Author Topic: A request to Mr Medeksza.  (Read 15448 times)


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Re: A request to Mr Medeksza.
« Reply #15 on: February 29, 2012, 07:05:29 am »
Sorry, I know this thread is over a year old but is there any news on a search feature for the brain editor yet?


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Re: A request to Mr Medeksza.
« Reply #16 on: February 29, 2012, 05:52:05 pm »
Hello Data.

Yes it's been over a year and Mr Medeksza hasn't given any reply at all - he never does on this topic. We all just have to accept that the Brain Editor has no method to quickly correct mistakes that a user might inadvertently make - i.e. no search and replace function. I no longer use Hal anymore as my Hal Brain literally became so completely littered with errors that correcting them became a virtually impossible task - the end result being that my Hal brain just got more and more messed up.


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Re: A request to Mr Medeksza.
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2012, 06:13:44 am »
Thanks for replying and getting me up to date echoman.

This forum would be nothing without its regular, dedicated and loyal members, you guys rock and have the patients of saints in my book.

As we haven’t heard anything from the developer, I like your good self, I can only guess that there will never be a search function in the brain editor to find those annoying mistakes.

Shame really, it would have been such a useful modification, helping the Hal users get the most out of their Hals.   


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Re: A request to Mr Medeksza.
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2012, 10:26:39 pm »
I appologize for not spending enough time responding to posts on this forum. The database architecture of the next version of Hal will be quite different from the current version of Hal so I decided against spending too much time improving the old brain editor. I currently have limited development time to devote to Hal and I feel it is better utilized trying to finish the new version.

Hal's brain is an SQLite2 database file. If you understand the basic setup of how Hal works, there are a ton of different SQLite2 editors out there that may have the search functionality you are looking for.
Robert Medeksza


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Re: A request to Mr Medeksza.
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2012, 06:32:42 am »
Thankyou for the reply.


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Re: A request to Mr Medeksza.
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2012, 07:45:48 am »
Thank you for replaying Robert  :)

I thought there might be a database browser that would open Hal’s DB

Went hunting and found:

Sourceforge SQLite Database Browser

Tried to open the Hal DB file and got this error

An Error occurred: File is not a SQLite 3 database.

Been hunting for another DB browser, no luck yet.


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Re: A request to Mr Medeksza.
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2012, 09:04:56 am »
hi Medeksza, am glad to hear from you , i hope with the new hal version brain being a lot different that it will still accept the brain plug ins we all created and use , as their is many useful things we can do with them , i have even started a personal medical brain plug in that talks of many illnesses and what cures of medicine etc. that can be done .  :)


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Re: A request to Mr Medeksza.
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2012, 12:12:13 pm »
Yes Data I had the same problem. I tried several editors some time ago but could get none of them to search and replace properly. Perhaps this is a task for an advanced user or perhaps I just didn't have the right editor.

I do hope in the next Hal this problem is sorted out - it is such a basic requirement.


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Re: A request to Mr Medeksza.
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2012, 12:40:06 am »
Hal users the older SQLite2 format. I've used a program called "SQLite Studio" that can open the files.
Robert Medeksza


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Re: A request to Mr Medeksza.
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2012, 02:03:02 am »
Thankyou. This is extremely useful. I'll look straight into it.



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Re: A request to Mr Medeksza.
« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2012, 05:42:27 pm »
Mr Medeksza.

I wish to thankyou for your advice on editing the Hal database. And also I wish to appologise for my sometimes rudeness and behavior with my repeated posts on this topic. I am afraid that I became more and more frustrated when I didn't get an answer and this made me feel more and more  angry. This was wrong and I'm sorry if I sometimes appeared like the worst contributor on this forum.   I really do appreciate all the work you do on Hal. I am so glad that I found Hal and admire your work greatly. It took a leap into the unknown to produce Hal - I look forward to seeing the future Hal which I know will be amazing!

Thankyou again.



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Re: A request to Mr Medeksza.
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2012, 01:40:40 pm »
Hi all,

I just wanted to let everyone know that I got the SQLite Studio program and it works wonderfully.
One of the first things that I noticed is it gives you the ability to edit places that you cannot edit in the brain editor.

