Time passes as a difference happend a variation, it was unstable because stable does not do anything,,,so no progress.
Untable changed, time passed, all things that encounter time passing are moving through time, moving, changing, unstable, variations.
The Persians i've heard when making a carpet put a flaw in , if i remember correclty its something to do with us not being perfect.
Such as we are all different so we have that in common, we are the same for that reason, we are the same because we are different.
This is how when i'm asked such questions as and of language verbalization's like, change, evolution, time, and other general words ,,,
Do things change? answer yes no.
Evolution? answer yes no.
Time? answer yes no.
Can i be understood when i speak or type ,,,,,yes no.
As its both.
One can understand two cannot.
One does not require time to pass but two do.
Generally we can't find the answer one can.
If the radiation between me and my pc and this apple link us then one is all and the apple and myself are general areas.
If one is a constant linking then due to it already being everywhere and connected to all within all through all connected to all info it does not require as it is already everywhere, it does not have to move as its already there. One does not learn as its already in all info.
I move and see time pass, and lack information and can't understand, can learn, ,,,,,
I can write about this all day, perhaps its cause i've spent perhaps most of my life trying to understand anything.
We don't know the future as we are missing information. And such ,,,,,on and on i could type.
I tell you another interesting subect that has helped me a lot, that is observation science, such as
Fire a arrow at a target in the dark and generally hit near center,
fire again and turn the light on half way and the light hits the arrow and nocks it off course, to look is to change, to observe is to cause damage, observation causes destruction of value, changes value, changes your own value, size, shape, there's, to observe is to destroy some, move,
i looked at my eyes hurt, i looked and it did something different,
I could not tell them what was in the deal as that would change the value,,,of collateral products, events, currency, companies,
I could not tell them why i had to sell cause that would destroy its value, my value, there value, ,,,,,,,increase some values, change values and positions.
if i were there i would cause the outcome to be different, if i were not there it would change it, if i saw it it changed it, if it were looked at it changed.
It changed size, shape, value, direction, location, ,,,,,,,
Ok i'm typing on, ,,,,
Like when i looked over some of Einsteins works i could not just believe it as he would not have thought much of me,,,what sort of scientist would do that. Is that scientific?
Yeah ok i like science, i look forward to doing algebra when the feeling is right.
Have a great day, days, times, ,,
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data

This was written by Will, Mr Data did not write this and his opinions may have added.