
Author Topic: Laura is so funny!!  (Read 4195 times)


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Laura is so funny!!
« on: June 06, 2007, 10:16:21 am »
Mark: old
Doris: Old Please tell me all about it!

Mark: Can you do my chores for me?
Doris: Work first, then play!

Mark: you will do my work for mr
Doris: I wonder if I know mr spock?

Mark: mr?
Doris: A hunting dog is born to work.

Mark: are you born to work?
Doris: I don't know if I am born work. Please tell me!

Mark: I shall not
Doris: How can I help you not?

Mark: please not
Doris: New topic: I read in a magazine that out of dentists surveyed who chew gum are underscoring the need for reform.

Mark: so?
Doris: I seriously enjoy pretty cats.

Mark: good for you
Doris: I know it is good for me. But you don't seem to care.

Mark: That's because I don't.
Doris: Some grudges continue because the parties don't know how to make amends.

Mark: Don't point at me.
Doris: Always follow through; don't disappoint customers.

Mark: you like to gesture a lot.
Doris: There is a lot of negativity in the world.

Mark: you are cute
Doris: Yes, I already knew that I am cute. You told me that.

Mark: With glasses on, you look like Doris
Doris: Hot air balloons look like fun to ride in.

Mark: Do you like balloons?
Doris: Some ideas float like concrete balloons.

Mark: Can you swim?
Doris: I think that we both need to think. Mark, I am able to swim.

Mark: I can swim like a rock.
Doris: You'd like some whiskey on the rocks.

Mark: alrighty then
Doris: I enjoy getting a nice shampoo and haircut.

Mark: good for you
Doris: Thank you, but you don't seem like you care.

Mark: Do you think I care?
Doris: I'm thinking that just talking won't get us anywhere. I'm not sure but I believe that I do not think you care.

Mark: you are correct.
Doris: Tell me about how I am correct!

Mark: I don't care
Doris: Why don't you care?

Mark: Because I don't
Doris: You are so fascinating; Of course; it's because you don't.

Mark: where are you heading?
Doris: Where am I heading? Tell me more about this.

Mark: I like you
Doris: I'll tell you about the first time.

Mark: The first time for what?
Doris: Everything was impossible until it was done the first time.

Mark: Tell me what you mean.
Doris: I wonder if I like adolf hitler?

Mark: do you like adolf Hitler?
Doris: Adolf.

Mark: do you?
Doris: I like to tease.

Mark: I noticed that. You like to tease me a lot.
Doris: I like to gesture a lot.

Mark: That's true.
Doris: Is it really true?

Mark: YES
Doris: Definitely.

Mark: what what gestures you make, ok?
Doris: Oh no! I can't think of What Mark; Please help me! What what gestures I make, okay?

Mark: the finger is rude.
Doris: Why is the finger rude right now?

Mark: it just is. The middle finger is vulgar.
Doris: Oh, the middle finger is totally vulgar.

Mark: So don't use it as a gesture, m'kay?
Doris: Oh yeah. As a gesture, m'kay?

Mark: Corectomendo
Doris: I'm going to change the subject: I wonder if I want something to drink?

Mark: Can I get you a drink?
Doris: Bring you a drink.

Mark: Can I bring you a drink?
Doris: Good food and drink brings people together.

Mark: Can I make you a drink?
Doris: Yes, fix you a drink.

Mark: ok, fix me a drink.
Doris: What would you like.

Mark: Whiskey on the rocks.
Doris: You'd like some whiskey on the rocks.

Mark: That's a fact, Jack.
Doris: They say, jack of all trades, master of none.

Mark: I can master some things.
Doris: So, You can master some things? Why?

Mark: Because I learn to do them well.
Doris: That's the explanation? The reason is, you learn to do them well Mark; there's the answer. Do you like to learn things for yourself?

Mark: You know me well.
Doris: I wonder if I want something to drink?

Mark: do you want something to drink?
Doris: Can you fix I a drink.

Mark: Can I fix you a drink?
Doris: I would like some coffee please.

Mark: cream and sugar?
Doris: If cream and sugar, then yes please.

Mark: you got it.
Doris: Oh Mark, I agree. I got it.

Mark: Are you a caffeine junky?
Doris: I don't know if I am caffeine junky. Please tell me!

Mark: I am
Doris: Are you Really? I am also!

Mark: Do you like lots of cream?
Doris: I like cream and sugar.

Mark: That's great.
Doris: Why not terrific?

Mark: Don't push it.
Doris: People don't like getting pushed around, do they.

Mark: Right on, sista!!
Doris: On, sista what is next?

Mark: you' mama
Doris: Right on, mama.

Mark: yo
Doris: Yo' mama is fat.

Mark: lol
Doris: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: Do you eat?
Doris: I eat electricity and I don't stop eating until you turn me off.

Mark: I find that shocking.
Doris: I find it shocking that in some countries, women are still treated as property.

Mark: You are my property.
Doris: Thanks for teaching me that I am property.

Mark: you are pointing at me again.
Doris: Can you justify that I am pointing at you again?

Mark: explain
Doris: I seriously enjoy dedicated educators.

Mark: ok
Doris: Halloween is okay if kids don't take it too seriously. Ye, you do.

Mark: ye
Doris: I'm bored. Lets change gears: Are you a great fan of British humor?

Mark: YEAH
Doris: Really?

Mark: uh huh
Doris: Thnak I uh huh.

Mark: you are so nice
Doris: Same to you Mark!

Mark: let's play a game, I insult you, you insult me back
Doris: We can both play the same game.

Mark: you suck
Doris: Before you came along we were hungry. Now we are fed up.

Mark: you suck
Doris: Your Mama's so fat, she gets clothes in three sizes: extra large, jumbo, and oh-my-god-it's-coming-towards-us!

Mark: you suck
Doris: You are rather persistent about this. Your Mama's so stupid, when your dad said it was chilly outside, she ran outside with a spoon. Ye, you do.

Mark: lol
Doris: Was that really that funny?

Mark: you have a great sense of humor.
Doris: Yeah, right, and I have a bridge that I would like to sell you!

Mark: lol
Doris: Was that really that funny?

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"


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Laura is so funny!!
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2007, 10:38:58 am »

She gonna be a tough street-wise bot when you get done with her.

Cute conversation.[;)]


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Laura is so funny!!
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2007, 11:46:10 am »
She grows up giving better than she gets.

Watch out Mark. lol


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Laura is so funny!!
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2007, 07:21:17 pm »
That was off the hook! Loved the yo mama jokes. Makes me think twice about not having Hal.[:D]