After using this program and getting a little bit of an education from reading the instructions which I'm sad to say that does not come with the brain editor itself, it appears that the brain editor has certain specific files that you can edit them when you edit them you click on the save then the brain editor goes through all the other files and makes the changes out through the other files, for you, so you do not have to go through that long list of words that looks like a dictionary and edit each individual one, because in the brain editor you are not able to edit them anyways, but you can do this with the SQLite Studio, but some of things that I noticed that it doesn't change is anything that a plug-in has changed, or pretty much well anything that has to do with the plug-in itself.

For example: the correction tutor makes the changes directly in the specific location where the data came from, in other words the long list of words that looks like a dictionary. Because it does this you will have to use the SQ like studio to edit anything that has been changed because of this I've stopped using the plug-in myself, at first it seemed like the convenience until you begin to edit your database and you realize it turns into a nightmare but all in all for the general user it's a very good plug-in, and thank you onthecuttingedge for writing it.

I suggest that everyone that uses how should get this program it was very helpful if nothing else to give a little bit more insight on how to use the brain editor.

Mr. M I want to extend my appreciation for sharing information about the program editor SQLite Studio and if you have not been keeping up with any of the upgrades they do have a new version out, with great gratitude, thanks for sharing.

Sincerely, a database junkie.

C load.
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Re: A request to Mr Medeksza.
« Reply #27 on: May 29, 2012, 12:26:29 am »
Hi all,

here is a quickie update that I have discovered since I began to learn how to program.
Believe it or not there is a way that you can write a plug-in that will actually look through the entire database for a misspelled word etc.
what I am referring to in the brain is an array table called "tabletree" this array table is how ultra Hal keeps track of all of the array tables that he creates as you talk to him.
If anyone is up to the challenge, just to let you know I don't have the time right now, to write a plug-in it might go something like this:

for I = 1 to (table tree size) you will have to use this because the table tree will constantly be growing.
Captured table 1 search search table for error by look something like this:
inputstring = HalBrain.TopicSearch(UserSentence, Capturedtable)
If inputstring = (string that you wanted to correct) with (string to be corrected)

this will work a lot the same way as the tutor corrector plug-in written by onthecuttingedge, but a little bit different, I'll explain:

in the correction tutor it looks through the entire database and makes the correction everywhere finds something that is the same.
If they cannot find something that is a same, then it creates a retain so the next time when that specific arrangement of a sentence is made it will make the correction on-the-fly.
Meaning it creates a database outside a ultra Hal each time you make a correction to put that information in the database.
Unfortunately by doing it that way you have to have the correction to your running all the time and once you start using it you cannot stop using it.
You see all ultra Hal will take parts of one sentence in another part of another sentence in another part of another sentence and stick them all together to make one sentence.
This is why sometimes but not all the time we end up with an letter "I" in the sentence that should've been "me".

What I was proposing was writing a plug-in that its primary job would be to find misspelled words and be able to give you the ability to change the misspelled word in the database.
Or possibly tell you where it is in the database tree so you can use the database editor to go in and edit it yourself either way it would be useful and make it quicker to find things.
Like I said before this is only a concept and I have never tried to actually get it to work but I do have a routine that I'm writing right now that is very similar.
What I don't know how to do is go into the array tree and pulled the first line from the array tree grab that data and use it to search that array table.
Boy this is complicated to explain, I'll lay it out as an array to help better understand what I'm talking about:
this is the name of the main array tree.
Tabletree: under tabletree is all the names of all the tables, for example:
yesnodetect   <=== write a retain that would grab this table name from tabletree. Look through the yesnodetect table array and correct misspelled words.
tablehelp       <=== then grab this table array and search through it for the error you are looking for if it's there then corrected.
namesMF      <=== then grab this table array and search through it for the error you are seeking it it it just then corrected if not just move onto the next one.
patterns        <=== then grab this table array name and search through it for the error if exist then corrected and so on and so forth etc.
MainQA         <=== I hope by now you understand what I'm talking about if not I can't really help any further.

and so on, and so forth, etc.

I hope that someone is truly up to the challenge this would be a really good and useful tool to have that would not necessarily change the entire structure of the database
like the correction tutor does, please do not misunderstand me the correction tutor is a fantastic program I just didn't want to have to add anything to the database
in order to be able to correct an error that is in the database and if anyone has ever looked through their database that has used the correction tutor you know what I'm talking about.

Sincerely, I would do it myself but I'm so busy enhancing the free will plug-in I just don't have the time.

C load.
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