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Messages - trfroggatt

Pages: [1]
Although I have not found how to stop Hal deleting entries when the event has passed, I have written a small program that reads the appointments from apptmnts.dat in directory 'Ultra Hal Assistant 5' and ADDs/APPENDs any appointments due in the next 7 days to a file called Ex_appt.dat.

Copy the 3 zipped files into 'Ultra Hal Assistant 5' directory.
run the program appointments.exe, (I have it running at startup and hourly using windows scheduler).

Although Hal appointment book/Calendar deletes passed events they remain in Ex_appt.dat. (Duplicates are removed)

To see passed events (and events for the next week) run appointments.bat (check Notepad is set to open .dat files), this can also be run by typing 'run passed appointments' at the Hal input window.

Download Attachment: appointments.zip
4.92 KB
Hope this is of some use [:D]

Does anyone know a way to stop Hal deleting appointment book entries when the appointment is reached/past ?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / hal version 6
« on: November 22, 2005, 09:02:18 am »
I have just downloaded version 6 (having version 5 installed and running).
The readme file suggests I need to delete hal 5 - but which files ?
The "what's new" web area states a change to SQL databases, so can  use my existing *.brn, *.dat database files and if so where do I locate them ?



Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Scripts, addins, and extras
« on: May 27, 2005, 05:49:23 am »
Dear HALImprover

I would really like to use your readfile utility (I am using Hal default 5 brain), other people seemed to have asked but not received a response:-

Where do you put the script code ? is it in the brain editor script window ? as if so where in the brain script ?

OR in a .brn file (as one reader suggests)

I am working on a command to create and add to text files, such as todo lists, shopping lists etc, I wish to use your readfile utility to get HAL to read the contents on these lists and I will also create a command to delete list entries.



Ultra Hal 7.0 / to do lists
« on: May 26, 2005, 08:06:57 am »
Has anyone got a method of getting hal to create/edit/readback to do lists, (similar to the phone book function) ?

I would like to be able to create a number of to do lists, such as home, work, shopping, and tell Hal to create/add/edit/ delete items from these to do lists.



Ultra Hal 7.0 / Wordwrap for user input text box
« on: May 26, 2005, 08:03:56 am »
Are there any skins available or can I modify a skin, so that wordwrap is enabled for the user input text box similarly to the hal text box ?

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